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3 Tips to Living a Life of Joy and Passion

3 Tips to Living a Life of Joy and Passion by Linda Joy | #AspireMag

How you begin and end each day sets the energetic vibration and trajectory for your life. Back in 1991, I began a simple 3 step daily practice that continues to support and empower me in living a life of joy and passion. These simple, yet powerful, practices that you can do in your pajamas have the power to transform your life.

1.  Begin each day with intention. Spending even five minutes each morning (yes, you can find the time) to set your intention for the day.  Instead of allowing life to pull you this way and that – begin each day by writing and stating aloud this simple, yet powerful statement (or one created from your truth) :

“Today I choose to move forward in joy, peace and trust. In every moment I AM creating the life of my dreams and hold the belief that all I need comes to me with ease and grace and in the highest and best for all involved.”

2.  Envision the life you desire – not the life you have. Spend a few moments at the beginning of each day envisioning the life you desire – the career of your dreams; a nurturing, loving home; loving relationships; vibrant health.  I like to do this before I get out of bed in the morning.  It’s one of the most powerful gifts I’ve given myself over the years… and it’s fun!

Have a little extra time?  Gather magazines and greeting cards and cut out photos and words that speak to you.  Create a vision board – whether the size of a mouse pad or a full bulletin board and keep it where you can see it daily. My vision board changes constantly and serve as a sacred reminder that I am the creator of my life.

3.  End each day with Gratitude. This is a big one for me and has been for close to 25 years. End each day by writing down a minimum of five things you are grateful for in your life.  In the beginning you may have days, and we all have them, that it may be tough to find those five items but you will begin to see a major shift in your energy and thoughts as you honor this nightly commitment.  It’s one of the most powerful tools I’ve used in transforming my life. (I actually do it in the morning as I lay in bed. I do the above visualization and then move into my gratitude list.)

Transformation begins within!

DO YOU HAVE A DAILY PRACTICE that feeds your spirit?  Share in the comments below.

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About the author 

Linda Joy

Mindset Elevation Coach, Intentional Living Guide and cultivator of sacred community, Linda Joy is passionate about inspiring, empowering and supporting women on the path of self-discovery in mastering the art of living so they can create and live the life of their dreams.

She knows first-hand the mindset shifts and transformational journey it takes to create a life and, if desired, a business, that aligns with the truth of who YOU are.

As a high-school dropout, former welfare mom and queen of self-sabotage, Linda know the twists and turns of the journey of healing, forgiveness and transformation and the importance of embracing the dreams in your heart.

She passionately believe in the power of possibility and that e.v.e.r.y. woman has the power within to heal her heart, elevate her mindset and transform her life—despite her current or past circumstances.

"When a woman says YES to igniting her inner mojo, elevating her mindset, and owning her sacred wisdom--magic and miracles unfold."

Her family of inspirational multimedia brands are recognized globally for spreading a message of love, inspiration and self-empowerment to women around the world.

Her inspirational media brands include: Aspire Magazine, Inspired Living Publishingâ„¢ , and the Inspired Conversationsâ„¢ radio show.

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