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5 Empowering Ways to Get Your Needs Met

5 Empowering Ways to Get Your Needs Meet by Shannon Kaiser | #AspireMag
5 Empowering Ways to Get Your Needs Meet by Shannon Kaiser | #AspireMag

Growing up I believed that fitting in was belonging. I wanted so much to be liked that I actually hid parts of the real me from others. I was afraid to speak up, or share my opinions, I went along with what others wanted to do, even if it made me uncomfortable. But even in my effort to fit in, I still felt like an outsider looking in. People still made fun of me and talked behind my back. I decided that sacrificing myself to fit in was not a way to live, so instead of shying away from the real me, I began to express myself. There was a freedom that came from being more of my true self. I started to attract more like minded people and made real friends. What we all want is to be seen and understood, but how can we truly be apricated if we aren’t being ourselves. What we want is to belong, and gutting our needs meet is the key to a balanced life.  

Here are five ways to connect to your true self so you can feel a sense of belonging. 

  1. Let Go of Expectations

Our expectations will rob us of joy. When we expect things to be a certain way, we miss the awesome opportunities that could be happening instead. What expectation are you ready to release? 

  1. Go with the Way Things Are Going

When things don’t go our way, we tend to get upset. But if we can go the way things are going, then we find harmony. I practiced being present and accepting what is, and saw that there is great freedom in the release. We can have an amazing time just enjoying the present and the unfolding of life. Can you stop trying to control your outcome and release expectations? Let things be what they are and go with the way they are going. You’ll feel so much better.  

  1. Plan Less So You Can Live More

John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Whether we are traveling or in our own community at home, planning everything out can often stifle our creative expression. Life can’t surprise us; there are no wow moments to be experienced when you have everything planned out. Instead of trying to control everything, relax a little and leave room for surprises. 

We put so much pressure on ourselves to have everything figured out. While traveling, my itinerary was carefully planned down to the hour. About two weeks into my trip, I recognized how limiting that was. So I let go of the structure and dived deeper into each moment. It led to so many amazing experiences that never would have happened if I was sticking to a plan. This doesn’t just apply to travel. It is about every area of your life. Where are you over-planning? We try to control our life because we feel out of control in certain areas. But when we let life take us where it wants to go and we trust the journey, we can experience so much more fulfillment and joy. The universe has a plan so much greater than your own. 

  1. Choose Passion and Purpose

The power of feeling connected to something larger than yourself is also about a sense of purpose. You have a purpose and it doesn’t always look like one thing. So often we think we need to do one job or have one clear mission, but your life is a tapestry of experiences and options. Instead of focusing so much on purpose, just live more on purpose and let your passion lead you. 

  1. Play More

We live in a society in which people wear exhaustion as a badge, trying one up each other with how busy they are. In fact, we don’t know how to rest or play and we feel guilty when we take time to enjoy the simple things. When was the last time you did something just for fun? Although I had a website called Play with the World for years, I hardly ever played. I loved what I did so much, and my writing and coaching felt like play, but no matter how much I enjoyed it, it was work. It occurred to me that working all the time, no matter how much I love it, couldn’t be good. I was shutting myself off from the rest of my life. All work and no play will keep us trapped in a bubble, with the rest of the world passing us by. Furthermore, we are layered beings, and we can’t get fulfillment from just one place. Wanting to find all my joy in my work is unbalanced, so I set out to do more playful things, take part in activities that I love, and by bringing play into my life I expanded my world. 

What do you love to do? Do more of it! 

© 2019. An Excerpt from Joy Seeker: Let Go of What’s Holding You Back So You Can Live the Life You Were Made For  

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About the author 

Shannon Kaiser

Shannon Kaiser is a world-renowned spiritual and self-love teacher, speaker, acclaimed empowerment coach, and bestselling author of several books. She guides people to awaken and align to their true selves so they can live their highest potential. Her new 365 Happy Bedtime Mantras book and deck are published by Beyond Words/Atria Books. Connect with her on social media @ShannonKaiserWrites or online at and

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