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5 Ways to Honor Your Intuition by Tapping into Your Braveheart

InutitionIt often starts as a tiny knowing in your heart, maybe an intuitive urge to take your life a new direction. It feels so right, so aligned, and you start to move in the direction of your dream when suddenly you hear that little voice pop up–the voice of fear and ego.

Stop! New direction? You mean change everything up?

Suddenly you find yourself questioning…Who wants the chaos of change when life is already so frenzied? Besides, it was only a small echo in the depths of your heart so it’s easy to ignore, right? Perhaps you can turn your back to that inner nudge for a while, but when Spirit wants to get your attention, that quiet voice soon acquires a megaphone.  What you begin to notice is that gentle nudging has become a constant roar that only you can hear. Its message occupies your daily thoughts.

Then it occurs to you that perhaps a new direction is in your best interest. All you needed was to heed the calling of your heart.

It takes courage to follow your heart toward transformational change. After all, its path does not always stem from logic. Rather, the heart abides by an inner wisdom connected to something much bigger than you are – it is connected to Source. Transformational change is rarely a walk in the park, but it can feel easier when you Activate Your Braveheart™.

What is a Braveheart?

I am a Braveheart. You’re a Braveheart. We are all Bravehearts. But some of us are still learning how to connect and honor that inner Braveheart. If this sounds like you, rejoice that you are a Braveheart in the process of acknowledging your personal power and courage.

When you turn inward, you connect to your intuition — and Source. When Spirit is working to get your attention, your intuitive urges will not recede until you’ve gathered the courage to acknowledge them and follow where they lead. When you finally recognize and begin to respond to your intuition, you will begin to step into the YOU that you were always meant to be.

Just move in the direction of your calling by connecting with your feminine strength and tenacity. You have always been enough. Now is the time to prove it.

Five Steps to Honor Your Braveheart Intuition

  1. Believe in your power. You are so much more powerful than you realize. To open up to  your intuition and step into your personal power, all you need is practice. Each day take time to turn inward and listen to your heart. Hear your deepest desires, and practice believing that you can and will move in the direction of your calling. Then simply ask for what you want. Pay attention to the little nuances in life, those synchronicities that, upon reflection, demonstrate the Universe shifting to accommodate your request.

When you begin to pay closer attention, you’ll see more and more examples of asking and receiving and your belief in your intuitive power will become stronger. The more you believe in your power, the more power you have to walk your path and create a life of joy.

  1. Practice Gratitude. Practicing gratitude helps build confidence in your ability to manifest what you desire. Moreover, gratitude serves to help maintain a positive mindset. When you feel positive about life, then you are more willing to move forward with confidence and excitement. Take time to reflect on all you have to feel grateful for – including your connection to Spirit. Keep a gratitude journal to document your journey.

Rejoice that you are in the process of creating positive change in your life. As Oprah says, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate!”

  1. Positive Self-Talk. Words are the result of your thoughts, so when you feel something negative forming in your mind stop. Gently acknowledge those thoughts and remind yourself that you are in the process of following your intuition. Take a moment to applaud your attributes, including your decision to Activating Your Braveheart™ to become a more intentional, joyful being. Then shift your thought to something that feels better.

Scientific data touts many benefits for thinking positively about yourself and the world around you. In fact, the Mayo Clinic cites that positive self-talk can increase life span, lower rates of stress and depression, and enhance overall psychological and physical well-being. What’s more, once you think, speak, and feel better about yourself, your positive perspective enhances your emotional connection and overall good will toward others.

  1. Be Willing to Take a Leap of Faith. Recognizing that you are a powerful creator is the first part. Acknowledging and honoring that power often requires you to take a leap of faith – to journey down an unknown path. That takes Braveheart courage. Any resistance you feel to courageously stepping into the life of your dreams is rooted in fear.

Consider this… whether you refer to your higher power as Spirit, God, goddess, Buddha, or Allah, know that the feelings and words coming from your heart are divinely inspired. Anything derived from “Source” is pure and perfect. It will never lead you astray.

In other words, if your inner voice is telling you to take a leap of faith and move in a new direction, then know that the experience will be in your best interest. Trust that the intuitive seed of thought would not have been planted in your heart if it were not already possible for you to achieve. All you need to do is to keep your eye on the prize and continue to put one foot in front of the other!

  1. Enjoy the Journey! Have you ever stepped off a wild roller coaster at an amusement park only to exclaim, “What a ride!”? That’s what life is – an amazing theme park attraction. What do you want the theme to be? How do you want the ride to feel?

If you can trust that your physical experience is meant to be one of pleasure and joy, then take a deep breath and release the struggle, release the stress. Relax into the moment and allow yourself to smile. Feel the love, not only within you, but also all around. Connect with it. Feel your heart expand. Claim your intuitive knowing and step into your courage. Now live it!

It’s all up to you.

Next Steps

First of all, congratulate yourself for being where you are right now. If you here, you are a seeker. You are actively looking for ways to continue your personal growth and evolution. That deserves acknowledgement.

Now take a moment to consider the different aspects of your life.

  • What one area could most benefit from your attention?
  • What aspect of your life is overdue for challenge and adventure?
  • What is the next best step you can take for the unfolding of your authenticity to take shape?

Taking a few quiet moments to turn inward, trust your intuition, and answer these questions to inform your next steps. The final question is, are you ready to take action?

Of course you are! You are a Braveheart!

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About the author 

Sheila Callaham

Sheila Callaham is an international best-selling author and motivational coach. She founded the Activate Your Braveheart TM program to help women identify hidden passions and find the courage to make them real. Sheila’s mission is to empower women through writing, speaking, and coaching. Visit Sheila’s website at and claim your free gift Activate Your Braveheart TM Transformation Kit today.

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