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3 Ways To Cultivate Joy In Every Day Life

3 Ways To Cultivate Joy In Every Day Life by Michelle Alva | #AspireMag

We feel empowered and innately joyful when we develop a relationship with ourselves that is loving, kind and nurturing. By relationship I mean how we “think and perceive” about ourselves throughout our day. No one can see this self-talk, however we can feel this energetically and physically as our thoughts effect our body.

When we receive loving thoughts and feelings towards ourselves, we act in ways that are based on what we truly desire. Our innate desire is to nurture and care for ourselves when we love ourselves. If we receive love from outside of ourselves we act in ways based on what other people think or desire, for the source of our love is from the outside.

When we don’t know how to in source love from our own selves, we base our lives on the external and it is difficult to experience joy when this happens. Our joy is based on other people actions and words and it is difficult to feel calm and stable, simple, easy and light when this occurs, because we are out-sourcing where we get our fulfillment from.

Here are some tips to make sure that we get to experience authentic and full joy:

Feel your authentic self: When we meditate and cultivate an ability to BE fully present and available to our whole self, and be able to feel whatever arises, our true feelings, we get to experience who we really are at our deepest core level. We are the observer of our thoughts, our soul is the part of us that is constantly loving and accepting of us, when we allow ourselves to BE, we unite with that aspect of ourselves, our soul or higher self. Create a daily practice of feeling and sensing your diaphragmatic breath. Listen to this FREE Guided Meditation to Quickly Connect to your Heart and Soul.

Ask questions to receive answers: What brings you great pleasure? What ignites you? What are you enthusiastic about? What do you love to do? What tickles your heart? Joy is a feeling of great happiness and pleasure. When we make time every day to feel fulfilled, happy and in pleasure with simply being ourselves, we get to experience a heightened sense of joy. We can feel joy in simply Being who we are, exactly as we are and therefore develop pure happiness from simply existing! A helpful affirmative statement is “I have everything I need, I am whole and complete.”

Choose to prioritize self-care and self-love, prioritize kind thoughts, words and actions. When we feel nurtured on all levels we get to experience how powerful and energetic we are naturally. Happiness and joy are a result of healthy self-care and self-love. Chronic stress is a sign that we are off balance, and our bodily sensations of chronic stress, pain and muscle tension are powerful “opportunities” for us to come back to peace. Choose an activity that feels nurturing and loving towards yourself and notice how much easier it feels to experience joy. Choose to feel grateful about being chronically stressed also, as it is happening to simply re-balance us, our body loves us and is always giving us messages FOR us. It is up to us how we interpret it and respond to our stress. May we feel empowered and take action in a loving and caring way for ourselves.

It took me my whole life to realize how much I had cut off from my soul connection because I was too busy seeking love and approval from others with too much people pleasing. By the time I was 37 I was exhausted from living this way. I found myself a very unhappy person. I complained a lot about what was wrong in my life, very rarely asking myself the question, “How would I like to feel? What would I like my life to look and be like?” I was a chronic complainer, and turns out, whatever we focus on we get more of. Today may we focus on feeling grateful and joyful of what we have, and feel we already have everything we need. May we feel that inside of us is a well-spring of unlimited love, joy and abundance! Let me know how these exercises benefit you in your every day life! Email me at

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About the author 

Michelle Alva

Michelle Alva, Pelvic Floor and Women's Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist, PSYCH-K® Facilitator & Sound Healer for 21 years, is a woman on a mission to educate and empower individuals on HOW to heal, live connected, empowered and embodied. She created Begin Within: Experience Deeper Intimacy And Body Connection Global Teleclass and The Alva Method® of Empowerment and Healing At The Speed Of Light to serve as a catalyst for individuals to create a healthy mindsets and "Major Healing with Minor Effort" in their everyday life. Download FREE guided meditations to uplift yourself and the world at

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