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4 Life-Changing Benefits of Listening to Your Soul

Intuition, SoulEver feel lost, empty, disconnected, depressed, stuck, unfulfilled? When one is not connected with their soul, or is not living in alignment with what their soul wants, these feelings can be all too familiar.  

In this modern age of technology, fast-paced living, convenience, and distraction, it is so easy to get caught up in our whirlwind of activity. Going through the motions every day, without realizing that we are not living a purposeful or soul-connected life.  

Do you often find yourself asking, “Why is it important to be connected to our soul? What difference will it make?”?  Here are four life-changing benefits that connecting with your soul can create:   

Easier Decision Making 

When we are not connected to our soul, we are making decisions from the mind and often swayed by fears, false beliefs and the opinions of others. It is difficult to know if the decision is truly right for us, or if it just looks good on paper. Often the choice that the soul wants us to make doesn’t even make sense, but later on we see why it was the right one.  

I notice that when I am making a decision from my mind, I bounce back and forth between options, questioning my choices, doubting myself. It takes forever and is also agonizing. But if I can take the time to ground, center and connect with my soul, I can feel the right answer almost immediately. For me the answer that is in alignment with my soul gives me a warm feeling of rightness and calm, as opposed to the other choices that make me feel anxious, tight, off-center, nauseous, cold or empty. It may be a different experience for you. “Yes” often feels expansive, and “no” feels contracting. Some people receive the answer as a voice in their head, a knowing, a sense in their gut that something is right or wrong, an image, dream or vision.  

Practice connecting with your soul and making simple decisions, or even yes/no questions, until you get comfortable with how the answers feel to you. It is important to establish this to understand how it is that you sense what is right for you and what is not. Practicing also helps you to trust the answers that you receive, which will make it easier to receive your answers and use this for more important decisions.  

Improved Health 

When we are not connected without soul, or are doing things that are not in alignment with our true self or soul, our health can be affected.  

One of my clients had been working in a stressful job that she didn’t really like, but she stayed there because she needed the money and benefits. For years she had been taking classes in something that she really felt passionate about. She kept saying that someday she would start a business and do what she loved. Suddenly she developed a health issue that kept her from working. Her doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. She would improve on the weekends, but as soon as she would go back to work the issue would return. After a while, she realized that her soul had been trying to get her attention, and guide her to what would make her happy. Once she made the decision to listen to her guidance and follow her passion, her health issue went away.   

Health issues caused by this disconnection can be physical, mental, or emotional, and may or may not be treatable or diagnosed by a doctor. Even when seeking medical treatment, finding ways to connect with the soul to discover what it is trying to tell you, will assist in healing and help you to move on with greater ease and harmony.  

Enhanced Manifesting  

There are numerous resources out there for manifesting abundance and receiving all that you need from the universe. There are many different strategies and techniques to do this. The one thing that is consistent is the importance of being connected with your soul, and asking for what is in alignment with your soul. If you are not in alignment or connection, you could manifest something that is not for your greatest good and could make you miserable or take you away from your path.  

Being connected and aligned with your soul also puts you in the flow of abundance, the universe, the divine…whatever you want to call it. This connection helps connect you with what you desire and allows it to come to you more easily. Make your connection and ask to be guided to what will light you up, what will feed you on the deepest levels, what will bring you the most joy and contentment. Often just asking these questions can bring about synchronistic events, people or opportunities that will bring you what you seek.  

Defined Purpose 

One of the most common questions we ask as humans, is to know our purpose. We all want to feel like we are here for a reason and that we are fulfilling that purpose while we are here. It is one thing to be doing work that we love, to serve others, and to make a positive contribution to the world, but when we connect with our soul and discover our purpose, it is as if everything finally makes sense.  

I don’t believe that there is just one purpose for each of us. There are likely many. I know I have had several moments that I have thought, “oh my god, this is why I’m here.” Looking back, they do seem to have a similar theme. For me, simply continuing to connect and follow the guidance of my soul, and the direction these moments have led me, helps me to know that I am living my soul’s truth and purpose, even if I can’t put into words exactly what that is. There is a knowing within me that I am on the right path. When I stray from that path, things start to go awry and I feel out of sorts and lost. Reconnecting to my soul, following my guidance, and doing what lights me up and feeds me, helps me too return to that path. Once I am back on track, everything begins to flow again. I am happy, at peace, joyful and lit up from the inside! My soul radiates its light in all that I do.  

And isn’t that what it’s all about? 

Quick and Easy Soul Connection Meditation

Take a deep breath, feel your feet connect to the earth, grounding and rooting.

Feel earth energy move up through your feet into the center of your body.

Expand up through the top of your head to connect with the divine.

Bring that divine light back down through your head to the center of you.

Gathering this energy from the earth and the heavens into your center.

Allow that light to grow and build. The brightest part of this light is the seat of your soul.

Feel it, visualize it, know it.

Practice connecting with your soul each day. Just be with it. Ask questions, and notice how the answers come. Use other tools to gather more information and explore how you receive information (meditation, journal, pendulum, oracle cards, etc). The more you practice, the easier it will be to live a soul-connected life.


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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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