The more time I spend alive and living, the more I believe in magic and so the more I see it, feel it and become it. It’s exciting! What’s exciting is the symbiotic communion between the adult and child that I am and can be on different occasions.
As a child, I never quite got to fully be a child, as is the case for many youngsters. Life circumstances often calls on us to grow up way beyond our years. I do remember Magical Living though and for many year’s of my life, acutely felt the absence of this state of being. So it was with much joy and anticipation that I became aware of the deepening and caring nature of my own inner reconnection with my little girl.
Interestingly enough it has been through the medium of writing – in particular ‘channelled or spontaneous writing’ – that this bonding came about. My expression of art is writing. On the page, I am able to connect to my Heart’s Knowing and hang on as my fingers type to keep up.
The whole process of creating a new life form – a book, a new dish, a cocktail, an idea, art – is in and of its very nature, Magical in my eyes. So I invite and encourage you to explore different mediums and uncover what your form and expression of Magic is.
Meaning is so important to people. Working with a client a while ago, who was terrified of letting go of something that no longer served them, I offered them this example: when a car is blocking the driveway or road and you can’t get passed, it’s necessary to move the car, to create the space to get passed. This analogy made it easier for them to reframe their fear and to choose to let go, with the understanding that they were actually gaining something instead.
In the same way, we can open up to seeing and believing in magic. To open up the space and create a place where Magic can be invited in, welcomed and explored. It is through experience that knowledge is integrated and brings understanding and meaning.
I personally refer to these incidents as ‘A-Ha Moments’ and in fact wrote a book full of inspirational quotations to help shift our thinking and allow us to open the space and begin to see the magic that is all around us. What I especially love about these ‘A-Ha’ moments is that they are soon matched by synchronistic events, articles, data, experiences that – with practise – become unmistakable to recognize and they tend to be life changing. One can never think in the old way again.
Space allows more to enter!
This term is often defined as ‘the ability to gain deep understanding of something or someone’. I feel it’s that moment of clarity that offers an overview of a bigger picture. Insight requires trust – trust that the information that is available is correct. Sometimes referred to as intuition, it’s the fruit of listening and really hearing that inner voice.
Life’s experiences have taught me to trust this inner voice that speaks quietly and simply. Often a strong contrast to the incessant and loud mind chatter involved in cognitive justification and polarity thinking, insight affords a sense of knowing what you know! There is no doubt nor fear.
Conscious re-cognition of the insight(s) can bring A-Ha Moments.
Inspiration occurs either due to mental stimulation to take action of some kind, or it can be a sudden and brilliant new idea. The energy of inspiration feels like a dance: a sense of congruency and balance that follows on the heels of the insight and which is like a door or pathway that suddenly appears, opening up fresh and infinite potential.
Inspiration is the urge to take action and breathe new or different life into a thought-form. It can be felt as excitement, joy, motivation, or feeling energized and alive.
Holding a Vision and working towards that target.
Enjoying the journey which makes the destination all that more enjoyable and richly valuable.
Often, when inspiration occurs, there is a sensation of a burst of energy and a feeling of being vitally alive in a way that is new. Inspirational quotes often stimulate the birth of new ideas.
Inspiration invites us to know, that anything is possible.
Questions are generally used to illicit information or to resolve something. Here, the invitation is to use the question differently, rather than simply evoke a conditioned reaction and answer.
Words are vibrational frequencies and when these are strung together in the form of a question, there is a split millisecond — between when the ego mind steps in to decide, judge, or conclude — where the door to possibilities stands open. With some vigilance and training, awareness is heightened, of these moments of empowered potential – the enormous scope of receiving that is available – as opposed to limited either/or answers.
Questions can empower and are powerful tools for choice!
The question is and can be the key to more expansive and abundant living. It forms the connection that links the insight and inspiration to the a-Ha moment. So please ask questions, about everything and anything.
Let these keys of Magic be about freedom, choice, change and understanding. Are these elements that interest you and that you wish to have more of in your life? Add a pinch of insight, a drop of inspiration and a sprinkle of questions. Embrace these 4 keys to a Magical Life and Thrive!