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5 Energy Secrets to Heal Grief and Find Heaven

5 Energy Secrets to Heal Grief and Find Heaven by Cindy Heath | #AspireMag

‘Death is nothing to fear, it is only another dimension’~ Wayne Dyer

The highly evolved understanding of the mystery of death is revealed in the above words of my beloved Wayne Dyer.  To confidently say that one should not fear death [your own or another] may seem implausible, yet it is the experience of reaching other dimensions that will change your understanding of both life and death forever. You will know that for every loved one you lose on earth there is an opportunity to seek and find them in heaven. This truth has brought much comfort to me in times of grief.

‘That which you seek is seeking you’ ~ Rumi

There are a handful of beautiful ways to bring higher vibrations and consciousness to your grieving.  Seeking from the heart offers a healing balm of higher insights, given from another dimension.  These mystical gifts are the reward for the effort you put into seeking, as it unfolds a cascade of hidden truths in the process.  In return, the higher insights of Wayne Dyer, Rumi, and countless spiritual masters, and sacred texts across time become understood.  Like all mystical truths, the real magic is in the experience.  The experience happens when you are open to it.

‘Come, seek, for search is the foundation of fortune.  Every success depends on focusing the heart.’ ~Rumi

Renowned Sufi poet Rumi’s quote above tells you that there is a mystical fortune you can receive if you apply the ‘act of seeking from the heart’ in all things, even in your experience of grief.

Practice the 5 Energy Secrets below to help guide you through a rare experience in healing and contact with heaven as you grieve. 

  1. Seek to Understand Grief

The power in the act of ‘seeking’ noted by Rumi, calls you to search and understand the process of grief from experts in the field.  The divine universe responds to those that humbly acknowledge the power of seeking with honor and a commitment from the heart. The stages of grief taught by an expert on death and dying, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.  The knowledge of each stage can be used as a guide to check in with yourself to see where you are in the process.  It is normal to oscillate back and forth in stages until you come closer to the acceptance of your loss. Know it is ok to be sad, angry, in disbelief, and consciously allow these experiences to move through you [in balance] to help release them from the body. Get to know the ‘stages of consciousness’ researched by Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., PhD., and understand how grief registers as a low energy on his scale calibrating at 75-100.  As lower energy is released through grieving and energy raising technologies, your level of consciousness will rise towards healing and enlightenment levels between 500-1000.  If you keep raising your knowledge, consciousness, and vibrations, the treasure of gifts Wayne Dyer, Rumi, and Dr. Hawkins teach you about will reach you. Then, that which you seek finds you.

  1. Seek the Power of the Heart

Your heart emits a frequency that matches the balance of all the feelings and emotions you hold, as related in Dr. Hawkins ‘attractor research’.  If anger is your prevailing emotion, this frequency is sent out to the universe to attract and draw more ‘angry vibrations’ to you. Although anger and sadness are necessary stages of grief, being stuck in these emotions for too long will be a sign for you to spend more time on energy raising practices to help move these lower levels of energy and consciousness outside of you.  Use your new knowledge of the power of seeking, levels of consciousness, and heart energy as tools to carry you on your journey through grief.  Remember, the goal is to keep infusing your ‘energy being’ with higher vibrations so the gifts of healing and contact with loved ones in heaven can happen.

How to Tune into the Power of the Heart: Cross both hands over your heart chakra and feel the feeling of honor as you seek and grieve. This attention and focus tunes you into the power of your heart so you can better match the gifts you wish the universe to send back to you.  Envision your loved ones as well, to help lead them back to you again.

  1. Seek to Embrace Grief

When you embrace grief you allow it to pass through you.  To deny, remove yourself from, or ignore the process of grieving too long, causes the energy of grief to become blocked inside you.   These lower vibrations will match up with an equal level of consciousness related by Dr. Hawkins. Allow denial, anger, bargaining, and sadness to express themselves fully as you monitor them consciously.  Cry from the heart, feel your anger [without harming others], ask questions to the divine, and reach out and talk to your loved ones [a ‘feel good’ hormone called serotonin is released in your body when you cry and share your grief with others].  Embracing grief allows it to be transmuted and heard on other dimensions by angels, unseen forces, and those you have lost.

  1. Seek Other Energy Raising Technologies

Along with the critical steps above, enlist the energy raising practices of meditation, breath in essential oils such as Frankincense, smudge some sacred sage, and sip on Tulsi tea to help heal and uplift your vibration as you grieve. Most of all, be gentle with yourself and let your loved ones know you are doing everything possible to find them in heaven.  Make this a sacred prayer from your heart, and feel the honor and excitement as if it has already happened.

  1. Seek The Sacred Energy of Gratitude

‘Make an attitude of gratitude, and you will find the whole universe comes to you’ ~Yogi Bhajan

As soon as you are able, reinstate the practice of gratitude in to your life. Being in the energy of gratitude will instantly move your energy to higher realms.  It is a magical energy practice in itself. Create a list of 20 things you are grateful for and recite the list with gratitude from your heart.  Be ready to record the higher healing and visits in heaven with loved ones you will experience.


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About the author 

Cindy Heath

Described as ‘masterful’ in her ‘Real Beautiful’ book and awarded for her ‘caring’ in her Nursing practice, Kundalini Yoga teacher, Energy Healer, and Registered Nurse Cindy Heath shares energy secrets with woman across the world. Cindy teaches women how to link the energy of their own body to a hidden field of energy in the universe so a rare experience in beauty, healing, miracles and heaven can be found. Download a free sparkling heart and audio so you can begin to use the energy in your own body to create Beauty, Power, Healing, Magic, & Miracles. Visit

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