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4 Sacred Practices to Release Energy Blocks to Your Soul’s Path

4 Sacred Practices to Release Energy Blocks to Your Soul’s Path by Dr. Debra Reble |#AspireMag

“Everything that happens in our life is a catalyst for change and growth.” ~ Panache Desai 

To co-create your soul intentions, you need to energetically release the energy blocks to your soul’s path. This transformative time asks you to focus on your heart and tap into the truth of your fullest soul potential. Embracing your soul’s path means bringing your head into your heart, the physical into the spiritual, and your ego into soul.  

All your life experiences have been recorded on the shimmering fabric of your soul. This why it’s beneficial to examine repetitive thoughts, memories, events, and experiences of your past as they surface for you. They can reveal so much about your soul expansion in this lifetime and who you are becoming. With this inspired awareness, you can transform into a more evolved and conscious soul. 

Every life experience you have shapes who you are. Your soul growth comes from all the cumulative human experiences you have had in your life, both the joyful and the painful ones. You brought all of it into this lifetime to help your soul progress. Yet, soul evolves the most through difficult or challenging experiences. 

You can energetically erase all that keeps you from doing what you came here as a soul to do. This process opens the way for you to co-create your deepest soul desires. Like a spring cleaning of your energy field, it brings in a breath of fresh air to clear what is no longer in alignment with your soul’s path and bring in what is.   

Energy blocks take up the space you need to co-create your soul’s intentions. That’s why energetic clearing practices are important because they create balance, release stuck energy, and open space for new positive energy to come into your life. These practices provide the opportunity to take all your past and use it as a springboard to catapult you forward in your life.  

Here are four sacred practices for releasing energy blocks to your soul’s path: 

Reflection and Meditation: Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and place your left hand on your heart and your right hand over left. Sit quietly, breathe into this sacred space, and sink into your heart.  

Open and allow your heart to soften and your mind to step back so you can begin to hear the soft whisper of your soul. Invite your soul to come into your higher awareness by dropping down deeper into your heart.  

Take a moment to scan your body. Begin at the top of your head and move slowly down to your feet. Do you sense or feel any blocked energy in your body? What feelings or sensations are coming up right now? 

Allow what you need to release to come through your heart. You may begin to hear, smell, taste, and feel a past experience or memory as if it is happening all over again. Allow whatever uncomfortable feelings such as guilt, shame, anger, or psychic pain into your awareness. Go as slowly as you need and lean into the feels that emerge around this memory or experience.  

Journal Prompts for Clarity and Release: Ask your heart: “What do I need to know about this memory or experience? What do I need to heal from this experience? Be still and let whatever comes through float to the surface of your awareness. Then write them down in your journal.   

Now ask your heart: “What repetitive thoughts, choices and patterns are linked to this experience?  What are the false beliefs or narratives I tell myself from this experience? This will give you an idea as to what energy blocks need to be released. 

Like being in an airplane and looking down at the ground, view this experience from a higher soul awareness. Viewing your past from such a higher perspective can help you recognize patterns you’ve never noticed before. This can help break the cycle of negative behaviors, or perhaps lead you to discover a new passion you’ve been making tiny steps toward all along. These are only some of the benefits of taking a deep dive into the past experiences of your life.  

Finally, write down the aspects of your life that aren’t aligning with your soul’s path. How is this experience helping your soul to evolve? What are these energy blocks showing you about your soul’s path? You do not need to force a response, just allow this moment of soul awareness to sink in.  

Silent Walking Meditation for Release: Silent walking meditation helps you to stay in a state of peace and grace as you release all that keeps you from embracing your soul’s path. 

Before beginning to walk, pick up 3 or more stones, symbolizing the energy blocks to your soul’s path. Begin to silently walk while taking deep breaths, dropping down into your heart, and focusing on your steps. To keep you focused, use a mantra such as: “Bless and Release” or the Sanskrit mantra, “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” which means, may obstacles that keep you from serving the highest good continue to be removed. 

Pause when you get to the halfway point in your walk. Reflect here on what you are releasing. Set the stones down as you walk your path releasing the attachment and clearing the energy. Again, you can use a mantra to release them to the universe, source, or to God (whatever feels right to you). 

Put your hands on your heart and drop down into this space of the soul. Feel this space of equanimity and peace, between attachment and letting go. Take your time and feel yourself here.  

As you quietly and slowly walk back to where you started, see the path before you as your soul’s path. This part of the journey asks you to claim your renewed energy as you re-enter your life. Be open to the spiritual insights and revelations that come in as you listen and allow soul to lead you. 

Use the mantra “Bless and Release:” Like sweeping your energy field with a whisk brush, you can learn to bless and release any limiting beliefs, negative, energy, and old stories you tell yourself. When you notice a negative thought, feel an emotional reaction, or engage in a challenging situation, say the mantra, Bless and Release, as a signal to pause, bless the person or situation for bringing this un-awakened part of yourself into your awareness, and energetically clear it from your energy field. Ultimately, this prevents the negative energy from getting trapped in your energy field and creating an energy block in your body.  

You can say, Bless and Release as much as you like. The more you repeat it, the more you will clear the stuck energy. Then, it becomes a healthy habit. Eventually your subconscious mind will take over and repeat this phrase for you almost continuously, so you’re releasing and clearing your energy field all the time. 

This new year is a deeply clarifying and purifying time of release and new beginnings. Use these practices often to empower you on your soul’s path. You are a spiritual alchemist who can transmute your dross into gold. 

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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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