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3 Ways Conscious Writing Reveals Your Inner Joy

3 Ways Conscious Writing Reveals Your Inner Joy by Julia McCutchen | #AspireMag

Conscious Writing is a holistic and practical approach to creative awakening that leads you to discover your true self and express your true voice on the page and in the world.

It’s the core teaching for anyone who has a message to share or a story to tell and feels inspired to make a positive difference in the world. It can be applied to any and all types of writing including journaling, blogs, books, social media and business communications, and is a way of blending soul and craft.

So how does it reveal your inner joy?

Quite simply, Conscious Writing guides you to create, write and live your life from the level of your true self, the eternal part of you that lies beyond the fears and anxieties of your everyday self. When you’re connected with your authentic inner core, you naturally experience joy as it’s the essence of who you truly are.

Joy is not something you find outside yourself through meeting the right partner, having an abundant bank balance or a perfect business. Sure, those details can contribute to feelings of security and well-being. Yet they are inherently impermanent.

True joy is an enduring state of being that arises from within you. It’s revealed when you clear away the layers of conditioned patterns of thought and behaviour that belong to your everyday self and obscure joy from being felt, and lived, as your natural birthright.

  1. Discover Your True Self

Whether you have aspirations of authorship or would simply like to feel more joyful in everyday life, an appreciation of the true nature of joy explains why Conscious Writing teaches you to begin by looking within to discover your true self.

Your everyday self is the part of you that has been taught ‘how life is’ which usually includes an array of limiting beliefs that shape you into being a certain way and often lead to increased suffering rather than amplified joy.

This is because we all need the space to be truly authentic if we are to have a joyful, passionate and fulfilling experience of life. When you connect with your inner truth, you find the courage to let go of who you think you should be, and discover how effortless it is to be who you truly are.

Here’s the How

Conscious Writing teaches 7 Core Principles for discovering your true self and establishing a conscious and joyful approach to each and every moment of life:

  1. Presence
  2. Alignment
  3. Authenticity
  4. Balance
  5. Simplicity
  6. Intuition
  7. Connection

Dive In:

  • Make it a priority to spend 15 to 20 minutes each day sitting quietly. Close your eyes and anchor your attention to your breathing.
  • Simply witness and observe the breath flowing in and out of your body.
  • When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath without criticizing yourself for ‘failing’ to pay attention.
  • Training your mind to rest on a single point of focus brings you into a present state of being with all aspects of yourself in alignment.
  • This leads you to access a deep space of authentic truth within you where you discover your true self and the source of your inner joy.
  1. Experience Your Natural Creative Flow

Discovering your true self is a process that sets you free to realize your full potential at every level. Even brief moments of connection with your inner core shift your perspective and guide you into an expanded state of being that is naturally creative. When you are fully conscious and present in the moment, you have direct access to your innate creativity and the creative impulse of life itself.

Young children are typically creative because they live in the Now and are free from conditioned thoughts and feelings relating to ‘not being good enough’.  As adults, we lose touch with this delightful spontaneity yet creativity remains a strong impulse and many people feel unfulfilled when their creative expression is blocked.

Conscious Writing encourages you to reclaim creativity as a state of being as well as a way of expressing yourself. When you do, whether you’re playing with colourful ingredients for cooking a meal or crafting the memoir you’ve long dreamed of writing, the resulting feelings of elation ripple out through all areas of your life.

Amy’s Story

Amy was brought up with negative associations relating to creativity which her parents believed was a waste of time. Instead she was encouraged to study hard in order to succeed in life by having a ‘sensible career’.

She repressed her natural inclination for creative writing and followed the path her parents laid out for her to become an accountant.

In her early 30s, she found a lump in her breast. Despite telling herself that she was surely too young to have cancer, her fear caused a major crisis. She was catapulted into the uncomfortable realization that she was not happy despite being outwardly successful. Something had to change.

When the results of the tests came through, Amy was hugely relieved to learn that the lump was benign. However, the scare triggered a shift in her priorities and Amy decided it was time to forge her own authentic path and reconnect with her dream to write.

Over the next few years, Amy retrained and ended up working part time teaching English so she could explore creative writing. She has now had many poems and short stories published, and feels happier and more fulfilled than ever before.

  1. Express Your True Voice

There’s a strong impulse underlying the dreams that many people have. It’s a yearning to reconnect with who they truly are, discover their true calling in life, and share the lessons they’ve learned on the subjects they feel most passionate about through the written and spoken word.

When you follow such impulses, you feel the joy that comes from living authentically, creating what you’re here to create and writing what you’re here to write.

Conscious Writing opens the way for that to become your reality through expressing your true voice. This essentially means writing and speaking from your true self where your richest and most original insights and ideas are found. In the process, you naturally stand out from the crowd and feel the deepest sense of purpose as you make the contribution that only you can make.

Dive In:

  • Before taking any creative action, pause and take 3 conscious breaths.
  • Close your eyes, and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth making a ‘haaa’ sound while turning your attention inwards to the depths of your being beyond your everyday mind and emotions.
  • With practice, this simple but effective technique enables you to access your inner truth, and the clarity which arises from there allows you to take awakened actions that will always lead to more joyful outcomes than your everyday self could possibly deliver.

Ultimately, the principles and practice of Conscious Writing guide you to realize that who you become as you discover and express your truth in the world is the joyful quintessence of who you already. Namaste!

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About the author 

Julia McCutchen

Julia McCutchen is an intuitive creator, writer and mentor who guides people to share their unique gifts through creating, writing and living from a conscious and vibrant connection to Truth. A former international publisher, Julia experienced a life-changing accident in 1999 which triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her spiritual awakening. She subsequently developed a tried and tested holistic approach to access the present and aligned state required for original creative expression in all areas of life, especially writing. She is the founder and creative director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW) and the author of two books including, Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More (Hay House).

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