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3 Ways Spirit Speaks to You

3 Ways Spirit Speaks to You by Kimberly Tobin | #AspireMag

Ever hear others say “God told me…” “Spirit asked me to…” and wonder why God doesn’t seem to speak to you?  Truthfully, Spirit speaks to each and every one of us.  God actually speaks to us in many ways.  Remember the burning bush in the Bible?  You haven’t missed the boat.  It’s never too late to start listening; making quiet time to listen and start noticing the many ways you are being spoken to.

Rest assured Spirit communicates with us.  God will speak to us in individual ways that we understand.  If I don’t understand one word of German, I’m pretty sure Spirit isn’t going to send me a message on a road sign in that language – God does not waste energy.  You won’t be sent a message that you are not ready and equipped to hear.  Nor will the Divine tell you a million times the same message as you do have some responsibility: communication is a two way street.

Following are a few of the ways I have experienced communication from the Divine:

1) Synchronicities
In my experience this is one of the most popular ways that God communicates with us.  I also feel that many of us discount these happenstances as coincidences.  I don’t believe in coincidences.  To me, it takes Heaven tons of aligning to have you notice a bumper sticker that answers your quandaries or to have two people be at the same exact place at the same exact time who can help each other.   Have you ever wanted to manifest a particular vehicle and start noticing that same one everywhere?  Some say you are just bringing that vehicle into your consciousness and that they were there all the time.  I feel its God’s way of telling me that He hears my prayers and knows my desires and together we can co-create my wishes!  In other words, I take it as a confirmation rather than a coincidence.

2) Signs

This is one of my most favorite ways to receive messages from Spirit!  The signs that God sends are as individual we are.  You see, my favorite color is lavender.  It represents safety and security to me.  When I see something that is that color and in an unordinary surrounding, I know in my heart that Spirit is letting me know that I am safe, secure and protect.  Do you really think that seeing a lavender car pull up next to me at a stop light is normal?  It’s not in my world.

If you don’t feel you are getting any signs from God, ask for one.  Then be open to the answers.  It’s really that simple.  Try this: ask for a specific sign as an answer to a simply stated question.  Journal your question and be open to receiving the answer in many different forms.  Here’s a quick example: “Holy Spirit, if the job I just interviewed for is the most perfect position for me, please send me a sign of a unicorn within 24 hours.  Thank You!”  Remember, this can come in many forms, a bumper sticker, a billboard, an email and countless other ways.

3) Intuition

Everyone has intuition.  It’s whether or not you have realized you are using it.  To me, intuition is God giving me the answers by just having a hunch or really knowing the answer without knowing how I know.  Did that make sense?  Let me explain it this way: Have you ever known who was calling you before even looking at the phone?  Have you ever gone a different way to the grocery store on a hunch just to find out the road was shut down because of an accident?  Have you ever had that feeling, ignore it and find yourself stuck in traffic or worse, in the accident?

Can you see the theme yet?  One of the first steps is to get to know yourself and second is to be open to the things you feel and see.  The more open you are to recognizing the feelings and signs that is being sent you, the more you will get.  I actually receive many different kinds of communication each day from Spirit.  If I’m feeling down, it’s not a surprise anymore for me to find a feather in my house.  If I get distracted at home and am late leaving for an appointment, I don’t stress because I know that God needed me to be delayed.  Am I always absolutely sure the reason?  No, but I trust that it was for my highest good.  Maybe I have missed an accident or hit every green light between home and the destination!

The third important thing is to journal your feelings and findings.  You may not notice a trend in your communications without something to refer back to.  Now, don’t groan about journaling.  It doesn’t have to be a book each time.  Start with a couple of sentences and go from there.

In my opinion, the very most important thing is to make time in your day to truly listen.  Quiet yourself, whether through meditation or breathing exercises or your favorite method of making space for Spirit.  When you show God that you are ready to be open and receiving, you will receive an answer.  While in prayer make sure to stop talking long enough to feel God’s presence and guidance.

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About the author 

Kimberly Tobin

Kimberly Tobin is a life coach, business strategist and speaker helping Spiritual women clearly acknowledge and use their gifts to create the life they can fully embrace daily. She is passionate about helping women see the opportunities right in front of them that fear and self doubt easily hide.

Kimberly works virtually with clients offering transformational programs, presentations and classes at her office in Missouri, as well as beautiful locations around the world. Learn more about Kimberly at

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