We all know that feeling when we’re out of alignment with the truth of who we are.
When you’re on a path of expansion, you’re being called to let go of an identity that you have outgrown. It can be overwhelming, especially when you’re in the process of rediscovering yourself or redefining who you must be to fully step in.
You can come back into alignment more easily than you think. It’s a matter of finding your vibrational “sweet spot,” and being able to come back to it again and again.
When you’re in your “sweet spot,” intuitively you know it. It’s the place from which you flow and feel completely authentic. You may feel calm and relaxed, like you’ve come home to yourself. Or that you are back in your center, and nothing can rock you. Or you may feel light, clear and joyful.
You have the power to create that equilibrium within you, no matter where you are on your evolutionary path. Here are 3 simple ways to do that.
1. Release Resistance
You are an electric being with a unique frequency and energetic blueprint. When you’re in vibrational alignment, your human self and Higher Self are on the same wavelength.
But we live in the modern world, and our signals gets distorted just moving through day-to-day life. These distortions can come from chemicals, EMFs emitted by technology, and day-to-day interactions with other people. They also can arise from inside of you, in the form of thoughts and energetic patterns that don’t serve you, or by suppressing or repressing your emotions.
You can release resistance easily, and with little effort, with “electric hygiene.” That’s the practice of keeping your energy field clean and clear throughout the day. If you take a proactive approach to caring for your energy field, you will be able to come into your own personal frequency more often and stay there for longer periods more easily.
It can be as simple as allowing yourself to feel your emotions as they arise and then letting them go. Or you can take a few minutes at the end of each day to release the energy that does not belong to you and call your own energy back to you. If you want to go deeper, you can create a more elaborate practice that incorporates breathwork, meditation, tuning or any other vibrational method that you resonate with.
When you clear your energy daily – multiple times a day – you strengthen and clarify your signal. The less resistance in your field, the more you induce flow. And flow is where your sweet spot is!
2. Immerse Yourself in Nature
Any time you walk in woods, look at the trees, pause to feel the sun on your face, breathe mountain air or sit by the water, you experience the power of the Universe and the gift of your own aliveness.
But you don’t have to go away to a cabin or head out on retreat to experience a vibrational reset. If you can’t get out in nature, you can bring nature to you.
Purchase some plants or a water feature for your space. Or incorporate crystals into your home or workplace. If you love water, listen to ocean recordings or play an ocean drum to bring you into vibrational alignment. One of my personal favorites that I often use with clients, is to play Schumann Resonance tuning forks to help them harmonize with the earth and come back into their personal frequency.
3. Amplify Your Appreciation
According to Abraham, appreciation is the purest frequency on the planet. It carries the same vibration as love. When you tap into it, it brings you right into your vibrational “sweet spot,” because you come into alignment with who you really are.
Here’s a few ways to do that:
-Drop into your heart and hold a person, experience or place you love in your heart. Then ask yourself what qualities you enjoy most about that person, experience or place. Allow the words that describe those positive qualities to flow through you and to feel the vibration of each word.
-What brings you into a space of pure joy? Do more of that! The things that please you are not random and bring you into directly into alignment with your Higher Self. While doing those things, notice the positive aspects of those experiences, and how it feels.
-Create a mind movie visualization of a positive experience. Think about a specific event, place or time in your life when you were overflowing with love and appreciation. Recall as many details as you can: colors, smells, sounds, etc. Allow the sensory experience to register on a cellular level.
Every one of us has a unique energetic frequency that is a vibrational match with our mission and gifts. The more attuned you are to reading the shifts in your energy and emotions, the more masterful you will become at recalibrating to align with who you really are – a powerful creator for the greatest and highest good.