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5 Ways to Align Your Energy and Attract Your Prince Charming

5 Ways to Align Your Energy and Attract Your Prince Charming by Stacey Murphy | #AspireMag

When I think of love and romance, I have visions of being cherished, valued and pampered by a wonderful man who respects me and the relationship we’re building together.  A man who loves me for my brains and my heart just as much as he desires my body.  A man whom I trust to hold my heart in his hands with care.  A man who is my modern day “Prince Charming”.   I hope, dream and pray for this to be my reality.  Since I was a little girl, I’ve been told in romance novels, on TV and in chick-flicks that my soul mate is out there waiting for me to find him, for us to meet where the feelings are instantaneously recognizable.  We’re each other’s salvation.  We’ve found our other half which makes us feel complete.  From this point forward, life finally feels good.

Do you have this dream as well?  How long have you been holding onto it?   Has this ever been your reality?  Are you still wishing and praying?

The sad fact is, this will never be the reality for many women because too many of them aren’t willing to cherish, value and pamper themselves.  The principles of the Law of Attraction are simple, “Not only do you attract what you think, you attract who you are”.  Imagine this, in order for a strong oak tree to grow, you must first plant an acorn.  That tiny acorn grows into a mighty tree with deep roots which keep it firmly planted in the ground.  Love is very much the same way. You attract who you are.

Opposites DON’T attract!

If you have a hard time trusting people, how can a man trust you?  If you’re not willing to pamper yourself, invest in you and cherish yourself, then why would a man do that for you?  This last point really came to life when I was talking to my sweetie.  He spoils and cherishes me, so I asked him to share his man wisdom.  This is what he said…

“I will give, do and pay for what my woman wants if I know she’s willing to do that for herself.  I’m here to enhance her life, make it easier but not supplement it.  When the crazy/clingy behavior shows up, I’m out. When I feel good in her presence, I’m ALL in.”

Self-reflection, self-awareness and gratitude are the keys to your happiness and growth. Ask yourself:

  • How do you cherish, value and pamper yourself?
  • How do you respect yourself? Do you respect men?
  • How do you appreciate and show self-love? Do you appreciate and love men?
  • Do you believe a man can actually want you for your brains and heart? Or, do you have a subconscious belief men only care about sex?
  • Do you trust yourself and your decisions?
  • If you’re looking for “Prince Charming” who protects his Princess, his maiden – a woman who’s delicate, refined and statuesque. Do you fight those aspects within yourself?

Here are 5 simple actions you can take to fill your cup of love with gratitude and trust so you can be cherished, loved and appreciated by a quality man:

  • What have you been denying yourself? Take this opportunity to say “I deserve it” and treat yourself to something special.
  • Strong boundaries, based in self-love and not fear, is a sign of respecting yourself. Who have you had wishy-washy boundaries with? Have the courage to tell them “NO”.
  • The next time someone gives you a compliment, or extends their appreciation, accept it with gratitude and grace. This honors both you and them.
  • Build trust within yourself by trusting your intuition. Your intuition is a hunch, a feeling that pulls you to take a certain action. Next time you have a hunch, don’t question it – follow it.  The one thing your intuition doesn’t have is “fear”. An action taken out of fear, which keeps you small, isn’t coming from your inner knowing.
  • Have fun being divinely feminine. For an evening, be a china doll – delicate, refined and statuesque.  If you normally wear dark colors, where a bright blouse.  If you usually find yourself wearing bright colors, where a more muted tone.  It’s time to mix it up and push your comfort zone. Pick up a wine glass with a delicate touch.  And when you go out, hold your head up high and channel your inner Princess.

As you learn to honor, cherish and love you, you will attract a quality man who will honor, cherish and love the best in you.


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About the author 

Stacey Murphy

Stacey Murphy is the Queen of Juicy Love and Feminine Charm as well as an International Best Selling Author. She’s the founder of Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts.
Stacey teaches women to reclaim their sensual joy, seductive essence and self-confidence, moving them to leave toxic love to relationship bliss so they can feel empowered, desirable and happy with who they are in their love and sex life! She developed the “Rockin’ Love Goddess” Signature System where women learn how to love themselves, how to attract their ideal relationship and master their erotic skills to BLOW his mind to be that “Complete Package”.

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