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3 Tips for Creating a More Joyful Life

3 Tips for Creating a More Joyful Life by Kristi Ling Spencer | #AspireMag

In today’s fast-paced world full of busy schedules and information overload, creating and experiencing more joy can sometimes feel like an elusive pursuit. The truth is, so many of us don’t prioritize it like we should, and the result of this can be low-grade mediocrity in so many areas.  

Joy is an incredibly potent foundation that can amplify and support everything we do, from simple everyday tasks to the work we do in the world. When we purposefully infuse joy into everything we do, we bring unparalleled enjoyment, effectiveness, and a magical infectious energy that helps to level-up our life across the board. This skill takes practice, but when done with great intention, can have a life-changing impact. 

A powerful mindset shift to set ourselves up for infusing more joy into our lives is to see it as not just something we stumble upon or experience by chance, which is how so many approach it (and it’s wonderful when it occasionally does happen that way), but to also see it as something we can actively create on purpose through planned experiences, perspective, and daily effort.  

By implementing a few simple yet powerful practices, we can enhance the way we experience life and cultivate more light-filled moments, as well as foster a lasting sense of joy. As I like to say, don’t wait for joy, make your joy! 

Here are three of my favorite practices that can enhance joy, wellbeing, and overall great energy. 

  1. Approach each task with a mindset of joy to create a foundation. When you become highly intentional in making joy, enthusiasm, and love the foundational elements of most everything you do, your life will change and you’ll be amazed at what you begin to achieve and attract. 

Before each task, trip, or project, whether it’s a major presentation for work or going to the grocery store, ask yourself qualifying questions such as, “How can I bring joy to this?” and “What’s joyful about this?” This is a powerful approach that can instantly create a more joyful mindset and elevate the energy in ways you and others will notice. These are also excellent questions to ask yourself each morning when planning your day. 

  1. Create the habit of intentionally looking for and noticing the joy all around you every day. This actually takes deliberate intent and practice until it becomes a natural habit. In our hectic lives, it can be easy to find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of thoughts, worries, and distractions, preventing us from fully experiencing the present moment and noticing the joy that can be found all around us all the time if we look on purpose. 

Whether you’re savoring a cup of coffee, cleaning your house (yes, even this can be joyful!), enjoying a power walk, working in your garden, or doing a task for your business, bring your full attention to the experience. Notice what’s joyful about what you’re up to, even in the smallest things. Engage your senses, smile (this activates the feel-good centers of the brain), relish the details, and let go of distractions. By immersing yourself in the present moment and looking for the good, you’ll discover a deep sense of joy that already exists in even the simplest things. 

  1. Cultivate more authentic connections. Human connection is a fundamental source of joy and happiness. However, in the age of social media and digital communication, authentic connections can sometimes feel scarce. This is especially true in this time after the pandemic, which left so many feeling disconnected and out of touch for a long time. 

Many of us have lost touch with prioritizing cultivating genuine relationships as a means to foster joy in our lives. It does take effort and practice to create and maintain friendships and close connections with loved ones, but it’s vital to our joy and wellbeing.  

Make an effort to spend quality time with people who lift you up and support your joy, engaging in meaningful conversations and fun experiences. Try seeking out communities and groups that align with your interests and values. Engaging in shared activities and passions with like-minded people not only brings joy, but also creates the warm sense of belonging and support we all long for as humans. 

Infusing your life with more joy is completely doable and is part of designing your amazing life on purpose. It’s all about making joy a priority on the regular. Doing this can be so incredibly supportive in nearly all areas, as well as help us to attract even more of what we desire. It all starts with being willing to take part in simple but impactful practices and habits like the three I’ve covered here.  

We all have the power to shape each day to be more joyful, peaceful, and amazing. And, more amazing days add up to a pretty amazing life.  

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About the author 

Kristi Ling Spencer

Kristi Ling Spencer is a bestselling author, life coach, inspirational speaker, and host of The Joy School Podcast who works to help others create a firm foundation for joy, well-being, and success. She has been seen in Oprah Daily, Women’s Health, Entrepreneur, Mashable, CNN, Woman’s Day and more. Her acclaimed book, Operation Happiness - The 3-Step Plan to Creating a Life of Lasting Joy, Abundant Energy, and Radical Bliss, was chosen by Success Magazine as one of the best books to make you successful. You can subscribe to her podcast, follow her on social media, and access her free masterclass, 11 Habits of the Happiest People,

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  • Kristi – great article. Thanks for the three easy steps to intentionally create more joy in my day.

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