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5 Ways to Align with Joy

5 Ways to Align with Joy by Carrie Wooden | #AspireMag

Life is full of ups and downs, and we expect it to be that way. Even though life is a rollercoaster the energy of joy is available to us whenever we choose to experience it. Aligning with joy can bring many benefits to every aspect of your daily experience. Including health, relationships, and business. Would you like to experience joy more in your life? Who wouldn’t want to live a life they absolutely find joy in? Living life this way is all about aligning with the energy of joy consistently. 

Here are 5 ways to Align with Joy: 

1.Watch Your Words.  

We have all heard the saying that words can destroy, and words can create, so what are you creating or destroying with your words. Are you choosing to speak joy? Choosing our words wisely is the easier part. Consider the words you surround yourself with, are they also aligned to what you really want to experience?  Words are everywhere in our lives they have a constant effect on us. They are on billboards, menus, artwork, clothing, and our devices. For example, notice how you feel when you see a shirt that reads “Life is Good” vs. one that reads “I’m Grumpy”.  Being aware of the words you are surrounding yourself with can and will make a difference. 

2.Choose joyful thoughts.   

Like your words, your thoughts also have great power in your life. At times it can seem like we have more thoughts than we know what to do with and we can get caught up in thoughts that bring our energy down. By consciously choosing the thoughts we want to think and paying attention to how we cultivate and nurture them we can more easily align with the joy we desire. The great news is that you have the ability to choose your thoughts. The question is are you choosing wisely?  

3.Your emotions as a compass to joy.  

Emotions are powerful and can influence our words, thoughts, and actions. Emotions can also be your compass to aligning with the joy you desire. When you feel good you are in alignment, when you feel bad you are not. It is important to feel the full gamut of your emotions of course, but once you have taken the time to feel them you can release the ones that no longer serve you in your pursuit of a joy filled life. Allowing yourself to feel the positive emotions empowers you to raise your vibration and align with what you do want. Feeling and processing your emotions will allow you to make choices and decisions from an aligned space. 

4.Check your limiting beliefs at the door. 

Your belief system can measure your opportunity to have that life filled with the joy you have always wanted. What you believe creates your reality in every aspect of your life. Checking in with what you actually believe about experiencing joy regularly and letting go of the beliefs that limit this is key to aligning with joy. Ask yourself what you believe about joy then get curious about what comes up for you. There is no need to judge the beliefs that come up, we want to remember to show ourselves compassion for any beliefs that we struggle with.  Are you holding on to beliefs that are not yours? These Beliefs can come from as far back as your childhood. If you have a limiting belief that comes up check in with yourself and decide if it is something you choose to continue to believe. If it doesn’t serve you anymore let it go. 

5.Take Aligned Action 

Act with Joy. When you take action with the intent of feeling joyful you become more aligned with the energy of joy. Taking aligned action means following the inspirational thoughts and feelings your higher self is sending you. It could be taking a walk out in nature, calling a friend or family member, creating art, or even just taking a nap. Do what makes you happy and brings you joy. Setting goals to move out of your comfort zone is a great action step to experience joy daily. Joy softens the edges of fear and allows you to move past your comfort zone. 

Each moment of your day is an opportunity to live with Joy and radiate that to others. By aligning your words, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and action to what you really want, which is joy, you can live your desired life with flow and grace. Aligning with joy is a practice by taking even small steps you will avoid overwhelm and frustration. Here is to your joy. 

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About the author 

Carrie Wooden

Certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach, QSCA Law of Attraction and Desire Factor™ Coach, Carrie Wooden works with women who have put themselves last on a long to-do list for so long that they have become stuck, overwhelmed and disconnected from their joy and passion for life. Intuitively merging her transformational tools, creative processes and her deep desire to support women in creating the life they desire, Carrie teaches women, through private sessions and group programs, the tools and processes to ignite their creativity, honor their inner voice and make decisions based on joy and alignment instead of shoulds and have-tos.

When not working with clients, Carrie is creating art, gardening, photographing the world around her, and enjoying her eleven children. Learn more at and schedule your free Joy Empowerment Session here.

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