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5 Steps to Tune Into Your Unique Cash Frequency and Open to Your Divine Riches

5 Steps to Tune Into Your Unique Cash Frequency and Open to Your Divine Riches by Guerda Victor | #AspireMag

“Let us be done with thinking of poverty as a virtue. It is a common vice.” Catherine Ponder penned these words in 1958, yet more than a half a century later we still carry so many false ideologies about money, abundance and spirituality. 

Many in the healing and spiritual field have an adverse reaction to money. Somewhere along the way, we were sold a big lie about money and its evilness and we bought into it. This has cost us our abundance. These man-made lies have kept us disconnected from our Divine riches.  

Money has been a part of our society for thousands of years as a form of exchange for goods and services. It is really time that we be done with thinking that money is evil, and that lack is noble. When you hold the belief that something is bad or wrong you cannot have it in your experience. These beliefs actually repulse the thing you desire to call in. Hence, many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs struggle to call in the money they truly desire in their business. 

As a Spirit being with a body, money is a requirement for living on this Earthly plane. You must, not only get completely comfortable with this; you must also accept that as fundamental truth. Acknowledge that the only reason you require money is because you have a body. It is the only reason as human beings we require anything tangible.  

Your spiritual work here is your pathway to abundance.   

That is the reason you were endowed with your gifts and talents. You don’t have to choose between being spiritual or rich. One does not negate the other. You are here to be a clear channel for the expression of wealth, beauty and elegance. This is how we emulate the Divine. Each of us are born with the unique encoding and frequency to do just that.  

Just like we all have unique fingerprints, we all have what I call a Unique Cash Frequency. All the money you desire is in your field right now and beyond it. The reason you are not experiencing the wealth and abundance that you desire right now is because your energy is not fully activated to receive it. This requires more than just simply aligning your energy to be a vibrational match. It requires that you become magnetic. Your magnetism is what gets your field to light up and the cash to flow.  

If you desire to call in more money into your business and life here are 5 steps you can take to unleash your Unique Cash Frequency 

  1. Know your worth. Have the deep knowing that money does not define you or your worth. Charge your worthis a phrase I hear a lot in the coaching and healing industry. Your worth is not tied to money. Therefore, it is impossible to charge your worth. Your worth is inherent. It is priceless.  
  2. Admit your desire for money, shamelessly. Do not bypass your desire for actual cash by using words like abundance and success, etc. Abundance and success mean different things to different people. Albeit, people have assigned all kinds of meaning to money, one thing we can all agree on is, when you say money or cash everyone knows what you are talking about. Make your desire to be rich equally as important as your desire to serve. If you are challenged by this, ask yourself, does God really want me to work for free, be broke or merely get by, while living in this abundant universe? I think not. 
  3. Know what your values and standards are. Fully stand by them. Be unwilling to settle for less. Notice what you chose to accept. Notice where you modulate your self-expression in accordance to what you think is expected of you. Ask yourself, are my choices congruent with what I say I desire? It is the choices that we make day to day that create our lives. At times you will have to make difficult choices, to sacrifice the lesser for the greater, to set boundaries with family, friends, and clients. As uncomfortable as this may be, it must be done in order for you to remain in integrity with your values and standards. This alchemical process is what begins to activate your UCF as it frees up your energy and draws it back to you. 
  4. Activate and Align.  Activate means to initiate, turn on. Align means to position in a correct or precise manner. You cannot have alignment without activation first. And activation is really a decision you makeIt is you invoking and summoning the powers within you to create what you desire. It is you deciding to live in tune with the Truth, that you are the Supreme Authority in your life, and you have all the resources necessary to create whatever you prefer. Once this is done, alignment takes care of itself. 
  5. Energy Mastery. Become the pure and clear channel for your desires to flow. This meaninvestigating and letting go of any hidden agendas of why you want what you want. For example, when I become a 6-figure coach I’ll be respectedI’ll be validated, I’ll trust myself or believe in myself more, I’ll stop struggling. Etc. The antidote to this is to: Respect yourself now. Validate yourself now. Trust yourself now. Believe in yourself now. Stop struggling now. This energetic switch is vitalDefusing these hidden agendas and learning to masterfully live in the tension of the paradox, of where you are and where you desire to be is what collapse the gap between you and the money or whatever else you desire. It is also essential to notice where your energy is drained by emotional distractionsA lot of times we leak our energy to recurring emotional patterns. Drawing your energy back from these distractions, is key to remaining in your power and be that pure channel for creation.  

Your Unique Cash Frequency is not just about money. It is about you creating and having the life you desire. Your Unique Cash Frequency is like an instrument. You must tune it to hit the right tone. This is what creates the harmony in your energy field and aligns you with your unlimited cash potential and opens you up to your Divine riches. 

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About the author 

Guerda Victor

Guerda (G-air-da) Victor is a Money Coach, with 20-years of experience in Mind,Body and Energy therapy. She helps spiritual entrepreneurs bust through their money blocks and activate their Unique Cash Frequency to create the 4-5-figure months they desire.

Guerda holds a Masters in Mental Health and Counseling with specialty in Trauma. She uses her Mind Body and Counseling expertise to create the most transformative experience for her clients. Learn more at and join her on Instagram and Facebook.

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