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5 Ways to Set the World on Fire with Your Holistic Business or Practice

5 Ways to Set the World on Fire with Your Holistic Business or Practice by Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC | #AspireMag

“What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine”  – Oprah Winfrey

 Never before has the potential to create whatever level of impact you want to have in your Holistic Business been within your reach and capability.

With the evolution of internet marketing the possibilities with getting your message out has grown exponentially.  So with this opportunity I want to guide you to make the most of this time.  I want you to set the world on fire with your Holistic Biz.

Here are 5 Ways to Set the World on Fire with your Holistic Biz

  1. Dig deep and get clear about your highest, most meaningful Mission. When I asked myself years ago “If I took my skill set and my biggest passions what kind of impact could I create with my Holistic Business, what would it look like?”  What emerged was the Vision of the Association, which has now been in existence for 5 years.

Tip: Take time to go to the most inspiring place you know of and ask yourself the same question: “If I took my skill set and my biggest passions what kind of impact could I create with my Holistic Business, what would it look like?” Be prepared to be surprised and inspired.  It is by asking yourself this powerful question that you can call forward your deepest dreams for your life and business.

  1. What is your desired lifestyle? Do you want to have mobility to travel whenever you would like?  Do you want to work 3 days a week and have plenty of time off for your hobbies and family.  You can create it any way you would like it.

Tip: They key is that you need to be very conscious and strategic about the decisions you make to grow your business.  I find when I am coaching my clients I am continually pointing out to them the incongruence of a decision they are thinking of making with the ultimate outcome they want with their Mission AND their lifestyle.

  1. What habits do you need to let go of to get to the next level of expansion in your Holistic Business? Oftentimes we are excited to leap forward in our business but can be very unwilling to let go of the patterns that KEEP us from going to the next level.

Tip: Are you still doing things in your business that could be easily delegated?  Are you procrastinating on the most important things you need to be doing to move your business forward?  Are you holding back rather than leaping forward with your bold actions?  Do you have personal habits that keep your vibrational level low and out of alignment for the next level of you biz: Not eating healthy, overworking, not getting enough sleep, drinking.

Get support from a high level Coach who can support you to make these core level shifts to match your next level.

  1. Find the best marketing strategy for how you are wired and match the best outcome for where you want to get to in your Holistic Business. There are a million ways to market your business and there are certain ones that are gong to be the most productive for you.

Tip: When I have Coached Clients there are some strategies that fit with a natural strength of my Client and I support them to go in that direction.  Oftentimes the direction they need to go in is the strategy they are most terrified of which on a deeper level is a hidden gift that hasn’t yet been expressed yet.  I remember years ago Coaching a Client who was TERRIFIED of writing articles but I Coached her through her fears and she came out the other side LOVING writing and became a celebrity in her community for her heartfelt, inspiring articles.  Do you need to follow a natural strength OR do you need to move through your fears to find a hidden strength that will move your Holistic Business powerfully forward?

  1. Be unstoppable.

“Have some fire, be unstoppable.  Be a force of nature” ~Grey’s Anatomy

You have something unique to offer the Planet right now.  Something that will be lost if you don’t express it to it’s fullest capacity in your Holistic Business.

Tip: Get the right level of support to help you to keep going when you hit an obstacle or you feel overwhelmed.  I find when we have BIG Visions we need BIG support.  Give yourself the gift of immense support.  My favorite is a structured high level coaching program. Set your intention to be unstoppable so you can feel the YOU that is capable of much more than you ever imagined.  The YOU that will feel the sweetest Joy of being of service to the level your Soul intended. The YOU that will look around and say “I played full out, I gave it all I got, I didn’t let fear hold me small and I did much more than I ever could have imagined.  I made the impact that my Soul intended and I am SO grateful for my life!”

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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  • Great tips, Shelley!! Enjoyed your article!
    Thank you,

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