I am the designer of my destiny, as you are of yours.
Easier said than done? Not once you learn how easy it really is.
Wherever you are on your journey, and whatever you encounter, you will continue to discover yourself through unexpected challenges and learn to step into your true potential. Life flows more easily when you learn to trust your own intuition. Be courageous and walk through fear. The reward is breathtaking.
It is truly a blessing to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and to go on this journey of human discovery to unearth the magnificence of your own inner Light. With every step you take, you create your own opus in harmony with the Universe. If you have not yet discovered your own magnificence, and you are not living the life you want to lead, there are steps you can take to begin to uncover the beautiful you that you always wanted to be – the beautiful you that you already are.
Imagine a life filled with more clarity, more peace, more success and of course, more fun.
YOU WANT THAT, don’t you?
Isn’t it time to stop imagining and start living it?
There are the four essential steps for creating meaningful change in your life. That doesn’t sound so hard, does it? Just four steps to freedom, to fulfillment, to FABULOUS! And those same four steps to embrace the truth of who you are. That’s a lot of reward for just 4 simple steps!
The Four Steps that will set you free :
- Move From Floundering to Flow: Release your negative emotions, your limiting decisions, and your past patterns and strategies that do not serve you
- Stop the Insanity Struggle: Focus on solution and what you truly want. Energy flows to where attention goes. You get what you focus on whether you want it or not, so stop focusing on fear.
- Shift from Sabotage to Success: Let your actions indicate your intentions. Make choices that take you closer to your dreams instead of away from them.
- Discover the Magic of Mind Mastery: Accept your power and understand that you are the cause of how you experience your life. You are the designer of your destiny.
As you take each step and reach the landing, you may be astonished that change can be so instantaneous and so all encompassing. It’s always so amazing when you first discover that you really did have the power all along.
Start where ever you are now and know that you matter. Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know until you learned it. Within you is the wisdom, the strength, and the courage to own your path, to wield your own magic, and to design your destiny.
You came into this world as Love – pure and unselfish – beholding the world as a magical place, and seeing everything simply, for what it is. As a small child, you beheld everything without judgement, and with a wide-eyed sense of wonder. This is how life is meant to be lived; but, as you grew older, you learned to live small, as we all do, you allowed your light to be dimmed with layers of fear.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Step out of the shadows and come live in your Light – the Light that has always been there, waiting for you to uncover it and reclaim your magnificence. You are a beautiful bright spirit maneuvering your way through a human awakening. There is greatness within you. Let it shine.
The Light in me honours the Light in You.
“Easier said than done”?
The answer came a few lines below: Energy flows where attention goes. And sometimes I believe I am a cork in the middle of the ocean. And yes, my life manifests that feeling in my day to day.
One of the greatest gifts I have received is the notion that it does not have to be painful or slow, it doesn’t have to be a tribulation of sorts. It is instantaneous, and it solves most problems with ease.
So, I often stumble upon some discoveries, like the fact that it feels so much better to lead with love, than to lead with fear. Which one do I prefer? Yes, the more enjoyable and the more rewarding for all parties, ends up being the most rewarding and most enjoyable for me.
It is somewhat difficult to manifest positive thoughts when we don’t trust and lead with love. Now I know that. It is a matter of consistency and repetition until it becomes natural, that’s what I am working on.
Thank you for such wonderful read Shelley. You are a creator of positive energy.
Blessings. <3
Thank you, Juan Carlos. I am so glad you are making the shift from Fear to Love. It truly changes everything. It helps us let go of the ego illusion and to lovingly accept ourselves and others. And practice will make it habit and it will get easier and easier until it becomes our natural response. Life does not have to be a trial. We make it that way. And we can choose an easier path by changing what we see. Our eyes always see what they’re looking for.
Love & Light to you, Juan Carlos. Your answers are all within.