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5 Strategies to Shift Your Money Beliefs & Thrive in Your Holistic Practice

5 Strategies to Shift Your Money Beliefs & Thrive in Your Holistic Practice by Shelley Riutta | #AspireMag

“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of abundance” ~ Wayne Dyer 

I was talking to a client of mine who just began graduate school to become a Therapist. In one of her classes a representative from the American Counseling Association came to speak.  The woman started off her talk by saying “If you are here (meaning in school to become a Therapist) because you think you can make money– you are in the wrong room.”   

Wow—can you believe it! 

My client was surprised with how blatant this woman was about the poverty consciousness that tends to pervade the counseling field and the healing field in general—but she was also relieved that because of working with me she knew that this thinking was limiting and NOT true.  

She knew that tremendous abundance is possible when you are a Therapist, Healer, or Coach and that the only thing that limits this is your own thinking.  Unfortunately, this poverty consciousness has pervaded the Healing field for a very LONG time and the good news is that I have been successful in changing this for myself and my clients. 

Here are 5 tips to help you shift your money beliefs: 

  1. Begin to notice your limiting beliefs around making money as a Therapist, Healer, or Coach. Do you say things to yourself like: “I have to work really hard to make the kind of money I would like to as a Therapist, Coach or Healer”  “Clients aren’t willing to pay a lot of money out of pocket for my services so I must keep my fee low” , “I’m greedy if I want to make a lot of money as a Therapist, Healer or Coach”, “The most I can make as a Therapist is (the common salary for Therapists)”, “I’m just starting out or I just started my private practice so I can only make this amount” (again a limited amount). 
  2. Begin to challenge these beliefs. Once you notice these beliefs begin to challenge them and name them accurately as “Limiting Beliefs” not “Reality”.  You may have heard the phrase “She is being realistic as a way to justify her limiting beliefs”.  Accurately describe these beliefs as limiting and then begin to open up to the idea that anything is possible—there are no limits to what is possible for you. 
  3. Begin to ask the Universe to show you Therapists, Coaches and Healers that are free of this limiting thinking. So often our own limiting thinking calls into our experience examples that reinforce what we believe—so then it is hard to begin to believe anything else is possible.  To break out of this one of my favorite ways is to ask for some support from the Universe to show you something different–  You can ask “Show me examples of Therapists, Healers and Coaches that have joyful and abundant practices”.  Once you begin to see these it will help you more easily open up to this possibility for yourself. 
  4. Begin to notice the incredible difference you make in the lives of your clients. One of the things that I began to do early on in my private practice is to collect all the positive feedback from my clients that they were sharing with me.  Oftentimes it would be comments they would make in sessions, emails or phone messages.  I would write what they said down and collect it in a notebook and it would be a helpful reminder about the amazing difference I was making in their lives.  Getting clear on this helped me see the value of my services and really price my services at the level that was in alignment with this value. Then when new clients would call I would confidently say my fees and more often than not they would schedule a session with me and not even blink an eye about my fees.  I soon discovered the more I was clear about the value I was giving—the easier it was for clients to get the value too! 
  5. Begin to spend time with more abundant thinkers- It will be hard to change your beliefs if you hang around with other Therapists, Healers and Coaches that are just as stuck as you are in their money beliefs.  As you get stronger in your abundance thinking you will be able to be around them and not be affected—and even be a leader and role model for them.  But in the initial stages you need to be more protective of who you are around and spend more time with the more positive, abundant thinkers in your life. 

As you take these steps to change your limiting beliefs around money you will be amazed at the changes that will be happening in your practice.  You will begin to step out of limitation and into the abundance that is MEANT for you as you share your healing gifts as a Therapist, Healer or Coach. 

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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