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5 Ways to Set the Energy & Create Magical Days in Our Lives

5 Ways to Create Magical Days in Our Lives by Felicia D’Haiti | #AspireMag

What makes a day magical? I used to believe that a great deal of effort had to be put into having a magical day. That the day had to be planned out well in advance and have something extraordinary happen. That is, until I began to challenge the idea that anything I truly desire is required to be difficult. Once I released the belief that anything worth having will be challenging and difficult for me and replaced it with knowing that things can come with grace and ease, I began to see the magic and joy in most days. Once I began to experience magical days more often, I reflected on how I manifested them into my life.  

So, what is a magical day? For me, a magical day is one during which I find moments of joy, one during which I incorporate elements of self-care throughout my day, and one during which I feel focused and balanced. Other words that can describe these magical days are extraordinary, remarkable, exceptional or phenomenal. When I am aware of these and express gratitude for them, their impact grows. And the more I wanted to create a solid foundation in my life for creating magical days. 

While there are many ways to set the energy for welcoming magic into your life, I will discuss five of these below: 

  1. Setting the IntentionIt is essential that every new day begins with an intention. What is it that you desire to experience that day? And this experience can be an event, a series of thoughts, or an emotion. I find the most success when setting the intention before I go to sleep when I can prioritize what I desire to accomplish, write it down (writing the top 3 things I want to accomplish throughout the day), and place them in a space where I will see them in the morning. Many times, if there is a problem that I’d like to solve, and I’ve placed my intentions out, I’ll wake up with the solution already in mind. Often when I wait until that morning to set my intentions, something inevitably occurs that shifts my priorities for the day. Intentions work best when they are grounded in emotion. Even if there is a day when I’m not quite sure what I want to happen, I’ll set the intention based on a feeling, like joy, peace or excitement, and events will occur that support those feelings.
  2. Clutter ClearingYou might be asking how clutter clearing can create magic. Well, clutter clearing does create magic in our lives by releasing anything from our experience that does not support joy, love, and freedom, or whatever it is that you desire. Clearing clutter shifts energy. If you desire to shift anything in your life, starting with clutter clearing can create an energy wave that will support and provide a foundation for other shifts that you desire to create in your life. When we release clutter (whether it is physical, mental or emotional), we are announcing to the universe that we are ready to experience more of what it is we desire. We are so ready that we have cleared space for it to move in. What is very important during this process is holding your intention in your mind and spirt while you are clutter clearing so that the Universe knows exactly what to deliver once you’ve cleared the space. I often find that I have the most success with clearing a space when I am clear on the intended use for the space as well as how I desire to feel when I am in that space. One thing to always remember is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. So, how will you transform the energy in your spaces to support bringing in sparks of joy and magic? 
  3. Arrange Your Space to Support Yourself. When you think about your bedroom space, what is the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see when you go to sleep at night? These things can have a dramatic impact on your day and your night’s sleep. Ensure that your spaces are clear and uncluttered but also make sure that what you see when waking and going to sleep is inspirational to you, that it brings you joy. How would it feel if you woke up in the mornings and first saw a quote or image that brings great joy to you instead of perhaps a pile of unwashed or unfolded laundry? Or a pile of unread books/magazines, projects, or a unorganized pile of almost anything? What we see has a dramatic impact on our mood. And the more we become accustomed to our surroundings, the more colors, images and objects blend into the scenery and go unnoticed. Take a few moments to really reflect on your spaces and evaluate if the objects and arrangements of those objects are supportive to you. Do these things support the purpose of your space? Is your space comfortable? Are you able to move throughout the space with ease? And, most importantly, how does the space make you feel?
  4. Creativity. I know many who claim that they are not creative; however, each person creates throughout the day. You create your thoughts, actions, experiences and routines. Why not have fun with these? Infuse joy in your life by incorporating experiences that you enjoy. Solve problems in unusual ways, drive a different route to work, play a game, do something that is not part of your regular routine to encourage yourself to step outside of your comfort zone throughout the day. I encourage you to take it a step further and make something for yourself or your home, whether it be a vision board, gratitude box, magical necklace or bracelet, something to remind you of your creative power (that each person really does possess). Setting the table and cooking are places where your creativity can be set free as well along with providing nourishment for your body. How can you incorporate sparks of creativity throughout your day? If you still can’t think of anything, try to remember what you enjoyed doing most as a child. Is it coloring, building, playing games, solving problems? What can you adopt from your youth to incorporate into your current life
  5. Creating Rituals. Finally, creating rituals can bring magic into your life. Do you have a morning or evening routine? Do you set intentions, say prayers, read an inspirational text, take a bath, practice yoga or meditation? These are only a few suggestions on things can be incorporated into a morning or evening routine. 

In addition, it’s not just important what we do but how we do it. When we engage in these morning or evening routines, are we present or focused on another activity? Can we shut off our minds and truly experience what is going on? Doing these things, ensuring that our whole selves (mind, body and spirit) are fully engaged will create a sacred energy that can transform everyday activities into something special, magical. I find that when I start and end my day with ceremony, my spirit feels lighter and freer and is filled with more joy and clarity.  

We can each create a magical day (and a magical life) by setting the space for our mindsets and physical environments to be intentionally supportive of our desires. The five simple steps above can make such a positive impact on how our days unfold. And while we may sometimes think that having a magical day is elusive, it can be something that we experience more of in our lives.  

Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit

Clear Your Clutter to Create Space for Abundance to Flow! Clutter originates in our mind and in our emotions, then manifests as objects that can tie us to the past, keep us stuck in the present, or distract us from our true mission. Your Clutter Clearing for Abundance Kit includes: 4 Steps to Clutter Clearing for Abundance Guide (PDF), A Conversation with Clutter Journal Prompts (PDF), a Clutter Clearing Exercise (PDF) and the Tuning into the Energy of Your Objects guided journey. (MP3).

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About the author 

Felicia D’Haiti

Felicia Messina-D’Haiti is a Feng Shui and Soul Coach/Teacher, speaker, award-winning educator and contributing author of several best-selling books. Denise Linn, award-winning author of ‘Sacred Space' says this, “Felicia is a remarkable teacher and practitioner!  She knows how to get to the core of an issue quickly and easily; her ability to implement transformations in the lives of others is inspiring. I’m continually in awe of the abilities of this compassionate woman!” 

As a child, Felicia had an interest in changing her environment, moving furniture, and changing the colors and art work in her room. This continuing passion combined with Felicia’s advanced studies in Art, Art History and Education led her through revelations about her own journeys of discovery and to her current mission of supporting people to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages from their lives.

She is a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Level 1 Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher. She is also a Teacher of Advanced Interior Alignment® and Medicine Wheel Feng Shui™, through The International Institute of Interior Alignment® Feng Shui & Space Clearing; a Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner and Trainer. Additionally, she is a Past Life Coach through the International Institute of Soul Coaching®, a Gateway Dreaming™ Coach, Elemental Space Clearing® Practitioner and Master Oracle Card Practitioner. She has served as a master mentor for Denise Linn’s Elemental Space Clearing® Certification course as well as her Ultimate Clutter Clearing Coach Certification course. Felicia is also a Master Intuitive Coach, certified by Colette Baron-Reid.

Felicia’s clients receive individualized services that combine elements from her training, experience and intuition. Felicia works with an international client base, with individuals and groups, in person and online. She also gives presentations and workshops for conferences, schools, businesses, and other organizations.

Download her Feng Shui for Abundance and Clutter Clearing for Abundance gifts today. Check out her self-paced digital course, Align with Abundance Feng Shui Enhancement Set today. Learn more at

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