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4 Soul-Aligned Steps to Create a Life of Your Choosing

4 Soul-Aligned Steps to Create a Life of Your Choosing by Lisa Hromada | #AspireMag

How big do you allow yourself to dream, envision, and imagine what’s possible for yourself and your life? 

It’s said in various spiritual teachings that when your soul plans this life before coming here, it is not one plan set in stone. It’s a sacred framework of certain experiences you set forth to have and then various other potentials of what you could experience based on the choices you make when you’re here. 

In other words… 

Your life is full of possibilities, and you are full of unlimited potential. 

The biggest obstacle is that you’re not given a guidebook to life.  

You’re not taught that the challenges you experience and your personality traits, gifts, and even your weaknesses are all a part of a divine plan to help guide you. And that you already have loaded and coded within you everything you need to experience joy and peace and create a life of your choosing.

Imagine your soul’s journey for a moment. 

You arrive here as pure spirit, born adventurous, carefree, and ready to dance with life. Your soul came here knowing of its loving intent, purpose, and the limitless possibilities and opportunities it could create. 

But here’s what happens.  

You forget that you’re a soul — supported, guided, and loved by your Source — and you begin looking to the world around you to tell you who you are, what you should do, and where you belong.  

You’re temporarily led away from this carefree, creative, visionary spirit that is you. And some of those magical parts of you get left behind over time. Over the years, you pick up a limited life view based on how you interpret your experiences, challenges, and day to day interactions.  

But then something happens. Something shifts within you.  

Either by an inspired, intuitive inner prompting or an external challenge or life event that turns your world upside-down, you begin to awaken to the possibility that… just maybe… there’s something “more” beyond your awareness. 

You come to a point when you’re ready to recalibrate your life and experience something new and better. You’re ready to move beyond the fear of an uncertain path ahead. And you’re ready to not do it alone.  

So, with your hand to your heart and an inner call to your Source, you say, “I’m ready for a divine reset™.” 

You’re ready to be happier and more at peace in your relationships, finances, work, health, and well-being. You’re ready to feel truly authentic and confident about who you are and your contribution in life. You’re ready to begin peeling away what’s no longer working for you and invite in a new and more soulfully aligned vision of what’s possible.  

I see this journey beginning to unfold as I observe, nurture, and listen to my young kids. They’re creative, imaginative, and limitless. They naturally want to sing, play, dance, love, laugh, be silly, express and explore what’s possible. They’re creating their vision for their life and living it daily. 

Yet here’s the challenge that I see starting to happen and that we all experience as a part of life.  

As my kids attend school and socialize with authority figures, peers, and friends, they’re starting to ask important life questions about who they are, where they belong, and how they can fit in and find their place in a world filled with rules, to-dos, and various opinions and perspectives.  

Thus, they are starting to limit their vision of what’s possible. 

As a mom, spiritual life guide, and a woman on her own self evolvement path, I’ve experienced enough of an awakening to know how disempowering a limited view is, and this simply will not do — for my kids, myself, or the women I work with. 

This is the sacred, and sometimes messy, journey we all take.  

As a courageous soul who’s chosen to come here, you’re required to navigate challenges, dilemmas, disappointments, and times of loss or uncertainty. Yet when you realize that you have all that you need to imagine, create, take inspired action, and live the soul-aligned life that you came for, an empowered vision for your life opens. 

Isn’t it time that you experience the beauty and magic beyond your fear, challenges, and perceived limitations? 

A brand-new year for you can begin any moment, any day, and any season. The choice, path, and vision are yours. 

I invite you again to ask yourself… 

“How big can I allow myself to dream, envision, and imagine what’s possible?” 

At the peak of my dark night of the soul, I was led to see my life from an empowered life view, create the vision and pursue my best path forward toward it. 

I envisioned what I valued most and wanted for my life. I didn’t just envision it as a far-off hope. I spiritually and emotionally aligned myself with it, took gradual steps toward it, and eventually created the reality of it. 

I created a life of my choosing. And as I evolve, so does the vision of what’s possible. 

Perhaps sharing my process will help guide you in clearing your path and vision for your most empowered soul-aligned life. 

This first thing I did was I allowed myself to visualize my life from a space of miracles, possibilities, and trust.  

Did I feel uncertain and doubtful at times? Absolutely.  

Afterall when you’re in the depths of experiencing challenges and a life that feels out of alignment, doubt naturally arises. And yet I still chose to look at and envision my life from a space of possibilities, knowing that I’m not alone is helping to make whatever’s meant to happen, happen. 

From a spiritual perspective, when you create a vision for your life — whether it’s a more loving relationship, more money, or better health — it’s not that you’re imagining something that does not already exist and you’re trying to bring it to you.  

The possibilities to live whatever you envision is already in existence as a potential that your soul has already lined up for you, and you are shedding the barriers to it, so that you can align with it. 

It’s about bringing your soul, your mind, and your actions and lifestyle, into this beautiful alignment so that you can experience the life that you were born to live.

Carl Jung said, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” Indeed, it is. 

To help you align with your higher path and potential, I’ll share the path that I took and have guided other women on as well. 


4 Soul-Aligned Steps to Create a Life of Your Choosing  

1. Reconnect with your spiritual nature and innate spark for life. Become open to the possibility that there is unlimited potential for you to create a more empowering, joyful, and fulfilling life just beyond what you can’t yet see. It is already available to you in the realm of possibilities. 

2. Learn to go with the flow of life. Release resistance on the need to have complete control over how your life and vision for what you want manifests. Practice a new way of perceiving and interacting with life where peace is always available to you in any situation. 

3. Get out of your own way. When you reconnect with your soulful nature and practice going with the flow of life, get ready because this is where you can get in your own way of living your soul-aligned life. When you begin to make shifts in a new empowered direction, your most prominent limiting thoughts and beliefs will surface. This part of the path is about releasing the limitations of your mind. 

4. Create the vision for a life of your choosing from your heart, not your mind. This is where you can begin to create new opportunities, new experiences, and new ways of seeing yourself and your life.  

Beautiful friend, what I’ve found most incredible about life is that we never know what’s possible until we move beyond our fears of the future, the discomfort of the present, and the painful memories and experiences of the past. 

Your life is full of possibilities, and you are full of unlimited potential. You can create a life of your choosing. 

And as always, relax in the knowing. 

“Once you are blissful by your own nature, your life becomes an expression of your blissfulness, not a pursuit of happiness.” — Sadhguru, Yogi, Mystic, Visionary 

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

LISA HROMADA is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, and International Bestselling Contributing Author of numerous books to empower women.

Born from her own challenges and spiritual awakening — what she calls a “divine reset™”— Lisa created her Empowered Lifeview™ methodology, helping to guide women to breakthrough life challenges, reclaim their inner peace, and cultivate the clarity they need to live a life of meaning, joy, and spiritual connection.

Through her transformational guided self-paced video course, The Divine Reset™ Experience: A Soul Nourishing Journey for Midlife Women, Lisa provides women practical spiritual teachings and guidance through soul-aligned frequency meditations and proven mindset recalibration practices to powerfully transform their lives.

Learn more at

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