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5 Traits to Look for in an Animal Communicator

5 Traits to Look for in an Animal Communicator by Maribeth Decker | #AspireMag

Have you heard of animal communication?  

For most of my life, I didn’t know that people were able to communicate psychically with animals. Sure, my grandmother had introduced me to mediums, who communicated with people who had passed. And she told a few psychic stories from her own life. So I knew some people had psychic abilities. 

But communicating with animals?  That seemed beyond the realm of possibility. Growing up, I loved the Dr. Doolittle stories. But real people talking to their animals? We’re different species for goodness’ sake! How could we “speak” to each other?  

Then it happened to me. Shortly after I became a Reiki Master, I was doing some Reiki healing on my dog, Mitsubishi. I heard him say, “Don’t try that Reiki sh** on me! It killed Eddy!” Mitsubishi had watched me do Reiki energy healing on my dog, Eddy, who was terminally ill. Although it helped Eddy’s transition, it did not prolong her life. (Mitsubishi later understood Reiki didn’t cause her death.) 

Imagine my shock! I checked with my friend, Mary, who explained animal communication was a real thing; she had used an animal communicator with good results. What a relief! I was not nuts!  

Why do people use an animal communicator? 

I polled the folks in my Spiritual Pet People Facebook group to ask why they might use an animal communicator. Their top reasons were to find out what’s behind a worrisome behavior (for example, inappropriate elimination, aggression or extreme anxiety); to find out what their animal was thinking; or to find out if they’re ready to pass and to say goodbye.  

If you’re thinking about using an animal communicator, here are characteristics you’ll want to consider: 

1.You warm to them because their heart is open. 

Check out their websites, or ask friends for referrals. Your communicator knows that animals and people are not perfect, but they are still loveable. They tend to be non-judgmental because they love people who love their animals. They cut clients slack when the motives are in the animal’s best interest. They don’t have absolutes and aren’t rigid. They know they’re not perfect animal lovers, so they don’t lay that on you. They aren’t invested in the “right” way, although they may provide strong suggestions based on what the animal is telling them and their own experience.  

2.Animals are an important part of their lives.

They have their own animals and love them, working hard to give them a good life. They light up when they talk about their animals; their critters are obviously part of their family. They appreciate your animals, too. They get a sense of your animal’s essence and respect that spirit. 

They won’t push anything on you, but most have an interest in animal welfare on a more global level. They respect all sorts of animals. For example, they might be more conscious about eating animals because of their relationship with animals. They try to limit their own use of animal products.  

3.They see animals as fullyformed beings.

They don’t see animals as robots who need to be properly programmed or trained to get them to do what we want them to do. They believe animals have their own likes, dislikes, memories, soul journeys, thoughts, and emotions. They don’t think animals are on earth to serve humankind, but are co-species on Planet Earth. They understand that family animals (pets) look to their people to set the tone for the relationship. They don’t encourage you to be the alpha, but they may ask you to lead by example, both emotionally and behaviorally, in creating a climate of harmony. 

4.They have been trained. 

Even if they were born communicating with animals, they have worked with seasoned teachers. They have practiced animal communication with all kinds of animals, and lots of them. They may have some training or background in psychic development courses, so they can hone their skills. They understand the way they receive information so that they can interpret it correctly. They have practiced body scanning skills to help animals with physical problems; but they do not give a diagnosis or prognosis. They stay away from predicting the future. They give information on past and present circumstances. 

5.They work with other professions.

Most animal communicators are not dog trainers, vets, or animal behaviorists. They know the value of veterinarians, dog trainers, and animal behaviorists. They might provide advice or suggestions on what might work, but they are transparent about what they have expertise in and what they do not. If they have studied an area (such as nutrition or massage), they will explain their training before giving advice or suggestions. They respect other professionals’ opinions. They view their animal communication information as parallel and/or in addition to what other professionals provide. 

 Bonus – They are energy healers. 

A lot of animal behavioral issues have roots in emotional issues from past experiences or personality quirks. Just like people! If your animal communicator has mastered energy healing techniques, they can help the animal release the emotions attached to the behavior. Many times, the animal is then able to shift their behavior to something that makes their people happier. And energy healing can decrease pain and improve their physical wellbeing. 

So, if you decide to work with an animal communicator, remember that there are five key factors in choosing one that fits you and your animals.

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About the author 

Maribeth Decker

Maribeth Decker, founder of (where people and pets heal & connect), is an intuitive animal communicator who helps people have a 2-way conversation with their pets. People often see improvements in their animals’ behavior and their relationship after working with Maribeth. She helps pets transition peacefully at the end of their lives. Read more in her Amazon bestseller, Peace in Passing. Maribeth is a retired Navy officer who lives with her husband, 2 dogs and 3 cats. Her 2 kids are grown. She has 2 master’s degrees and is currently a Teacher-Trainer in Joan Ranquet’s Communicating with All Life University. Download 5 Things Your Pets Want You to Know, you will get Maribeth’s bonus video to help you begin communicating intuitively with your pets.

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  • Thank you so much for this wonderful article. I wholeheartedly agree with it all and love that you work this way.

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