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3 Ways to Plan for Success as a Published Author

3 Ways to Plan for Success as a Published Author by Julia McCutchen | #AspireMag

Completing the final draft of a manuscript is a major threshold for any writer to cross, and is certainly worth celebrating as a significant achievement in its own right.

Once we have surfaced from whatever degree of conscious and creative recharge we require, a whole new level of our progress towards successful published authorship begins.

Naturally, we need to plan ahead to ensure that we stay on track with our intentions to reach our readers with our message and stories.

Yet as Conscious Writers, we are mindful of remaining present in the moment with all aspects of ourselves in alignment despite the future focus. This is how we retain congruence between our head and our heart to guide us as we make important decisions along the way.

Whether we are working with a traditional publisher or choosing the indie self-publishing route, planning for success as a published author means that in addition to our writing, our attention is required for many other activities.

So what are the main areas we need to focus on to give our book the best possible chance of success in the world?

  1. Reach Out to Your Audience Right from the Start

The mindset of successful contemporary authors incorporates sharing as an integral part of the creative process. Conscious Writing teaches this as the out-breath which follows the in-breath of receiving inspiration and ideas, like the Taoist principles of yin and yang constantly flowing in the dance of creation.

As authors we need to remove our cloak of invisibility and make a stand for what we believe in by sharing our work with a true voice; on the page through the words we write and in the world through the awakened actions we take to connect with our audience.

This process ideally begins long before our manuscript is completed and usually includes writing a blog and setting up social media accounts in our name rather than using the title we think we may use for our book.

These actions build awareness of who we are and what we are passionate about and provide us with a head start when it comes to attracting positive attention from publishers, the media, and ultimately our whole audience.

  1. Develop Your Content Before and During the Writing Process

Adopting a conscious and creative approach to writing usually leads us to experience an extraordinary unfolding of depth and detail during the process of crafting our book.

Conscious Writing is designed to facilitate this end result alongside the inherent transformation of ourselves as an integral part of the journey. Stephen Harrod Buhner explains, “We are not only the shaper but the shaped.”

Yet before we even begin to write, if we have already spent time developing our ideas so they arrive as “tried and tested” on the page, there is an even greater potential for delightful surprises to greet us along the way.

There are multiple options for exploring all aspects of our content before, and during, the writing process. These include our personal experience of applying our ideas, sharing facets of our topic through blog posts and on social media, as well as teaching courses and classes both on and offline.

This approach enables us to learn what strikes a chord with others and see what misses the mark so we can fine tune the way we express ourselves next time around. With these discoveries in place, we have a solid foundation on which to write a book that stands the test of time and truly serves its purpose.

  1. Prepare for the Gear Shift from Writing to Relating

When our manuscript is complete we face a major shift as we gear up for the publishing process and for connecting ever more deeply with interested others who will enjoy and benefit from the experience our words have created for them.

Whilst retaining our inner alignment, we need to switch our gaze to all that is required of us in the outer world relating to presenting ourselves authentically and building meaningful relationships with those who are drawn to our work.

Reviewing our core intentions at this point allows us to select a level of activity that resonates with our sense of personal and professional purpose; only then do we plan our forward progress which includes working with others whose respective expertise complements our own.

Launching a book successfully in the world requires the combined efforts of many people. As authors, we shift from solo writing to team work as we engage with the publishing process and prioritize relationship building with publishing personnel, promotional partners, and naturally with our potential readers.

Developing such relationships is a fundamental cornerstone of published authorship today so my final word is to embrace it fully and welcome the opportunities that inevitably follow this path of conscious and creative contribution and connection.

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About the author 

Julia McCutchen

Julia McCutchen is an intuitive creator, writer and mentor who guides people to share their unique gifts through creating, writing and living from a conscious and vibrant connection to Truth. A former international publisher, Julia experienced a life-changing accident in 1999 which triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her spiritual awakening. She subsequently developed a tried and tested holistic approach to access the present and aligned state required for original creative expression in all areas of life, especially writing. She is the founder and creative director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW) and the author of two books including, Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More (Hay House).

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  • Thank you Julia! I’m thankful I actually do this as a professional … So the shift has been the other way around. I’m excited about the future of my authorship and helping others.

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