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5 Aspects to Consider When Nurturing Spiritually Aware Children

5 Aspects to Consider When Nurturing Spiritually Aware Children by Efrat Shokef | #AspireMag

When you were a child or a teen, would you have liked the adults in your life to share the spiritual tools they practiced? To guide you and explain why and how these tools help them in their daily life? Thinking about the children and teens in your life, would you benefit from spiritual tools if you were them?  

In what way would your life as a child or teen have been different if you had possessed the tools you have now? Mine would have probably evolved very differently. I was always intuitive, connected, and knowing. As a child, whenever I insisted that I knew something, it was attributed to my red hair and dismissed. I was unaware of the adults around me who could have provided guidance. I internalized that I should keep quiet about what I sensed. Lacking guidance, I feared myself and closed the door to me so well that I needed a car crash, a complete physical reorganization, and an NDE to find myself again.  

So many of us have lost our path and forgotten who we are in our essence until some challenge opened a door, which was never truly locked, to who we truly are. 

While everything we experience carries numerous gifts and blessings, as a mother to three spiritually aware daughters, I often wonder if we can skip the vast mountains, hike on moderate hills, or possibly know how to choose the easy and graceful ones? I continuously question and observe the tools I use, exploring which ones I can share with them. 


When choosing the spiritual tools to use for your child, here are 5 aspects to consider: 

Your Child’s Age. 

Humans are born with an innate ability to perceive their truth and be attentive to their hearts’ knowing. The younger children are, the more open they are. Many sense the energies around them and know much more than we give them credit for. 

The younger children are, the easier it is to encourage, accept, and share spiritual tools with them. Often, sharing a spiritual tool with them is merely naming or structuring what they already feel or practice.  

It is never too early to share breathing exercises, grounding techniques, or visualizing light. Having them see us practice and know what we are doing is sharing, too. Young ones use these tools regardless of our guidance. Yet, our recognition and sharing is often about creating a shared language and confirming that what they do, feel, or know is alright.  

Setting an example is also important when they enter their tweens and teens. This is a life stage when some may prefer staying away (for a while) from anything that their friends might consider wacky, while others may become more curious. Their intuitive and spiritual abilities evolve as they enter puberty.  

Spiritual tools are needed at all ages. When we share spiritual tools with our child(ren) when they are young, even if they move away from them as they grow older, they will still have them in their toolbox. 

Where is/are your child(ren)? Are they open to you sharing spiritual tools? Which tools can you show them you are using and set an example? 


Understanding the Spiritual Tools Yourself First. 

Our children read us. We can’t share spiritual tools, no matter how simple they are, if we haven’t at least tried them first. 

Once, a six-year-old returned to me for a second session, accompanied by his mother and his four-year-old sister. I asked if they had practiced the tools we introduced a month earlier. They looked at me and at one another. The mom apologized, said she forgot and was unsure what to do. The six-year-old shared that he practiced a little but does not think it works. Then, the four-year-old sister whispered that she is bathing herself with light daily before she goes to sleep. She was intuitive, and hearing the guidance her brother received, she picked up on a simple tool. Differently, her brother needed his mom’s guidance. Had she practiced herself, he would have most likely practiced too. 

How intuitive is/are your child(ren)? Do they need recognition, or do they need direct guidance and a shared practice?  


Spiritually Aware Children Peer Group. 

Many spiritually aware children don’t need their peers to practice spiritual tools like they do. They walk with their core being guiding their choices. However, a peer group of intuitive and/or sensitive children their age reinforces that they are wonderful as they are. Everyone benefits from belonging.   

I’ve been working closely with a group of mothers and daughters (now teens) for several years. We meet weekly to journey, meditate, and practice spiritual tools. In time, younger sisters have joined us. None of the children in this group need a group. They all also continue to practice when, for whatever reason, we can’t meet. Yet, this group offers a place of reference, a sense of belonging, and familiarity.  

Can you join forces with other families and practice together? (Feel free to contact me for guidance).  


Understanding the Importance of Grounding. 

Are you grounded? Is/are your child(ren)? There is no right or wrong to grounding. Some of us walk more grounded, and others less. There are parts of our day when it’s better that we are present and alert, like when driving, and there are others when we wish to expand and allow the flow of divine energy around us to lead us.  

Your level of grounding affects the tools that you would benefit from. If your child is floaty, your choice of tools may be from the Earth: walking barefoot, lying on the ground, sending out roots, or working with stones. The more grounded you and your child(ren) are, the easier it is to work with visualization tools.  

What is your child(ren)’s level of grounding? What type of tools would benefit them most?  

You can read more about grounding HERE. 


What do you want for your child(ren)?   

The one thing I want for my daughters is to have them walk life with joy. Whole joy. One that arises from walking our essence and path. My journey taught me that I am joyful when I am aligned with my essence. Thus, if the joy of their path is what I wish to give them, it’s about providing the tools and offering a lifestyle that enhances their ability to be the beautiful beings they each are.  

Most spiritually aware parents I know wish for the same. All walking with genuine respect for their child(ren)’s soul journey. Knowing we are all more than our physical/emotional self. When we walk with such awareness, it is easier to observe our child(ren)’s needs and requests of us, their parents and guides to life here.  

Spiritually aware children come to Earth daily. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, personality types, religions, or geographical areas. They each need specific tools according to who they are and the gifts they bring with them. Tools that you, their parent, the one they chose to come to, can provide. 

What does your child(ren) ask from you? What types of spiritual tools can provide the guidance they need?   

Our children hold the future. They are all spiritual beings. Just as we all are. They need us, their parents, today, yesterday, and tomorrow, to offer them the tools they need to stay true to their magnificent essence. Start with one tool. You’ll soon see the difference. 

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About the author 

Efrat Shokef

Efrat Shokef, Ph. D., is the author of ‘The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children—Near Death Experience and the Parenting Teaching it Invites’.

She is a Shamanic Energy Healing Practitioner working with children, teens, parents and families. A homeschooling mother to three spiritually aware teens, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a cosmic journeyer, and a writer. Efrat’s journey took her from an academic path, through a car crash and an NDE, making her unable to care for her daughters.
Her physical reorganization, integrated with her NDE, invited her to say multiple yes’s to the universe, and to explore the essence of motherhood and our sacred soul relationship with our children. Learn more at 

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