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4 Sacred Practices to Move You from Uncertainty to Unshakable

4 Sacred Practices to Move You from Uncertainty to Unshakable by Dr. Debra Reble

“Making things happen in your life, requires a faith or an ability, to believe, that is unshakable, regardless of circumstances.” ― Les Brown

It’s easy to be unshakable when life is going as you planned.  But, what about the times when things are challenging, daunting, or your best-laid plans come undone. Being unshakable and staying in high vibe becomes harder when life comes at you, doesn’t it?

With what’s been going on in the world, you may be feeling like you don’t have much control over your life. You may feel shaken to your core, your world turned upside down, and your faith stretched to the limits. Even if you’ve been living from a more awakened state, you may still feel uncertain as to why this is all happening. Just watching the news, being on social media, or sensing the energies of those around you can trigger feelings of uncertainty and fear.

When overwhelmed by fear, we tend to look at life from survival mode instead of from a higher, more spiritual perspective. Our sense of trust in the universe wavers which makes us more vulnerable to negativity and anxiety. That’s why it’s so important to drop into our hearts, raise our energies, and trust our connection to a universe that not only is friendly, but has our back.

This shaking up of our collective consciousness is awakening us to who we are at soul level. We are being challenged to transmute fear into love, align our choices with what’s best for every living being on the planet, and transform our lives in ways we never have before.

Being unshakable is the key to joy, happiness and inner peace during these uncertain times. It moves you from feeling uncertain about what’s happening in your life to handling challenging situations with trust rather than fear and trepidation. It gives you the strength not only to rise above adversity, but to use it as a springboard for personal transformation. Most of all, it makes the difference between merely surviving or thriving in your life.

Here are 4 Sacred Practices to Move from Uncertainty to Unshakable:

Remember the Universe is On Your Team: Just knowing that you and the universe are a divine team, can change your perception of reality. Trust that the universe is friendly and has got your back and your heart. From this higher, more expanded perspective, you can perceive problems or difficulties as opportunities for change. Shifting your perspective allows you to flow gracefully through life’s challenges instead of feeling powerless, overwhelmed, or stuck.

You are the universe and the universe is in you. You live in a quantum universe of unlimited potential. Living life from such a higher awareness, opens up more possibilities than you could ever imagine. This in turn helps you to bounce back when life takes a turn that you least expected. Accepting what shows up in your life as the universe giving you what you need for your soul’s evolution is the foundation for being unshakable. It’s trusting that there’s always a silver “spiritual” lining to every moment in your life. Consistently perceiving your life this way makes the difference between it being a miracle or a mess. Being unshakable is choosing to always see the miracles.

Develop Radical Trust: Trust is a whole and powerful energy that originates in your connection with source and lives in your present awareness. This powerful source of energy flows through you—also referred to as light, God, higher power, universal energy, or divine intelligence. By opening your heart, you move into the present where you connect to conscious awareness. This is where trust in yourself and your connection to the unlimited resources of the universe live. Energetically, fear cannot co-exist in the same space.

Close your eyes and put your hand on your heart center. Tap your fingers on your chest to stimulate the energy here. Take a few deep breaths inhaling and exhaling love. Now visualize a pearl of white light here. Feel the light energy filling your heart space and expanding out the top of your head. Imagine a stream of white light moving up from your heart and out through the top of your head. See the light energy stream connecting you to your divine source. Visualize this energy like a figure eight from your heart out the top of your head and back to your heart again. When open your heart, you generate a high vibrational energy that brings your body, mind, and spirit into harmonic resonance. The simple act of opening your heart and expanding your energy raises your vibration and the vibration of those around you.

Dwell on the Positive Moments: By developing a positive miracle mindset, you become more resilient to stress, anxiety and disease. Studies show that to undo the devastating effects of negative thinking, you need three to five times as many positive thoughts to override the negative ones. Change the way you think and you change the feedback loop that begins in the brain. Your brain is naturally resilient; thus, the process of neuroplasticity gives you the ability to change your “neural wiring.” Acknowledging your blessings, growth, and joy rewire your brain and create new neuropathways that focus on positivity rather than default to negativity. Positive thoughts also elevate the vibration of the cells in your body and re-program them for wellness.

Look for something positive everyday even if some days you have to look harder. Dwelling on the blessings in your life moves you toward the tipping point of positivity. Real experiences of awe, wonder, joy, inspiration, happiness, gratefulness, contentment, and connectedness–anything good in your life, needs to be given focused attention. Doing so shifts your mindset toward the good things in your life, which, in turn, creates new healthier neuropathways in your brain.   As your day comes to a close, allow yourself to think about three positive things that happened during the day and why they happened. Spending 5 minutes each day writing about what “went well” and “why” results in lower stress levels and resilience toward disease. Focusing on what’s going well in your life keeps you in high vibe and gives you the motivation to thrive.

Elevate Your Vibration Through Love, Joy, and Gratitude: Resilient people sustain a high vibrational energy which contributes to their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being You are responsible for the energy you bring to every moment. So, it’s important that you become aware of the energy. You may not always know when you are operating a lower vibration. But, here’s a clue: When you feel triggered by fear, anger, or resentment, you are operating from a lower vibration. Time to pause and take a timeout to reset your emotional field and recalibrate your energy.

Increase your spiritual practice to raise your vibration. Meditate, pray, walk in nature, talk to your angels, and connect with your spiritual guides. Not just once a day, but several times a day. Tapping into love, joy, and gratitude elevates your energy; whereas fear lowers your vibration. The practice of gratitude plugs you into the high vibration of love and this is the anecdote for fear because where love exists fear does not persist. Like a short in an electrical wire, fear short circuits your vibration and zaps your power. The energy of love, joy and gratitude amplifies your energy and sustains your power from the inside, not from something outside of you. It enhances your health and well-being and this energy ripples out to others. So, it’s important to anchor this high vibe energy throughout your heart center.

The world needs you to be a steward of love, inner goodness, and peace. Keep that in mind when it gets tough and you feel you had enough, you are here to make a difference. By remaining unshakable in your trust, love, and high vibration, you can make a difference that makes a difference in your life, the lives of others, and the world.

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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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