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5 Ways to Calm the Chaos

5 Ways to Calm the Chaos by Shannon Kaiser

It’s a very turbulent time to be on planet Earth right now, no doubt. With the world’s situations unfolding across the globe, it can be easy to fall into fear, hopelessness, panic, and worry. Over the past several months, I’ve had many conversations with loved ones and clients about the perspective on world events—through the lens of how do we truly stay calm in the chaos? You may be wondering since we live in such a turbulent world, is it really possible to find peace? I believe so and have dedicated the past few years to living the principles of peace and helping others. In my new book, Return to You: 11 Spiritual Lessons for Unshakable Inner Peace, I share the main steps we can take to stay calm in the chaos.  

Inner peace is a choice we make daily, moment by moment. It is easier to do when we believe in something bigger than ourselves. The more intention you put into your faith, the more freedom you will feel. In this freedom, you feel certainty—a pure, inner confidence that shines through all your actions. 

When we are in fear, the real reason we are upset is because we have distanced ourselves from the truth, which is we are one with the love of Source. Our thoughts are separate from the Divine. We can direct our thoughts into a deep abyss of self-suffering, doom, and gloom, only perpetuating the worst-case scenarios, or we can direct our thoughts back to love, unity, kindness, joy, and compassion. In each instant, we have this choice and option to reclaim our power. I started to do this by repeating, “My thoughts about my deepest fears are not my reality. They are illusions separating me from love.” I repeated this often, returning myself back to the present moment. 

Fear lowers our vibration and takes us out of the here and now. How are you spending your moments? You can gauge where you are in any given moment by how things are flowing in your life. Do you feel peace, love, abundance, freedom, health, and/or joy, or do you feel frustrated, angry, fearful, overwhelmed, confused, angry, or frantic? There’s no wrong feelings or wrong way to live your life, but I have found that choosing to raise into a higher vibrational state, one of love and joy, is far more rewarding—not to mention it takes less effort. This process is not about spiritual bypassing, or ignoring the current realities of the world stage. It is about reclaiming your power so you are not leaking energy and vibrating in fear, but rather rising into alignment to your true creator self, one sourced from divine love. Because the reality is, the more you can disengage from the drama happening outside of you in the world, the easier it is to go inward and focus on your own light, and from this connected place you can impact the world with the power of love.  

So often the world tries to pull us in different directions. Daily demands and to-dos can keep you from being fully present on your journey. Instead of giving your attention away to these outside forces, declare, “Peace is my priority and I detach from drama.” Begin by paying attention to what you are consuming—what you watch on TV, what you read on social media, who you listen to for advice. What you consume will ultimately consume you, because we always get more of what we focus on. Be aware of your thoughts and intentions. Stop focusing on what is going on out in the world, and instead focus on your inner world and actively choose peaceful thoughts. Cultivate kind thoughts and see fear for what it is: a distraction and an illusion that tries to manipulate our reality. Fear is a lower vibration; it takes more energy to stay there because our true self resides in a higher-vibration resting state. This means when you are in fear, you have to work harder to stay there. This is why fear feels heavy, and when we are consumed with worry, we often feel exhausted and anxious; plus it can weaken our immune system and fog up our reality. But often when you are in joy and happiness, you have more energy, you feel lighter, and time seems to expand. Try these steps to reclaim your power and transmute fear into faith.  

Step 1: Detach from drama. 

No matter what you have been feeling, you can shift in any moment into a new, more loving vibrational state. Making this choice, one of committing to love, will demand more of you. Staying in fear is safe because it is expected and what is known. The collective unconscious of mankind is one of fear, the world events pull us into deeper fear, so to break away requires the courage to show up for the light; but once you embrace it, ease always ensues. At first, it will ask more of you, because you are breaking away from the herd mentality, but as you do, you will find freedom and a magnificent flight of the soul—for this is your true essence, and it is always worth it. It requires radical faith. Faith is believing in what you can’t see but knowing it to be true. 

Step 2: Reclaim your creator focus. 

A Course in Miracles teaches that God is not the author of fear—you are. When you are in fear, you have chosen to create away from God. We can either be in victim mentality or empowered creator consciousness. Choose to align with the Divine and know that you are always safe with the connection to the love in your heart. 

Step 3: Surrender to your faith. 

Know that only peace and joy are the final outcome for everything. A lot of the anxiety we feel is tied to not knowing what the outcome will be. Anxiety is a fear of the future, and the unknown is one of our greatest fears. But when we put our faith in God, we trust the unfolding and see that all is always well, and all is in divine order. If you are feeling worried and unsure about the outcome, turn your fear over to the universe and remember that joy is your birthright and cannot be denied to you. You can be at peace and all is well when you trust and put your faith in the hands of the Divine Creator. 

Step 4: Make peace your priority so negativity cannot exist. 

In all situations, we have an option to see the dark or the light, to embrace fear or walk in love. Peace lives in every moment when you make it a priority. You may be stuck in fear, but fear breeds fear, which means every choice you make in fear will give you even more fear. Instead, relinquish your control and let love in. Inviting light to all situations will help uplift you and bring you harmony. 

If there is a situation in your life you are overthinking or worrying about, look instead at the light within it. Because Source energy and love are in all things, everything is an expression of the Creator. Seeking to see this truth will bring you more peace, and will help ground out any negative charge around the situation. When you realize the Divine is in all things, you see that you don’t have to make anything happen. You just allow. See this time in your life as an opportunity to awaken to the truth of who you are. Dive into your awakening—the decision to think and act from love rather than fear is the catalyst to true inner peace. 

Questions to ask: 

  • How can I focus more on the moment and appreciate what is? 
  • How can I relinquish control of the situation causing me the most stress? 
  • What is my fear, anxiety, worry, or discomfort trying to show me? 
  • How can I reclaim my power? 
  • What is my faith asking of me? 

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About the author 

Shannon Kaiser

Shannon Kaiser is a world-renowned spiritual and self-love teacher, speaker, acclaimed empowerment coach, and bestselling author of several books. She guides people to awaken and align to their true selves so they can live their highest potential. Her new 365 Happy Bedtime Mantras book and deck are published by Beyond Words/Atria Books. Connect with her on social media @ShannonKaiserWrites or online at and

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