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4 Simple Practices to Live in the Energy of Happiness

4 Simple Practices to Live in the Energy of Happiness by Lisa Hromada | #AspireMag

Every moment presents the opportunity to find happiness. Yet happiness cannot be grasped or owned; it must simply be lived. When you make the choice moment by moment to recognize the good in your life despite the challenges, and when you find positive ways to get through setbacks and struggles, you make the choice to live in the energy of happiness.

This energy of happiness is a byproduct of a divine energy of solutions that exists. This energy of solutions is where you find divine guidance, clarity and answers about your life and purpose. And when you live from a place of looking at the positive, recognizing blessings in your life and focusing on the possible solutions for any problems you may experience (rather than getting lost in thinking about how bad a problem is), you naturally find yourself living in the energy of happiness more often.

Shantideva, 8th-century CE Indian Buddhist monk, is said to have put it simply in this way: “Whatever happens, I will not let my cheerfulness be disturbed. Being unhappy won’t get me anywhere and will dissipate all my goodness. Why be unhappy about something if you can change it? And if you can’t, how will being unhappy help?”

Living in the energy of happiness is a daily practice. Each day brings a new set of challenges and emotionally-charged events in which you must work through — from your relationships, finances and work, as well as your health and well-being. It can be difficult sometimes not to get overcome by what’s not going right. Fortunately, you have all that you need to create greater happiness now, and in any given moment.


4 Simple Practices to Live in the Energy of Happiness

#1 – Look within.

There is a natural happiness that lives inside of you right now. As a part of divine creation, you have empowerments that allow you to live in whatever energy that you desire. Although circumstances may arise that test your patience and bring about feelings of frustration or other negative emotions, there is always an opportunity to access this energy of happiness. Within you is your connection with Divinity — your Source of loving creation. Nearly all spiritual and religious practices teach that when you connect to this Source of divine, unconditional love, you find peace, guidance and fulfillment, and thus… happiness.

Practice: Start your morning by sitting quietly for a few minutes with your eyes closed and set your intention for the day. Ask your inner mind to guide you to your greater self and there you will find a greater you. And in doing so, you can find your connection with divine guiding presence. And each time that you look within yourself throughout the day — even if for just a few moments — you can connect with your own inner empowerments. You find that you are more patient, compassionate and clear-minded, which in turn leads you to living in the energy of happiness.


#2 – Maintain a Solutions-Mindset.

You may not have all of the answers to your big questions in life or know how to resolve certain problems that arise, but you know that you have access to all solutions within you through your connection to Divinity. With a solutions-mindset, you know that if you simply pursue in a good direction, focus on what is in your control and release anything that is not, then the rest of what you seek is provided in its own beneficial way.

In Matthew 11:28,30, Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” When you practice a solutions-mindset, you find that through divine love, all solutions are available and are provided for in faith.

Practice: Throughout your day, each time that a problem arises causing you frustration or unhappiness, remind yourself that there is always a solution. This is one of the most empowering practices to lead you to living in the energy of happiness (amongst any challenge). The solution, or answer, may not come immediately or it may not come in the way that you envision, but a solution will always come. The solution may be something that you can do, or it might be something that you need to release to God, but there is always a solution to getting through any challenge, setback, or emotional struggle.


#3 – Allow life to flow.

You can spend years trying to figure out the secret to lasting happiness, seeking outside of yourself for things, relationships and circumstances to make you feel good. Yet, this feeling doesn’t last. Ultimately things changed, people came in and out of your life, and circumstances that you were once “happy” with… (you guess it) change. In short, all things in life are impermanent, and although they are certainly here to enjoy, they alone can’t possibly create lasting happiness.

Practice: Today, practice allowing life to flow, knowing that all things in life — good and bad — will ultimately change. Practice using the moments that you’re given, to enjoy what you can and give thanks for the people, things, and events that bring you joy. Practice not letting negative thoughts hold you back from focusing on what is good. And remind yourself when in the midst of struggle that, “this too shall pass”. When you allow life to flow, you find that you live more in the energy of happiness.


#4 – Surrender.

Surrender is by far the quickest way to peace. And with peace, comes happiness. Buddhist tradition teaches that lasting happiness arises from surrender. It arises from letting go of the things that you have been hanging onto that deprive you of your freedom, and that deprive you of living an authentic life. When you surrender what you can’t control, you open yourself to the energy of happiness. In the Vedic texts, spiritual surrender is referred to as the “joy of surrender.” It is where you willingly release your limitations and open yourself to infinite possibilities.

In Christianity, through absolute surrender, it is said that you “die to the self” — selfish plans, thoughts and actions; and you follow Jesus and live by his example. Surrender is to follow the Word and teachings of the Son of God. And when you do, you are always in the presence of the energy of love, which leads you to living more moments in the energy of happiness.

Practice: Today, practice letting go of what is out of your control and instead focus on what you can do within a given situation. Surrender the control you are striving to have in every situation in your life and see what happens when you allow God to write His story through you. Open yourself to letting go of what you think should be. Be willing to take action where you can and with good intention and then relax in the knowing that the rest of what you desire can be surrendered to something greater. When practiced daily, you not only can live in the energy of happiness, but you enter yourself into a space where you can create and live a life more of your choosing.

It seems to me that to be truly happy, we must find meaning in each day. Find the happiness that already is alive within you. Lean on your faith and know that you can persevere through any challenge. Remind yourself that all things in life are impermanent. Take time to enjoy all that you can and know that even the best things don’t define who you are; they simply add to it. And most importantly, surrender anything that you need to, knowing that God is always at work for your benefit.

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

LISA HROMADA is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, and International Bestselling Contributing Author of numerous books to empower women.

Born from her own challenges and spiritual awakening — what she calls a “divine reset™”— Lisa created her Empowered Lifeview™ methodology, helping to guide women to breakthrough life challenges, reclaim their inner peace, and cultivate the clarity they need to live a life of meaning, joy, and spiritual connection.

Through her transformational guided self-paced video course, The Divine Reset™ Experience: A Soul Nourishing Journey for Midlife Women, Lisa provides women practical spiritual teachings and guidance through soul-aligned frequency meditations and proven mindset recalibration practices to powerfully transform their lives.

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