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3 Ways to Generate Content a Blog Post Plan B

BlogIt’s one hour before your blog is supposed to be published and your kid just spiked a fever. You’re in a panic. Instead of poking around WordPress, you find yourself sitting in the doctor’s waiting room, worrying about your sick child. Underneath your parental worries, you feel anxious about missing a post. (Why? Because you know that consistency is a key to blogging success.)

Does it always have to be this way? NO!

You can have on hand Plan B blog posts for when life interrupts your publishing schedule. With a little advance planning, you can have several posts in “draft” mode on your website, waiting to save the day. (I recommend having three “just-in-case posts at all times.)

Here are ideas for easy Plan B posts you can create.

One: Ask your audience a question on Facebook

If you have an active business page or group, this is a great place to mine for information. (You can also ask the same question on your personal page.) A Plan B question might be, “When you achieved a major goal, what was one thing you did to make it happen?” This kind of question will yield all kinds of helpful tips. Grab the “Top Ten” and make a Plan B post of “The Top Ten Tips for Achieving Your Dreams.” Include an image and voila! a draft post is created.

Two: Find a compelling image quote on Pinterest

Pinterest is not only a great place to share your blog post image with a link to your website, it’s excellent fodder for gorgeous inspirational quotes. Brainstorm a list of general themes which support your overall blog theme and goals. Then search for quotes that support those items. You can build a short post around an inspirational quote.

For example, a writer might share Flannery O’Connor’s quote, “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.” A blog post based upon this quote could be ways to capture your thoughts by journaling, voice recording, sending emails to yourself, etc.

Three: Pull from your running list of questions that your clients ask

You often get asked questions by your clients and prospects. Keep a running list either in a Word or Google document (I use Evernote) of these questions as they are great fodder for compelling blog posts, in general.

You can also create a survey (via SurveyMonkey) or a poll in Facebook to pose a question of your audience. For example, if you’re a life coach, ask something like, “[Blank] keeps me from living my dreams.” As people reply, add their responses to notes. You can create a list post or write a short blog about dream-killers.

If you pre-plan for those times when you just can get to writing, editing, or publishing your posts, the stress and overwhelmed feeling can be avoided. The only question remains: When will you begin?

Want more juicy blogging how-tos? Download my FREE gift, “Stop Stressing Over Your Next Blog Post: 5-steps to Publishing Client-attracting Posts.

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About the author 

Deborah Kevin

A two-time international bestseller co-author, Deborah Kevin loves helping visionary entrepreneurs attract their ideal clients by tapping into and sharing their stories of healing and truth. Ms. Kevin is an associate editor with Inspired Living Publishing and a former online editor of Little Patuxent Review. Her passions include travel, cooking, hiking, and kayaking. She lives in Maryland with her family and their cat Princess Leia and puppy Fergus—that is when they're not off discovering the world. Visit to learn more.

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