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4 Spirit-led Tips to Becoming the Creator of Your Life

4 Spirit-led Tips to Becoming the Creator of Your Life by Lisa Hromada | #AspireMag

Life works in funny ways. It often guides you toward paths that push your boundaries, pull you out of the comfort of your shell, and call you to climb higher than you believe is possible. It has a way of putting people, events, and circumstances along your path to make you stop and question yourself, your life, and what’s next.  

And many times, if you’re like me, it can shake your confidence. It can leave you feeling small, self-conscious, not ready enough, not skilled enough, not worthy enough, and not articulate or eloquent enough. What I’ve learned though, through inner work and spiritual explorations, and from speaking with women in my community, is that feeling a lack of anything is NOT the core issue. 

Every question, challenge and unmet desire is your soul calling you to reconnect with who you are  to reconnect with your true, authentic, unconditioned self. 

To see yourself beyond your story, experiences, and circumstances. To really know yourself. To see yourself and your life from your soul’s loving view.  

When you do, one thing becomes clear: You were intentionally created ON PURPOSE. There is no mistake about you. All the strengths, gifts, and talents, as well as the uncertainties, insecurities, and areas you know need extra TLC are all purposefully crafted. 

Need proof? (I did!) As a natural born seeker, who needs to experience most everything that intrigues me, I’ve explored readings in astrology, numerology, human design, akashic records, and other modalities. And through these, it was incredible the similarities and patterns that immerge. It becomes clear just how “on purpose” we are all created to be. 

So, if you’re feeling at times disconnected and unsure about yourself and direction, it’s my belief that it’s not about a lack of confidence at all.  

It’s simply that you’ve forgotten how magnificent you are. Over time, you have developed a few core limiting beliefs about yourself, your life, and what’s possible. 

But here’s what I’ve learned. There is purpose to every experience you have in life. And when you become present and aware and ask the right questions, you can clear the way to creating the life that feels spiritually aligned with your desires, passions, and inner calling to make a meaningful contribution. 

I invite you to clear your path to greater confidence and embrace the creator that you are with these 4 spirit-led tips. 

1. Accept your role as being the leader of your life.  

While you can certainly be uplifted by others, the true power is within you. At the core, you hold the key to your own transformation and how you experience life. A powerful place to begin is by guiding your mind into a state of empowerment.  

This can be done through guided meditations to elevate your mindset. I like to call these meditations “rescripting your truth” because when you listen daily to anything that uplifts you, shifts naturally happen in your thoughts and beliefs and ultimately the results you experience each day. 

2. You are not missing anything.  

One of the most powerful revelations I’ve had is fully grasping the divine truth that every woman enters this life loaded and coded with everything that she needs to create a life of her choosing. You, me, and every woman on her spiritual life path are uniquely created as such that every experience and every challenge can become an opportunity to show what you’re really made of. It depends though on how you view and interpret yourself and your life.  

3. You have so much innate power and capability, it would blow your mind.  

If I heard this six years ago when I set out to write and share the channeled messages from souls and wise ones who spoke through my dad when I was an infant, which launched my first book, Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World and work, I would have certainly not believed it. 

My confidence was low. I had fears around putting myself “out there”, changing my brand and the focus of my work, and most of all, I feared speaking in public. Say the words, “public speaking” and I would instinctually want to run the opposite direction. Fortunately, I didn’t, and I’ve discovered what’s possible when you muster the courage to reveal a higher potential in you. And the possibilities and potential are limitless. 

4. Harness the power of your mind. It will show you just how powerful you are to change your life.

I invite you to imagine for a moment a beautiful white unicorn, with a long rainbow horn that swirls in a fluid motion up to a pointy tip. This majestic unicorn has a flowy rainbow braided tail, and large majestic white wings. Now see in your mind’s eye, this beautiful unicorn galloping in a field of flowers and gracefully taking off in flight — uninhibited, unbridled, and filled with a sense of joy and curiosity.

Can you see it? Can you feel its joy and bliss as you see in your mind’s eye it freely gliding through the air?   

Now, let me ask you, when you were imagining this unicorn, were you thinking about anything else or were you immersed in the vision? 

When you reclaim your role as the powerful leader of your mind, you can take yourself anywhere and experience anything. And when what you think about, visualize, and focus on uplifts and empowers you – the result is a better experience of life more joy, peace and a clearer path forward.  

My intention? For a moment, and without much effort, I was able to take you somewhere else. I was able to make you feel something else. I was able to lead you to experience something else. 

This is the power of your mind.  

Simply by placing your focus and imagination on what I was describing, you were able shift what you were experiencing in the moment. 

That’s the power of your mind. Your mind will always lead you to how you experience life.  

It will either lead you to feeling good and empowered, or it will lead you to feeling stuck, unworthy, and trapped by your circumstances. 

Because your beliefs influence your thoughts, which impact your feelings, which guide your actions, and all this together influence your results and how you view and experience your life. 

When you set the stage to be the leader to uplift yourself, know you’re missing NOTHING, tap into your innate power, and harness the power of your mind, your confidence is going to skyrocket and you will begin awakening the creator within you.  

I invite you to use these spiritled tips and truths to begin becoming the powerful creator of your life you came to be. 

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

Lisa Hromada is an Empowered Lifeview™ Guide, Life Transformation Mentor, and creator of Love is the Seed™ — a spirit led lifework dedicated to empowering women to harness the power of their mind and align with their soul, so they transcend their challenges and reclaim their joy.

Start your journey with her FREE Resources: The Empowered Lifeview™ Gift Set and Access Your Soul & Life Purpose Masterclass at

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