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3 Ways to Use Affirmations to Manifest Money

Affirmations, Manifest, Abundance
©2017 Dr. Minette Riordan

In my first job out of graduate school I was teaching at a private school for troubled teens in Northern California. I was making $36,000 a year and it was the most I had ever made. When I started my first business as a magazine publisher, I realized I was stuck at that income and even though my company was grossing hundreds of thousands of dollars, I wasn’t making very much money.  

Then when I started my second business as a coach, I hit the same wall again. That was when I realized that I didn’t have a very healthy relationship with money.  

I was emotionally disconnected from money. I didn’t want to pay attention to it. I struggled with why money was important to me. Until I got crystal clear about what I wanted most for my life. My husband and I dreamed of getting him out of his corporate job so we could build a business together. I knew I had another limiting belief to break through: that I could personally make enough money in my business to support my family.   

Using affirmations combined with journaling and coloring mandalas has been a powerful part of my healing journey. This creative process has allowed us to dramatically change our lives and our business. My husband quit his full time job and we have been working together happily for two years. We are finally enjoying the freedom and flexibility we have always wanted.  

How did I do it? By working just as diligently and consistently on my money mindset as I did on our business. 

The key to changing your money mindset starts with awareness.  

Be aware that: 

  • You are always in relationship with money 
  • You have money blind spots – no matter what income level you are at 
  • Money matters if you want to have more freedom and serve more people 
  • There is always more than enough money if you are open to receiving it 

Using affirmations is an important part of shifting your money mindset. And so is creativity! I love combining coloring mandalas and journaling with my affirmations to connect to the energy of money. When you use affirmations daily, your relationship with money becomes conscious rather than unconscious. But just saying or writing affirmations is only part of the process. You have to BELIEVE what you are writing and saying. If you don’t quite believe what you are saying or writing, add a modifier to the affirmation like “I am learning to…” or “I am on my way to…” 

Affirmations only work when you feel completely in alignment with them. And when it comes to money, it’s easy to get caught up in emotions or childhood beliefs that contradict how you want to feel about money. When you feel conflict about money, it’s challenging to manifest your heart’s desires. 

Some common mindsets about money that we hear from our clients are: 

  • Money is evil. 
  • There’s not enough to go around. 
  • It’s not okay to charge for my gifts or talents when I can help people. 
  • There’s an unfair balance of wealth in the world. 
  • It’s selfish to want more. 
  • It’s not okay to ask for money. 

We cannot break through our limiting beliefs about money until we notice them and bring them into our consciousness.  

Creative Ways to Work with Affirmations 

  1. Journal with your affirmations:Take out your journal and write one affirmation at the top of the page.Below are a few to choose from. Then write down all the reasons why that affirmation isn’t true for you.  

I am creating money in my life. 

It is great to have money! 

I am ready for abundance. 

I am a rich person. 

I love the energy of money. 

I am successful and I love it. 

I have all the money I need. 

For example, if I chose “I have all the money I need” I might write: 

  • No I don’t, we are always struggling. 
  • It seems like every time I get ahead, some new expenses pop up. 
  • I always have just enough. 
  • I am tired of getting to the end of the month with nothing left over. 
  • Have you seen my credit card bills? 
  • I don’t think I will ever pay off all this debt. 
  • I don’t think it’s possible for me to make more money. 

Just keep writing until you have captured all your negative beliefs about the affirmation. 

Then, turn each of the sentences around and make them positive.  

  • I am so glad I finally have all the money I need. 
  • I love having a savings account for unexpected expenses. 
  • I no longer feel stress about money. 
  • I love seeing money left over in my bank account at the end of the month. 
  • I am steadily paying down my debt. 
  • I can now see that it is possible for me to make more money. 

We often don’t realize how deep our beliefs about money are or how negative. After years of family stories, cultural or religious beliefs and personal experiences with money, it takes time to rewrite your money story. 

  1. Color a mandala torepresentyour affirmation. Now that you have some new beliefs about money, it’s important to continue to work with your affirmations. I love coloring mandalas and using color to capture how I am feeling about money. There are many mandala coloring books on the market as well as many free mandala coloring pages on the internet. Pick a mandala and color the energy of your affirmation, allow your intuition to guide you. Write the affirmation on, around or beside your mandala and read it out loud to yourself.  


  1. Make your own set of affirmation cards.If coloring mandalas isn’t your thing, use index cards and markers or scrapbook paper and magazine images to create your own deck of affirmation cards.Write one affirmation per card. You can leave them lying around the house, post them on the refrigerator or your bathroom mirror or carry them in your purse. The intention is to connect your creativity to your prosperity in a playful way that keeps your money affirmations present in your conscious.  

The more you work with positive money affirmations in any or all of these creative ways, the more quickly you will find yourself taking inspired action to attract more money.

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About the author 

Dr. Minette Riordan

Dr. Minette Riordan has been called a modern Renaissance woman. She is a lover of art, poetry and mythology and a complete geek who digs discussing business strategy. One of her core values is continuous improvement; she is a seeker, wanderer and adventurer who loves dragons and coffee. Most days you can find her supporting her creative clients to build profitable businesses. And on other days you can find her in her art studio covered in paint. To follow her creative journey visit

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