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4 Ways to Live Your Message While Running Your Business

4 Ways to Live Your Message While Running Your Business by Bailey Frumen, MSW, LCSW | #AspireMag

It’s Monday morning, you’re the boss. Do you typically:

A) Leap from your bed with a jolt of excitement, eager to tackle the day ahead.


B) Press snooze a few times, I mean, I am the boss, so my day will start when I feel like it.

When you are living your message while running your business, it’s clear that ‘B’ doesn’t even factor into the equation. The goal is to be living every single day feeling like an ‘A’ with pep, enthusiasm, and excitement. You have the privilege to spend another day living your truth and spreading your message.

If you’ve been feeling more like a ‘B’ lately, the good news is that with just a few tweaks you can be ‘A’ bound in no time.

1) Get clear about your message. If you don’t know what it is that you believe in, what lights you up every single day, then you are truly just going through the paces. It’s time to get super clear about your WHY. Why do you do what you do and what mark do you want to leave on the planet? Knowing your mission in life will guide you to discovering clarity in your message.

2) Time to make some changes. Take a good look at how you’ve been running your business. In what way have you not been showing up 110%? If you had a magic wand, what changes would you make? Taking time to examine exactly what needs to change can be the catalyst you need to actually make a change. Change starts from within, so instead of looking externally to see what’s not working, take a good look internally to see where you need to make shift some beliefs around.

3) Get a roadmap, which is essentially a list of steps you want to take and a reason why. It’s easier to make a change when you understand why these changes need to happen and how you will best serve yourself and your message by making these changes. Until you know why you need to change and how it will help you, you will never be able to fully step into running your business as your optimal self because you don’t really have “skin in the game.”

4) Channel your inner Ghandi. That is to follow the wise advice of this revolutionary change maker and ‘be the change you wish to see in the world.’ This means employing your clarity to travel to the first stop on your road map.

Start by choosing the top three things that would take you less than 20 minutes to change. Take one week to turn those intentions into habits. With your initial success, look at your roadmap to find the biggest mountains that need to move. Commit yourself to moving one mountain each week until you can’t help but feel yourself heading into ‘A’ status and bounding from your bed each morning eager to share your message while running your business.

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About the author 

Bailey Frumen, MSW, LCSW

Bailey Frumen is the creator of the Inspired Living Program and The Path to Freedom. She helps ambitious women go from fear to flight. She believes in morning rituals, traveling, and living life on your terms. If you want to have way more fun, getting shit done, saunter over to

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