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5 Truths That Will Ignite Your Light and Your Holistic Business

Holistic BusinessIt is time.  It is time to bring your bright, beautiful gifts to the world.  You are a Spiritual Leader and Visionary leading your Clients from the darkness into the light.  If you are honest with yourself right now on a scale of 1-10 how bright are you shining the light of your gifts?  With 10 being you are beaming at your brightest. 

It is important to really open up to where you are truly at.  Be honest with where you are at so you can move beyond your blocks and bring yourself to a level 10.  The world needs you at a level 10 right now.  We as Spiritual Leaders all need to be at a level 10 now in bringing the fullness of our gifts in.

Here are some guiding Truths to help uncover your light and bring it forward more powerfully right now so you can ignite your Holistic Business!

#1.  That which you are seeking, is seeking you.  When you have a dream and vision for your Holistic Business what is on the other side of that dream is the desires of your Ideal Clients. It is the energy of their desires for your help that generate the Dream that you have in your heart.  Isn’t that beautiful!!

#2. You are meant to be working ONLY with Ideal Clients.  Ideal Clients are Clients of yours that are spiritually destined work with you.  You have a Soul Agreement to work together.  It is the BEST feeling in the world to be working with someone on this deeper, soulful level.  Get clear on who your Ideal Clients are and set an intention to work with only those Clients

#3. Your Vision is more expanded than you think it is right now.  There is ALWAYS a more expanded Vision for your Holistic Business that is wanting to be revealed.  We are in a time of rapid expansion and what is possible expands each and every day.  That is why your Vision is expanding.  Also what your Ideal Clients need is also expanding, so the upleveling of your Vision is oftentimes the expanding needs of your Ideal Clients.

#4. You need LOTS of love and support around you as you expand.  Please do not go it alone.  You need a sacred tribe around you that gets you at a deep level and courageously supports you to expand to the next level.  I find that the Holistic Practitioners that struggle the most are not getting the high level of support that they truly need.  Make sure you are getting the highest level support possible.

#5. Do what nurture and expands your Light.  Oftentimes when I am working with a Client on their packages and programs I ask “Is what you are offering here lighting you up?  Do you feel super excited about offering it?”  Is the direction of your business lighting you up and inspiring you?  Also is your life lighting you up and inspiring you.  What you do when you are not working in your Holistic Business affects the energy you are bringing back into your business.  That is why when I work with Clients we have their 90 Day Goals reflect both their business building Goals as well as super inspirational goals for the rest of their life. 

It is your time to shine your light and share all that you have come here to share.  The Universe is on your side as you step forward to help with the transformation that is rippling across the Planet.

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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