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3 Ways to Align with Your Purpose and Begin Living Your Divinity

3 Ways to Align with Your Purpose and Begin Living Your Divinity by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

You are a divine being.  I am a divine being. Sometimes it may feel super easy to hear those words, but truly believing it’s true can can be a real challenge. This is especially true when we are struggling for clarity around our purpose and how we are to serve. That uncertainty can cause us to feel lost and wandering.  

I want to remind you of one thing that is critical to moving toward accepting and accessing your divinityyour body already  knows everything you think you are seeking. The idea of embodiment reassures you that you are carrying all the information, knowledge and wisdom you will ever need.   

Here are some soul strategies to assist you in remembering and accessing your divinity: 

1.Develop Eyes to SeeThe number one step I have taken to get clear on my purpose is to begin seeing what brings me joy. I mean true joy. This is not the kind of superficial happiness that material items deliver, but true soul level, overflowing, like I-might-explode kind of joy.  

As an adult, we have been programmed to be practical and ignore the things that bring us joy, as frivolous. I have found a path to returning to this level of joy by accessing my Akashic Records and following the golden thread. It’s a nice little trick so your ego doesn’t feel like you are “just” playing and you get to look at things from a high level perspective that gives you the ability to see a bigger picture.  

Seeing how little events, like finding time to play and feel joy, fit into your bigger scope can help propel you to the place where you can truly see how your purpose has been present the whole time. You just weren’t yet in a place to see it. Please don’t let the energy of judgment seep in around this. You have not wasted time. You were still learning other things and you were not quite ready to see things from this perspective. Great News!!! Now you are! 

JOURNALING PROMPT: What did you LOVE to do as a child?  

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Brainstorm a list of things that you do to have fun. If you need to add more, expand to things you haven’t done yet and want to include in your experience… then start doing them, even if it is just a visualization of you doing them.  

2.Allow your Ears to HearMessages are abundant. The Universe is always offering you huge clues about what next step is going to serve you in gaining the clarity you seek. Not all of the next right steps are going to be unicorns and rainbows. Some of them come with challenge, lessons and discomfort.  

When you allow yourself to notice the signs, more signs come. It is important to trust, even when you are wondering if that meant something or not. It did. Having faith in the things that you notice is key to opening the flow of communication with you and the Universe. This acknowledgement will bring you additional awareness around your purpose and will assist you in noticing the opportunities that are presenting themselves to truly align with your purpose.  

By the way – there are no coincidences, so yes, the 13 crows lined up on the picnic tables at the park were a sign. And yes, there were meant for you to see them. It is not some ominous warning, it is merely a conversation with the Universe. Answer with your trust and respond with faith in yourself.  

JOURNALING PROMPT: What signs and symbols did you see today?  

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Start a symbol journal. When you see something out of the ordinary, take a note about what the circumstances are and what meaning it had for you. As you start to collect information and data you will start to notice more and more signs and symbols popping up in your field. 

3.Trust your Discernment. The idea of trusting yourself may be one of the most difficult to truly surrender to. We have been told for all of this life and many of the others that we should trust only what we see, what has been proven. I invite you to wonder why trusting yourself isn’t your primary response.  

Do you think that the “tangible” things in your world are more interested in your wellbeing and happiness than your soul? I trust myself before anything outside of me. There are tons of religious elements to this concept and we will leave those for another day, but I want to leave you with this final thought around trusting yourself, at one point in your existence, you had only your soul and intuition to rely on. Those are ever present and have access to far more wisdom, knowledge and vision than the other things you trust, so why not try it?  

JOURNALING PROMPT: What action or opportunity will serve you in the highest and best way today?  

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Give yourself two options and muscle test which one serves you best. (If you need to do a little research on muscle testing and kinesiology. Then go with whatever option tests positive. Do not judge or question, just follow the guidance with faith.  

Purpose is not a destination, but it the journey and tapestry that is woven by your soul. Do not think of it as some fixed goal that is eluding you, but notice the things that are allowing you to truly create joy and meaning in your life and the lives of others. Do more of that! 

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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