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5 Key Spiritual Principles to Grow Your Ideal Practice

5 Key Spiritual Principles to Grow Your Ideal Practice by Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC | #AspireMag

You are a deeply Spiritual person, so why does your faith go out the window when you hit bumps in the road on the path of developing your Ideal Practice?

You have challenges like this:

-You have a client who cancels

-You aren’t getting enough clients

-Potential Clients are calling, but say they can’t afford your fees

-You aren’t filling your Workshop

-You don’t get enough people on your Tele-Class

-No one is signing up for you Program

-You are having money stress in your business—more money is going out than coming in

-You are confused on the next step in your business

-You are not feeling confident in what you are doing

-You have too many clients but are afraid to set limits

-You need to leverage to reach more clients but feel overwhelmed with what to do first

-You have too much to do and not enough time

Actually obstacles are opportunities for growth and expansion but your Conditioned Self views obstacles through a different lens—usually a negative more constrictive lens.  Instead of opening up to learning the Conditioned Self will move into some form of judgment and negative projection which closes down any opportunity for growth and expansion:

Here is what your Conditioned Self will say:

  1. Oh—I should just give up this is too hard.
  2. See this is a sign that I’m not on the right path—why did I even think I could do this to begin with.
  3. Personalizing what is happening and saying “See I’m not good enough—If I was good enough I would have filled that Workshop”
  4. Maybe I’m not cut out to do this—maybe I should get a job.
  5. Maybe this will never work and I won’t be able to quit my job.
  6. See I told you—I could never make enough money doing what I love—it is a pie in the sky dream and no one is able to do it.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Interestingly when you have obstacles in your Practice it tends to indicate the following:

  1. Reflects an inner block inside of you and the outer obstacles is giving you the feedback about this inner block so it can be looked at and healed.
  2. The Universe is giving feedback
  3. The obstacle is providing you an opportunity to learn something that is important for you to learn to grow your business to the next level. What is the key learning here?
  4. Something needs to be done differently in how you are operating your business. What needs to be done differently? This can be an internal or external change. Example if you need to set better boundaries the shift takes place on the inner level and then you begin to set better boundaries externally.  Write out specifically what better boundaries means for you?  Does it mean ending sessions on time? Does it mean not taking on clients’ issues but instead hold them as powerful and able to navigate their own issues? Is it boundaries as to what you will or won’t do—will you send things to clients when the session is over or only during the Session?

The 3 Reasons why Spiritual Principles are so powerful in moving you forward in your Practice:

  1. We are Spiritual Beings having a Spiritual Experience so our true nature is the wholeness, fullness and joy of our Spirit. If you are not in this place it means you are in your Conditioned Self and you aren’t in a connected place.  So Spiritual Principles have the power to connect you instantly with what is really true
  2. Spiritual Principles gain power the more they are called upon and practiced—they build momentum and power the more you access them
  3. They provide helpful support and guideposts that help you navigate your expansion in your Practice more easily and effortlessly—the path of Spirit is smooth—the path of the Conditioned Self can be very bumpy!

3 Ways to Connect more Spiritually to Your Practice and to infuse it with Uplifting, Beautiful, Healing energy

  1. View your Practice as a living and breathing spiritual energy vortex and that you can infuse it with love, joy, peace, power and serenity, abundance—or fill it with fear, scarcity, limitation and restriction.
  2. What colors represent the energy of your Holistic Practice? What words would best describe your Practice? What feeling do you want your clients to get when looking at your web site, coming to your Office, listening to a presentation?
  3. Ask your Practice what it needs to Thrive and flourish—does it need more fun, more expansion? What is your Practice calling you to do—what is being called to express through your Practice?

The 5 Key Spiritual Principles to Grow Your Ideal Practice

  1. You Attract who you are—and what your dominant intentions are—so notice what you are attracting in your Practice—the wonderful things and maybe the not so wonderful things.
  2. Use building your Practice as the highest form of accelerating your Spiritual and Emotional Growth==understand the more you move forward in your Practice the more you will be called to step into the fullness of your Spirit.
  3. Your Spirit is ready for things far ahead of your Conditioned Self—it is wise to follow your Spirit and not your Conditioned Self. Learn to trust your Spirit as you move forward in your Practice.  What is your Spirit guiding you to do next in your Holistic Business?
  4. Surround yourself in an environment that matches where you want to go—feeling the energy of what we want to create externally can help you begin to access it more internally. Surround yourself with other Therapists, Healer, Coaches that are unstoppable and expanding powerfully to the next level!
  5. Act from your true nature—stop hiding you are a Spiritual Leader and are powerful and incredibly capable. Stop buying into the distorted false beliefs of your Conditioned Self who doesn’t see how truly powerful you are.

Affirm:  I am a powerful Spiritual Leader who chose to come to the Planet at this time to uplift and accelerate the healing and evolution of the Planet.  I am fully equipped to do this and is safe for me to know this fully.

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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