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5 Tips to Manage Your Energy and Make Room for Your Dreams

5 Tips to Manage Your Energy and Make Room for Your Dreams by Patricia Young | #AspireMag

In order to move forward and live our dreams, one of the key things we must do is release what we are tolerating in our life. One way to get clear on where we’re going in our life or business, is knowing where we are today.

Getting clear on our present can be difficult because it requires that we are fully honest with ourselves. So, it’s better if we approach this exploration process from a place of curiosity and being open, gentle and kind with ourselves, so we don’t fall into the trap of judging ourselves and comparing ourselves to others.

Where are you today? Because the truth is that the seeds of your future are sown in the present moment.

I know, for my own experience, and what I’ve seen with clients, that a lot of people struggle managing their day to day lives. With our busy lifestyle and all those “to-Do’s”, there are many days that, even with that deep longing in our heart, there is little or no energy left to create momentum and take those inspired actions that will take us closer to living our dreams.

Many people struggle with time management, and the truth is that we can’t manage time, but we can, definitely, manage our choices and our energy.

And here’s the thing, so simple but so true: in order to live your dreams, you need to make room for them in your life. And the way to make room, is not by needing more hours in the day, but by making different choices and shifting your mindset, so you can free up some energy that will allow you to go after your dreams.

One of the keys to success is taking personal and energetic responsibility, because at the end of the day, the life that we’re living now is the direct result of our own creation. Here are some tips on how to shift the way you manage your energy:

1. Get clear on how you spend YOUR precious energy – Get clarity on where is your energy going. Knowing this, will help you avoid getting scattered and having your energy focused in many different directions, so you don’t end up exhausted at the end of the day and feeling that you accomplished little. By having this awareness, you can begin to make new choices.

2. Do an inventory of what part of the day energizes you and refuels you the most and which part of the day drains your energy – you only have so much energy available during the day, so it’s better if you study how you are currently using it.

3. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and actions – The thoughts and beliefs that you have now are the predictors of your future. Ask yourself “What beliefs do I need to let go of to open myself up to experience my vision fully?”. Your future is built based on what you think and do now.

4. Start to acknowledge what is it that you’re tolerating – awareness leads to freedom. Tolerations are those things that you put up with every day and distract you and drain your energy. Create a list of everything you’re tolerating, because sometimes, just the act of writing it down is a step towards its releasing! Use a holistic approach and consider the following categories: Physical environment (home, office, car), Personal Finances, Relationships (hint: review your boundaries), Health & Wellbeing, Career, Play Time. Create this list from a place of curiosity, not from a place of judgment, and pick from 1 to 3 items at a time, so you can work on releasing those tolerations. When you’re done, come back to your list for more.

5. Celebrate your new level of awareness and trust that every toleration on your list has a solution to be found! Also, be open and willing to ask for help, delegate or outsource when needed. Do it for your dreams and for the ripple of good that they will create!

Without a regular practice of releasing what we’re tolerating we can have a backlog of unprocessed emotions, unhealthy boundaries, physical clutter, mind clutter, people clutter that tends to cloud our next steps, will keep us from growing and will squash our creativity.

Every little thing that you tolerate is draining your precious energy. Once you start releasing some of the things on your list, you’ll feel lighter and you’ll be able to make different choices on how to use your energy more productively, so you get closer to your vision and create the life or business of your dreams, intentionally.

One last thing – at the end of the day, like with everything else, it’s a matter of choice…So I hope you choose to live your life in such a way that you’ll be a living example of possibility for others, and that you do it in a special, sacred and profound way.

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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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