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4 Steps To Find Your Passion and Create A Life You Love

4 Steps To Find Your Passion and Create A Life You Love by Pamela Henry | #AspireMag

One True Desire

My heart listens

To songs of passion

Floating on

A gentle wind

Purple flames crackle

As the layers of

Discord release

My soul now at ease

In flow with Universal


Truth meets

Enthusiastic creation

Bringing dreams


Expanding the realm of


 I rest in

This stream of change

Birthing rhapsodies

Of harmonic alignment

Where shades of neon

And glitter

Sparkle in twilight

My muse unleashed

Revealing my one

True desire



Self-honesty is essential to discovering your passion.

Are you living a life you love? Is there something you’ve always had a burning desire to be, do or create but it’s buried beneath the layers of your day to day routine and responsibilities?

How do you even begin to find your passion and create the life you dream of?

The truth is, you can learn how to find your passion and create the powerful change you seek. All you have to do is take a step back and look at your life from a fresh perspective.

“Self-honesty is the foundation for your most fulfilled and authentic life.”

It takes courage to stand in self-honesty. Even though the truth may be painful, keeping it hidden can hurt even more.

Does this sound like you?

  • You feel like your best years and your big dreams are behind you
  • You feel lost, like you don’t know who you are or what your purpose is
  • You lack clarity and confidence about what you want and how to get there
  • Things rarely work out the way you want them to, leaving you feeling frustrated and like a failure.

Whatever pain you’re carrying, owning your truth and working through your discomfort will not only help you move towards the life you want but will inspire others to do the same. The thing is, your suffering will continue to exist as long as you deny your truth. Only you have the power to shift your pain point.

“What would it look like to live an empowered life that is aligned with your passion?”

Each one of you has unique gifts, talents and abilities. You will always know your passion by how it makes you feel.  Feelings of joy and well-being are a clear sign that you are aligned with your innate brilliance and on your right path.

If you look beyond the roles that you play on a daily basis, you will discover the essence of your spirit. You are pure light with talents and abilities that are a gift to the world. When you step into your light and claim your heart’s true desire, we all benefit. Understanding this one simple truth, allows you to begin aligning with your passion.

“Your heart’s true desire is reflected in your innate gifts, talents and abilities.”

4 Steps To Find Your Passion

Finding your passion requires that you spend time in quiet reflection. Even if you know what your gifts are, the following steps will help you discover them at a deeper level.

I suggest having your journal handy for step 3. If you don’t keep a journal, this would be a good time to start. Capturing your thoughts on paper or in a word processing program is a powerful way to connect with your inner wisdom.

1. Find a self-nurturing space.

Choose a special place where you feel calm and centered. If you don’t have a place in mind, your first step is to find a place where you can go that makes you feel relaxed. Maybe it’s in nature or perhaps you choose to create a quiet space in your home.

Whatever it is, it’s important to find a place where you feel peaceful. When you have found a tranquil place where you will be undisturbed, schedule some time for silent reflection.

If sitting quietly is new to you, begin with 3-5 minutes. Work your way up to 15 minutes and longer. Setting a timer will help you keep your eyes off the clock and stay focused.

2. Sit quietly in self-reflection.

Close your eyes and listen to your breath. Begin to feel the peaceful beating of your heart and the connection to your higher self. This is the natural rhythm of your existence.

Allow your mind to drift and imagine any negative thoughts floating away in a bubble.

3. Explore your passion through self-inquiry.

When you feel ready, reflect on the following questions. Allow yourself to hear your inner wisdom and write down any insights in your journal.

  • What do you love to do more than anything else? In other words what brings you joy? We often find clues to discovering our deepest passion in our childhood. For example, I used to spend hours singing along to my Mom’s records.
  • What are your inherent gifts, talents and abilities? What do you enjoy doing and when you do it, the time flies by? What comes easily to you? What do others compliment you on?

As you continue your self-discovery here are some additional questions to ponder.

  • In what ways does your life currently reflect your passion?
  • What do you need to know or what changes are required to bring more of what you love doing, being or creating into your life?
  • What other gifts, talents and abilities do you have that you may not be aware of?

4. Take inspired action.

When you listen to your inner voice you will be guided to take action that you may not have considered before.

When you feel the urge to take creative action, it’s essential to follow through. These inspired moments are your inner wisdom communicating with you.

  • What steps can you take to express your passion more fully in your life and move toward fulfilling your dreams?

“Trusting your inner knowing will guide you down the path you are here to take.”

When you become clear on what you are passionate about and follow through with the appropriate action steps, the life you want will begin to unfold in magical ways.

You deserve to live a life you love and that feels connected to your highest purpose. The fastest way to make your dreams happen is to get clear and take inspired action!

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About the author 

Pamela Henry

Pamela Henry is a Certified Life Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Writer and Singer-Songwriter. She works with women who feel like life is passing them by and helps them to get clear on what they really want and finally make their dreams happen.
Through her coaching and writing practices,Pamela helps her clients simplify the process of taking back their power and create an extraordinary life. A life where they shine with confidence in everything they do. Learn more at and sign up for your free 5 Day Jump-Start Your Extraordinary Life Mini-Course.

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