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4 Transformational Steps to Transcend Any Challenge

4 Life Transformational Steps to Transcend Any Challenge by Lisa Hormada | #AspireMag

There comes a point in life, and perhaps you’ve come to this point, when you realize that fear, anxiousness, and stress have taken lead in your life. 

You see what’s happening in the news and feel helpless. Your spouse says or does something that makes you question your worth. Your finances aren’t where you desire them to be, and you feel unsupported by life. You go through a loss and wonder about your future. You look in the mirror and see a body that’s “aging too fast” or “failing” in some area, and you feel unlovable. 

Whatever the situation may be, there comes a point when you’re ready for something better 

You’re ready to feel happier and more confident again, move beyond your feelings of unworthiness, not being enough, and the fear of an uncertain future. You’re ready to reset your life and take back some control over your well-being. 

In 2016, I was at this point. I experienced a loss that would call everything into question — my body, my Source, and my future. I desperately wanted things to be better and be my happy self again. 

Have you ever felt this way? 

When life deals you big, life-altering challenges — whether sparked by one significant event or simply accumulated feelings of fear, doubt, and unworthiness over time — have you ever yearned to renew your sense of self and reclaim your joy, peace, and confidence? 

Fortunately, at the height of my suffering, something awakened in me to do just that. And it’s my hope that what I learned and experienced will help you too. 

The best way I can describe what happened was I experienced a divine reset. I’m confident that, you too, have experienced bits and pieces of a divine reset without realizing it.  

That in your “broken” moments, you are gradually rebuilt stronger, wiser, and more enlightened to what you want most in life — to feel “at home” within yourself and confident that you can handle anything that comes your way.  

And in the process of being “rebuilt”, you get glimpses of restored confidence, peace, hope, and well-being. You come into clearer awareness of yourself as worthy, deserving, loved, and a powerful co-creator of your life, and you begin to release the limitations of your circumstances and problems.  

It doesn’t happen all at once though. It is a gradual unfolding and revealing of who you are and your infinite potential to co-create a life of your choosing. 

What set it all into motion for me was making the choice to no longer be willing to suffer through feelings of defeat and despair. I embraced humble surrender, unwavering faith in “good”, and a willingness to release what was not in my control and take small steps each day toward something better. 

It is through a divine reset that you can learn how to transcend any challenge.  

Let’s explore the 4 life transformational steps to get you there. 

STEP ONE: Reconnect with Your Soul’s Plan & Purpose Through YOU 

There’s a quote that the late Dr. Wayne Dyer often referenced that perfectly summarizes this first foundational step 

“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” 

This powerful message was also expressed by souls and Wise Ones in the early 1980s through sessions that I share in the book Love is the Seed: Teaching from the Spirit World. That as a spiritual truth, you planned your life before coming here in collaboration with your Source, guides, angels, and loved ones in spirit with the promise that once here, they would always be with you.  

Your life plan is one of infinite potential, purpose, and learning. And to fulfill this plan, you must come into human form and experience who you are not — meaning you must experience the contrast of love, compassion, worthiness, and the like — before you remember who you are. Your challenges provide you this opportunity. 

Each challenge prompts you to seek who you are, thus allowing you to know yourself and your purpose more deeply. 

You’re invited in this step to reconnect with your Truth. You can do so by practicing meditation, automatic writing, and similar practices to quiet the mind, ask for Divine help, and listen. 

STEP TWO: Catch Your Higher Vision 

After you reconnect with your soul’s plan and purpose through you, you’re invited to catch the higher vision for your life, feel it, affirm it, and set it into motion.  

At the time of my suffering, it was recommended to me to get clear on what I wanted most for my life and then offer it up in affirmative and collaborative prayer. That was powerful for me.  

You’re invited in this step to catch the higher vision for your life. Find a quiet place and ask within yourself some empowering questions and then listen. What gifts are you here to share? What is looking to manifest through you? What does it look like to live at your highest, unlimited potential? 

STEP THREE: Rescript Your False Beliefs Back to the Truth 

“Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind. – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Universe has many wonderful surprises when you step outside of your present mental paradigm. 

I once heard that the average person has 60,000 thoughts per day, and of those thoughts 95 percent repeat each day, and, on average, 80 percent of repeated thoughts are negative! 

Your limiting thoughts are the biggest obstacle to transcending your challenges.  

Why? The reason is simple. Every thought carries an emotional energy that not only impacts your daily life but is also carried within your soul for future experiences and healing. Your thoughts — or more accurately, your deeply engrained beliefs — are carried within the energy of your soul! 

If your soul has an unhealed “thought energy”, it will seek to heal it through experiencing various challenges until it is healed.  

You’re invited in this step to rescript your beliefs back to your divine truth. What I like to do is create short “rescripting your truth” meditations and choose one to listen to once a day. They are easy and powerful. 

STEP FOUR:  “Be” in the Direction of the Life You Want to Live 

This final step is about consistency, repetition, and patience. This step invites you to create a routine and have go-to practices to empower and uplift yourself every day. Stay on track living your truth, purpose, and life vision by nurturing your mind, emotions, body, and spirit each day. With so many negative things coming your way, this is an essential step to transcending any challenge. 

Beautiful friend, I’ll leave you with this. It’s been my truth that our challenges are not intended to keep us suffering and struggling. They serve a special and sacred purpose to awaken us to our infinite potential and to a higher life plan.  

You, and every woman, can experience a divine reset and feel more empowered and awake than ever.  

And it can begin today. 

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

LISA HROMADA is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, and International Bestselling Contributing Author of numerous books to empower women.

Born from her own challenges and spiritual awakening — what she calls a “divine reset™”— Lisa created her Empowered Lifeview™ methodology, helping to guide women to breakthrough life challenges, reclaim their inner peace, and cultivate the clarity they need to live a life of meaning, joy, and spiritual connection.

Through her transformational guided self-paced video course, The Divine Reset™ Experience: A Soul Nourishing Journey for Midlife Women, Lisa provides women practical spiritual teachings and guidance through soul-aligned frequency meditations and proven mindset recalibration practices to powerfully transform their lives.

Learn more at

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