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The 4 Feminine Success Secrets

The 4 Feminine Success Secrets by Joy Balma | #AspireMag

There are four feminine success secrets. They are uniquely feminine because they tap into a woman’s innate wisdom. For example, women understand that life is a continual process of growth. Women have an intimate connection to their bodies and intuition. Women know themselves as powerful creators and they understand the value and importance of self-acceptance. These strengths aren’t often validated in our culture. The media gives us a constant barrage of reasons to feel inadequate as women. We are encouraged to focus on our flaws and this makes it hard to ever feel good enough. The answer to this is to know your worth and tap into your innate feminine wisdom. The four feminine success secrets are:

Evolve Yourself

Rock Your Intuition

Embrace Your Power

Befriend Your Shadow

Feminine Success Secret #1: Evolve Yourself

The first feminine success secret is to keep evolving, not because there is something wrong with you, but because you are on a path of self-mastery. Just like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz was on a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery—so are you. Think of your business as your own yellow brick road. As Dorothy found out, it is about finding yourself and claiming all the different parts of yourself—your power and your potential.

It is human nature to want to stay in our comfort zone, but as an entrepreneur you must stretch yourself. This is what makes having your own business such a fantastic opportunity—you get to grow and evolve! When you do, you’re wearing the ruby slippers and you have all the power.

Feminine Success Secret #2: Rock your Intuition

The second feminine success secret is to rock your intuition. Women are naturally intuitive and this can be your lucky charm in business. Think of your intuition as the hotline to your soul.

For centuries women have been led to ignore their intuition in favor of their rational mind. Yet, there is no point in ignoring your intuition, just as there is no point in ignoring your rational mind. They work their best when they work together.

When you learn to listen to your inner voice, it can become your greatest asset in your business. Your intuition is actually a very practical tool that can help you in a multitude of ways. The more you validate your intuition by listening to it, the clearer your connection to it becomes.

It is important to know that if something doesn’t feel right to you—stop and listen! You need no further proof than your own gut feeling—none whatsoever! Your inner knowing is sufficient.

Feminine Success Secret #3: Embrace Your Power

The third Feminine Success Secret is to embrace your power as a creator. There are times in your business when you may be tempted to give up or blame others for what feels like your bad fortune—don’t! When you feel like a victim, you lose your power and your potential to create what you want.

Just like Dorothy met her scarecrows, tin men, lions, wizards and both good and wicked witches, you will too. Your obstacles are part of your path. Learn from them and let them empower you.

A powerful creator pays attention to what she can learn in every situation—letting all her experiences strengthen and enlighten her. With this mindset, she discovers that there is something good in every situation and she looks for it.

If that victim feeling tries to sneak up on you, pick up your magic wand and create the reality you want instead—because you can! Challenges appear to teach you something vital, not to turn you into a victim. The dragons you slay garner you wisdom—wisdom you will eventually pass on to others.

Feminine Success Secret #4: Befriend Your Shadow

The fourth feminine success secret is to befriend your shadow. Your shadow is a part of you that you are not owning, claiming or using. In fact, you may even be rejecting this part of yourself. Yet, your shadow contains essential qualities that can benefit your business success. Think of your shadow as unclaimed gifts—and you definitely want to claim your gifts!

When you befriend your shadow, you gain the power you need to move into the highest potential of your Feminine Type. The beauty of The Feminine Type Success System™ is that is shows you where your shadow is.

As Glinda the Good Witch said to Dorothy, “You’ve always had the power. You just had to learn it yourself.” Now gather up all that you have learned and go out and rock your business.

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About the author 

Joy Balma

Joy Balma, MA, MS is a visionary business coach, inspirational speaker and author of the bestselling book Rock Your Feminine Type To Rock Your Business. In it she shares her Feminine Type Success System™ which guides women step-by-step to uncover their power and potential. She is passionate about helping women discover their unique signature of feminine power so they can create the business they love and the success they deserve. Joy lives in Northern California where she leads Rock Your Feminine Type, Rock Your Biz™ Coach Certification Trainings.

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