Growing and scaling a business is challenging, especially when you’re a conscious entrepreneur.
On the one hand, you’re really committed. Your mission is so important, and you are constantly expanding and stepping into your next level. On the other hand, the pace can be intense and take a big toll on your body, mind, heart and spirit.
If you’re a high achiever who is also highly sensitive, you feel ALL of it.
That’s why it’s so important to learn how to recalibrate throughout the day, and on an ongoing basis.
How do you know when you need to recalibrate? At a high level, it’s when you experience a lack of flow. This lack of flow can show up in all sorts of ways:
- Feeling like something is off, but you can’t pinpoint what it is
- Stagnation in your business (growth has slowed, or you’ve hit a plateau)
- “Analysis paralysis” and/or having trouble making decisions
- Being the bottleneck with your team
- Incomplete projects and missed deadlines
- A general sense of feeling disconnected and uninspired
- Not sleeping well, or feeling depleted
- Getting spun out by the news, other people or external events
- Blocked creativity
It’s normal. Energetic speed bumps pop up all the time. Our energy – and our business’s energy – is dynamic and moves through many cycles throughout the day, and from day-to-day.
The good news is that you can work with those energies as they arise, so those energetic speed bumps don’t become big potholes.
Whether you need a quick way to shift your energy, or a more strategic approach to help you course correct, here are 5 ways to recalibrate, so you can call in success:
ONE: Take Out the Trash
In a busy, noisy world, our energy fields can get weighed down. If we don’t clear our fields regularly, we accumulate static in our signal.
When static is present, it affects the quality of our thoughts. We also become more susceptible to negativity, drama and lower vibrational frequencies.
Check in with yourself throughout the day and monitor the quality of your thoughts. Are you distracted? Caught up in negative self-talk? Getting pulled into chatter online?
If you find yourself there, pause for a moment and look inward. Ask yourself:
-What’s really going on right now?
-What do I need to release?
Then take a deep breath in, exhale loudly through your mouth, and send those thoughts down your tailbone and discharge them into the earth.
TWO: Tune Yourself
Your body is like a battery. Batteries conduct an electric current. When that current is moving well, there’s flow. When your battery starts to get low, it’s time to recharge.
Listening to the simple frequencies of tuning forks is one of the easiest ways to raise your voltage and increase flow. It also can help you to strengthen your personal energy field, which is the key to building energetic resilience.
I’ve experimented with many energetic modalities over several decades, and although they worked for a while, they didn’t reliably provide the clarity, focus and vitality I wanted to feel. Or if something did work well, it took too much time out of my day to stick with consistently.
When I learned how to use tuning forks, everything shifted.
I had such good results using them on myself that I became professionally trained to tune others. They are one of the tools in The Calibrate Method™, the energy mastery system I created for myself that I now share with clients.
Even if you don’t have someone who is professionally trained to tune you, or you don’t own a tuning fork or instruments, you can start to build your resilience in just a few minutes each day. My free Energy Tune Up is a great place to start. It features simple, yet powerful frequencies to help you tap into your leader energy, so you can start your day grounded, focused and ready to rock your business goals.
THREE: Play!
Creative block? Make a play date with yourself to do something that brings you joy. Worried about reaching your next revenue goal? Turn it into a game. Not able to crystalize an idea that keeps pulling at your energy? Phone a business friend and talk it out. When you give yourself the gift of play – even for a few moments – it shakes you out of stagnation and induces flow.
FOUR: Create space
I hit a major creative block while writing this article. When I dropped into it, I realized that it was because I felt disconnected from heart, and from my physical space. We had just moved into our new home and it didn’t feel quite like ours yet. So I decided to create space for my creativity. I went shopping, bought a new desk, infused color, organic materials, and textures…and my creativity started flowing!
The same holds true for calling in clients, or strategic partners, or any desired opportunities. Create space for them – energetically, and visually. Make a diagram, look at it daily, ask your Guides to show you what it looks like when it is filled in…and watch what happens.
FIVE: Be an architect.
If business is feeling a bit heavy, take a look at the design of your programs and services. Mine for the hidden gems that are already in your business…the things that you absolutely love to do that are in your area of brilliance, and that get your clients their best results. Then streamline your business to align with your energy and maximize the value you provide.
As feminine leaders, we are being called to rise. By aligning your personal energetics and the energy of your business, you can recalibrate to answer that call. Are you ready?