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5 Stages of Embodied Grace: Navigating Your Spiritual Journey from Trauma to Trust

5 Stages of Embodied Grace: Navigating Your Spiritual Journey from Trauma to Trust by Dr. Lori Leyden | #AspireMag

Are you ready to trust yourself, your life, and your divinity? Maybe you are a spiritual seeker who, after years of study and practice, continues to experience feeling stuck and are unable to consistently navigate challenges from a place of trusting yourself and life. 

Or maybe you are a transformational leader, visionary, mental health professional, coach, changemaker, or humanitarian who feels that the happiness you’re seeking in serving the world isn’t providing you the true fulfillment you are longing for. 

Regardless of your level of spiritual evolution, you may find that loneliness, self-doubt, unworthiness, not good enough, imposter syndrome, distrust, fear, anxiety, or shame still tend to creep in. Perhaps you are even aware that when these feelings arise, they interfere with your ability to consistently access higher states of consciousness, including your Divine gifts and talents.  

In the face of these kinds of feelings emerging, we are left, to one extent or another, in a state of dis-connect, dis-ease and dis-trust of our human experience. 

Why Your Healing Matters. 

I believe we have chosen to take human form on this planet for two purposes. Our first purpose is to heal our deepest trauma—the illusion of separation from the Divine—and make the journey back to our Divine connectedness within the container of a human body. 

Once we begin to experience our Divine connectedness, our second purpose is to explore, discover, and inhabit ourselves as unique expressions of the Divine embodying integral components of the synergies required for global healing. 

Every single one of us has a role to play in evolving our world toward healing. You have a role that only you can fulfill—a role that is no less than or greater than anyone else’s. You matter— whether your Divine expression takes the form of “local expression” with yourself and your loved ones, “community-based expression” in your profession, volunteerism or activism, or “global expression” and aligning with people in harmony with their passions in widespread movements that contribute to evolving world healing. 

Whatever you choose to heal in yourself sets up a resonance field for that healing to unfold in our world. So truly your greatest service work in the world is committing to your own healing as your first priority. 

We are being called to activate our Divine Heart-Brain-Body connection in collectively innovative ways as we engage in the grandest experiment of grace in action—where every sentient being on our planet has the opportunity to thrive and prosper in safety and peace, become true expressions of the Divine, and join synergistically in creating an interconnected “heaven on earth” experience beyond what we can imagine alone. 

Re-Regulating Trauma Physiology with the Heart-Brain-Body Connection  

Consider that our physical heart has a collection of neuronal cells—cells in the heart that monitor and influence all the functions of our body, brain, and mind—that communicate with the neuronal cells in our brain. In effect, the heart has its own brain. Neuronal cells govern the interactions between the heart and the emotional and cognitive structures of the brain. Healing our traumas regulates our physiology so our heart can communicate more effectively with our brain’s prefrontal cortex. This relationship activates our greatest Divine gifts, such as inner wisdom, creativity, connectedness/oneness, and transcendence.  

The 5 Stages of Embodied Grace 

What is “embodied grace”? It means that you are able to trust being fully present in your heart with access to all you need in the moment for peace, healing, and transformation. When you are living in grace, you trust your ability to navigate the challenges of life with a deeper love for yourself, compassion for others and the circumstances that you find yourself in, and deeper trust in your own Divinity. 

The most important part of the healing process is knowing where you are and where you want to be. Working with the 5 Stages of Embodied Grace shows you a path for healing your essential trauma of disconnection from the Divine all the way through to living in and from your Divinity. Most importantly, this heart map outlines the specific characteristics, feelings, and experiences of each stage so you can evaluate for yourself where you are and where you choose to go. 

As with many processes, the following 5 Stages are in no way meant to be linear. During your journey, you may experience aspects of each state. Even as it is our human impulse to evolve, it is always our choice to determine the level of commitment we make to fully embody and evolve through each stage. 

Stage 1: Separation 

You continue to play out unconscious trauma-dramas that keep you in “suffer and struggle” mode, leaving you to feel helpless, alone, and a victim of external circumstances. 

Stage 2: Stirring 

You continue to experience pain and disconnect in “suffer and struggle,” but your heart begins to break open to a yearning for inner peace and meaning and purpose. You begin to seek answers in books, workshops, spiritual practices, and spiritual teachers. This stirring tends to be the longest state for most individuals and the hardest to break out of. 

Stage 3: Surrender 

Your pain and disconnect begin to conflict with your increasing yearning for more experiences of grace. 

Stage 4: Stillness 

Surrendering into the mystery of the unknown and the miracles waiting on the other side of surrender give rise to wonder rather than egoic struggles to control what we have no control over. 

Stage 5: Synergy 

You are consistently aware of when you’re in Ego and choose to transcend it with greater ease for the good of your True Self. Characteristics of this stage include honoring and integrating all parts of yourself and optimizing the resonance field of your Heart-Brain-Body connection. 

My wish for you 

My wish for you is that by offering you a credible map to follow, you’ll feel deeper self-compassion and self-love in the knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that it’s possible not only to achieve what you yearn for but to enjoy the journey along the way! You can download the full e-book for free here.   

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About the author 

Dr. Lori Leyden

Dr. Lori Leyden is a world renown trauma healing expert, spiritual guide and author of the #1 international bestseller, Embodying Grace: Trusting Yourself, Your Life and Your Divinity. She is the founder of the non-profit, Create Global Healing and the developer of The Grace Process®. For more information:

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