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4 Ways to Make Inspired Choices Aligned with Your Soul’s Path

4 Ways to Make Inspired Choices Aligned with Your Soul’s Path by Dr. Debra Reble | #AspireMag

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.”   ~ Henry David Thoreau  

You can live in alignment with your soul’s path through taking inspired action. To cocreate the divine life you want you have to be responsible for the choices that you make. Think of being responsible as being “response-able”—being able to respond to life situations instead of reacting to them. Responding rather than reacting to life helps you make more inspired choices in alignment with your soul’s path.   

We are spiritually evolving to the point where we are taking more responsibility for our choices. We see ourselves as having the ability to consciously cocreate our soul’s desires instead of relinquishing that power to others or to our circumstances. When we operate as the source of our reality, we make enlightened choices that are not bound by gender, culture, or the dictates of others, and thus, live more authentically. 

Every choice you make today defines your future and affects the future of the world. The quality of your life is determined by the choices you make in every moment. You are accountable for your life and the choices you make in or out of alignment with your soul’s journey. The more impeccable your choices are; the more you will experience physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  

To choose impeccably, become aware of any past mindsets, beliefs, and attachments to anyone or anything that no longer aligns with your soul’s path. The more you connect to your soul-self through your heart, the clearer and more discerning your choices become. This higher level of discernment comes from seeing with the eyes of your heart, from being open and attuned to the desires of your soul.  

Choice is a powerful tool that can get you unstuck, unblock your energy, and help manifest your intentions. For example, about a year ago, I made one small choice to call a venue to see if it was available to hold my fall retreat. You see, my soul has desired to lead a retreat for a year now. By taking inspired action, one small step toward my dream, I was letting the universe know I was serious.  

You can start by making more positive choices in the areas of your health, well-being, relationships, and finances. Be discerning about the people you spend time with and the environments you inhabit, carefully considering where you live, work, and spend most of your time. Consciously choose what soulfully aligns with you, and what does not.   

It’s also important that you are responsible for your vibrational footprint on the planet. Choose not only what sustains your well-being, but also the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. Each enlightened choice you make from your heart can serve you as well as others’ highest and greatest good.  

When you make that first choice, whether it’s a small step or a giant leap, you start moving again toward cocreating your dreams. You express the light of your being into the world. Today, take one inspired action step toward fulfilling your soul desires. 

Here are 4 Ways to Make Inspired Choices in Alignment with Your Soul’s Path: 

Seeing with the Eyes of Your Heart: Act on intuitive hunches without overthinking, as intuition stems from heart and soul. Listen to your heart be open to whatever emerges. You can tune into such soul inspiration by asking yourself: “What is motivating this choice? What’s the best use of my time and energy right now? Does this choice feel right to me at this particular time? Does this choice support my purest intention, well-being, and the well-being of others? If anyone or anything does not feel aligned with your soul’s path, trust your intuition and know that you can always make another choice.  

Follow the Path When Things Move Smoothly: A simple tool for taking inspired action is to keep following the path you are on as long as things are moving smoothly. When things aren’t going smoothly, see this as a divine sign to pause, reevaluate the choice, and choose a different path. When doors open easily, you know you are on your soul’s path. On the other hand, when you keep banging your head against the same closed door, pause and go where the doors open without a struggle. Imagine a time when you took inspired action and the doors opened easily and aligned with your heart. How did it feel like in this situation? Pay attention to how you easily intuited one choice at a time. String those choices together and you will see how you cocreated your intention.  

Choose to Begin New in Every Moment: When you are fearful of making a wrong choice, remind yourself that you can always “choose again.” Don’t judge yourself for having made a wrong choice. Instead, see your “so-called mistakes” as opportunities for transformation, steering you in a new direction and assisting you to know what your heart truly desires. When you go off your healthy diet, stop exercising, or procrastinate starting a new spiritual practice, take a breath and begin again. With each new moment, celebrate your successes. Instead of beating yourself up and giving up, pay attention to the smallest choices you’ve already taken toward creating your intention. Notice the small steps toward change even if it’s just the awareness that you need to change.  

Reflect on Recent Choices You’ve Made: Take out your journal and have a sacred chat with yourself. Allow yourself to be brutally honest and list your top five self-sabotaging behaviors. After you complete this exercise, identify the choices that are opposite of what you have been doing. What healthy behaviors can you replace the choices that undermine your success? For example, if you find yourself wanting cake in the afternoon, can you counter it by having a banana first? Do you routinely spend more than you save? You can change this unhealthy habit by putting five percent of what you earn in a savings account each week. Next to each soul-supportive behavior make a list of five new action steps, practices, or tasks, and choose one that you can accomplish today. And then do it with great love. 

When you make inspired choices in alignment with your soul’s path, the flow of energy that’s created becomes a spiritual path that leads to living peacefully, joyfully, and abundantly.

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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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