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4 Archangels to Empower Your Life

4 Archangels to Empower Your Life by Kris Groth | #AspireMag

Are you living a life that is a true expression of who you are at a soul level? Or have you let others dictate or control how you show up in your life? 

For most of my life I kept myself hidden, trying to go unnoticed and be invisible. That was fine for a while, but I got to a point when it became evident that something needed to change. The safety I felt from hiding was nothing compared to the discomfort of not being true to myself. My soul was not able to shine as it was meant to, or fulfill its purpose as it was longing to do. 

To avoid making waves or drawing attention to myself, I was inadvertently allowing myself to be disempowered. I went along with what others wanted. I didn’t speak up for myself or my needs. And I gave away my power to those around me. The more often I gave my power away, the worse I felt, but also the more I lost track of who I truly was.  

This happens quite frequently to women who spend so many years being a wife, mother, etc. taking care of everyone else, and putting their own needs aside.  And they get in the habit of following the expectations of others, rather than what is calling to them. This causes them to lose their sense of identity, connection to their soul’s voice and needs, and also their inner power. 

Can you relate to this? 

One of the things that helped me to come out of hiding, discover my truth and embody my power was working with the Archangels. I spent time intentionally connecting with them each day. I would casually talk to them as I went about my daily activities, but would also sit in meditation or journal in the evening to deepen my experience with them.  

Here are four archangels you can call on to assist in empowering your life, and they each have a message for you today. 

Archangel Ariel: Ariel is a feminine warrior. She holds the energy of courage and strength to face our fears, and to own our individual power. She will show you how to utilize this power with integrity, love and peace, for the greatest good. Call on her whenever you need reassurance to do what your soul is calling for, even if it scares you. 

Message from Ariel: “It is time to step into your feminine power and to use it well. Do not be afraid of the power you embody, it is a gift. You have the power for change and goodness. Doing what you are meant to do can be terrifying, but you are not alone. The world needs your light, allow your soul to be seen and let it empower you onward. You can do this.” 

Archangel Michael: Like Ariel, Archangel Michael is also a warrior, but of masculine energy. He is known for protection. Michael can also be a source of strength and confidence. He provides a sense of safety and security in who you are. Allow him to help you to reclaim your power from people or situations that have disempowered you. Call on him in times of uncertainty or doubt and he can assist you in standing in your truth.  

Message from Michael: “Be who you are. It is safe for you to let yourself be seen and heard. Stand confidently knowing that you are the divine light you were born to be. Embody this truth and let it reflect in all that you do. When you live from your truth, you cannot fail.” 

Archangel Raguel: Raguel is the archangel of balance and harmony. He can assist in finding what brings us alignment with who we are. That divine alignment empowers us to be all that we can be and to live our best life. 

Message from Raguel: “Imagine connecting your body, heart, mind and soul into a column of light. When all these parts light up together, they create a beacon that shines out all around you. This light is your inner power, use it to empower all your endeavors. You are worthy and deserving of all that you seek.” 

Archangel Metatron: Another powerful archangel is Metatron. Call on Metatron to charge up your life force energy and amplify your desires, creating magic in your life. His potent energy added to your own can empower you to step into the flow of creation and watch miracles happen. 

Message from Metatron: “This is your time. Accept the gifts and opportunities you have been given. You have the God-given ability and power within you to create miracles. Don’t waste it, or hide it away. You were born for this. As you own your power and allow it to flow through you, there is nothing you can’t do or achieve. Believe in yourself!” 

What would it feel like if you were fully in your power no matter what you were doing? 

How would you show up differently in all the areas of your life if you felt fully empowered and standing in your truth? 

Take a moment right now to imagine a column of light at the very center of you, extending from your feet all the way up through your crown at the top of your head. Now imagine opening up your crown and bringing in divine light from the angels to fill you up, expand your light and ignite your divine power within you.  

How does that feel?  

Take this sense of empowerment with you as you go about your day, and notice what a difference it makes when you approach your life from your place of power and truth. This is who you truly are. Embrace it! Own it! Watch it light up your life! 

Affirmations of Empowerment

  • I am empowered to make changes in my life.
  • I allow myself to be seen and heard. My thoughts & feelings matter.
  • It is safe for me to be who I am, and to reclaim my power.
  • I am free to choose the life I want and to live it joyfully.
  • I am worthy and deserving of living an amazing and abundant life.
  • I step into my power and embody my truth.
  • It is okay for me to be powerful, successful and kind.
  • I am empowered to be my best self, and stand up for my beliefs..

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About the author 

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, heart, mind and soul, and to live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing, and spiritual mentoring sessions, including powerful custom guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Claim your free "Discover the Archangel Around You Quiz & Meditation" today and visit for more supportive resources.

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