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5 Choices You Can Make to Embrace Life Without Regrets

5 Choices You Can Make to Embrace Life Without Regrets by Patricia Young | #AspireMag

A few years ago, I read a quote from a Buddhist text on death that said: “Life has a definite, inflexible limit and each moment brings us closer to the finality of this life. We are dying from the moment we are born.” I was a little bit unsettled by it, but then, thinking about it, I realized that it is pure truth. Knowing this, we MUST participate in the fullness of life.

We try so hard to be happy, to create success and feel joy. We tend to make it very complicated, and look for external things to fill in the gaps, when in reality, it is very simple. Living well, with happiness and without regret, is all about the way we choose to perceive life.

Our perception of reality is everything, our life is a reflection of our perception of ourselves and circumstances.

That is why we could see two people with very similar life conditions, and one lives complaining and feeling like a victim, while the other one is happy and enjoys life. We can choose between many possibilities, it’s that simple, that is what defines how we perceive life and in turn, the results we get.

You just need to take a look at children, we always say that they are so vibrant and full of life. The truth is that they see life without the lenses of limitations. Their minds have not yet been conditioned to accept limitations, and for them, anything is possible!

Basically, there are two ways of living life – one is waiting for things to happen and then usually, react to them and feel like a victim of people or circumstances; and the other one is creating what we want in our lives through exercising our limitless power of co-creation. Because we are always creating and co-creating in life, we don’t get to NOT create.

We are the architects of our own fate. We are responsible for creating the life we deserve. We have an untapped potential, the greatness of our inner self, and it is in all of us. It is our birthright! And why if it’s our birthright, and we all have it inside, don’t we all use it? Very simple, to use that inner power, we must make the decision and the conscious choice to tap into it

You connect and flow with life, following the harmony of the universal laws, when you create and achieve what you want in life. I invite you to follow these five simple tips, choose to embrace life without regrets, to live your full potential, so when you look back on your life, you don’t have to think about the could-haves, might-haves, and should-haves:

Follow your own path – Be honest with yourself, know what you really want, live life on your own terms and create your own story. Find your own purpose in life, we all have one, and it’s as unique as a fingerprint. No one can tell you what you path is. If you don’t currently love what you do, figure out what you would love and take the first step towards a more authentic life. Do the things that you love as much as you can because nothing will bring you more joy, freedom and fulfillment.

Be grateful – Focus on the good things you have, celebrate your victories and blessings, instead of thinking about what you don’t have. Gratefulness enables us to be in the present moment and connects us with our blessings and the beauty of life. By being grateful we can see the aliveness in ourselves and others, and the limitless possibilities contained in every new day; it doesn’t matter how many mistakes we’ve made, every day is a blessing and a new opportunity for a new beginning.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone – Embrace uncertainty, often times what you don’t want is exactly what you need and what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that you need to set you free. Life is short, so start now. Don’t wait for someday, because someday is not guaranteed. Face your fears and take action anyway, so you give yourself the gift of seeing your inner beauty and living to your fullest potential!

Share and spread your love and kindness – Kindness is healing, so be kind to yourself and others. Everywhere you go, sprinkle the glitter of kindness around you. Express your love openly and honestly to those you love. Don’t avoid important conversations because you feel uncomfortable. You never know when you might lose your opportunity.

Live in the present – Make peace with the past. Life is happening NOW. Keep in mind that you create your future from the present moment. Forgive to liberate yourself. Meditate and practice being mindful by observing without judging (yourself and others). Flow with life, rather than go against it.

So with this New Year just starting, do you realize that you have a priceless opportunity for limitless possibilities? What will you do that if you got to the end of your life, you would feel that there are no regrets? What will you do, despite of your age or your current circumstances? It’s never too late to become the person you came here to be. All you need now is just a small step, take action now so you never experience regrets!

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About the author 

Patricia Young

Patricia Young is a Transformational Life Coach & Strategist, international best-selling author, the host of the popular Awakening to Life podcast, the founder of Inner Prosperity Academy, and the author of the book, Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Consciously Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles Awakening to Life: Your Sacred Guide to Creating a Life of Purpose, Magic, and Miracles (February 2018, Inspired Living Publishing). She is a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine and a sought-after media and summit guest.

Patricia passionately supports sensitive and growth-oriented women in identifying and living their highest life vision. Her keen insight, nurturing energy, and proven strategies help women take action to bring this vision into reality so they can live the life they came here to live—both personally and professionally.

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  • Patricia, this is a beautifully written article/post. I think there is an often cultivated habit of “regret” that once identified, addressed and released is truly at the epicenter of enlightenment. Thanks for this reminder. Tweeted to my followers to raise the big vibe…. xox PS ~Stop by the Women’s Wisdom Reading Room and share your favorite book titles, and see what the other wise women are reading!

    • Patricia Young says:

      Jan, thanks so much for your knind words! I’m glad that you liked the article and many thanks for tweeting it to your followers! I just sent a request to join your group, thanks for the invite! xox

  • Virg Lewis says:

    Life is happening now. We can’t change the past. We can influence tomorrow with our choices in how we live today. Being grateful, reducing regrets, taking chances, and enjoying the journey. Patricia, thanks for good reminders.

    • Patricia Raga-Young says:

      My pleasure Virg! I’m glad you found it inspiring! 🙂

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