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3 Things I Learned about Parenting from the Akashic Records

3 Things I Learned about Parenting from the Akashic Records by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

We have experienced the most dramatic shift in our perceptions of normal that most of us can ever expect to see. One of the most difficult transitions has been the role of parent. We have seen new responsibilities, new obstacles and new awareness. We have had the opportunity to learn to interact with our kids on an entirely different playing field.  

This shifting paradigm has also brought up stress, guilt, shame, questions. And then the cycle kicks in trying to make up for the things we feel we screw up. The truth is we have had moments as parents that are not our proudest. I certainly have. And then your son stops his truck to help an elderly gentleman load something in his vehicle on the way out of the parking lot and you realize, they turn out exactly as they should be, despite your screw-ups, despite your rules and because of who they are.  

This journey of being a parent to another human is full of twists, turns, triumphs and tribulations. Every day I thank my Record Keepers for keeping me on the right track and for the knowledge and truth they share with me.  

1. Your Kid Chose You. For a Reason. 

I often wondered how I ended up with the parents I have. Then I had my sons and really wondered how I ended up with them. When they were born, there was a familiarity in their energy and their eyes. I knew them before and was aware that there was something that we had to offer each other.  

I know there are some really awful situations that make you wonder, why would someone choose that experience. For now, we can leave it at the awareness that there was a lesson their soul contracted to learn.  

The generation of children who have been born over the last few decades and are currently incarnating, seem to be on a fast track to ascension. They have chosen their parents based on the circumstances and contributions their souls are slated to make in the universe, right now. You are here to foster their development and as they surpass you on this spiritual journey, they will teach you.  

My experience is that my son is open and connected, turned up to 95. There is no small talk with him. He has a purpose and a mission and in his late teenage years, he is ready to embody lessons that I just began to understand in my 40’s. So, I ponder, what if he had been born to someone who wasn’t awake at all… and the answer I receive from my Record Keepers is – that is exactly why he chose me. Oh ya, and we have some karma to clean up. Ask me about the time I passed up the death door because I decreed, I wasn’t going to keep reliving the same unlearned lessons.  

The Akashic Records grant you a high-level view of your map and plan while providing guidance around the intersection of the lessons and purpose both of your souls have chosen for this incarnation. The knowledge I have received has been relevant, clarifying and reassuring when I have questioned myself, my parenting, my judgment. 

2. They are souls, in a human body, on their very own journey. 

We want to see our children succeed, without too much pain and definitely don’t want to see them suffer through disappointment, heartache or anything we deem negative. But the truth is that experiences good and bad are inevitable. Their soul came into a body to have a human experience and that is theirs, not ours as their parent.  

It is hard to let go of the bike; drop them off at school for kindergarten and let them drive alone for the first time. And all of those things are necessary. Their soul will find a way to experience the lessons that it has chosen. It’s like the message you keep ignoring, if you don’t let them journey on their own path, the call often becomes irresistible.  

My son is a limit tester. He loves to push boundaries, without much regard for whose boundaries they are. For years, I tried to tame him, harness his spirit, make him toe the line. All to no avail, other than frustrating both of us. I have endeavored to instill in him a sense of respect, while still allowing questioning of the norm. Part of his journey is to create opportunity for discernment, even if he does it in ways that I don’t love. Like the time he was assigned a biology report on the evolution of life from a water molecule. He took the opportunity to convince his class that his theory was more likely about the evolution of life from extra-terrestrial sources. In case you are wondering, he passed but no flying colors.  

The Records are extremely helpful when it feels like something is going of course. The Records Keepers can remind you that your course and your kid’s course are not the same, parallel, or even in the same plane sometimes.  

3. The most impactful lessons come from seeing yourself in the mirror, thanks to them.  

Yep, everything you need to learn about yourself, your kid reflects back to you with immaculate clarity, discomfort and opportunity. The personality traits that most annoy, irritate or infuriate you are likely the same ones that you have – and truly don’t love about yourself. Your kid is giving you the opportunity to shift, heal and recalibrate, for your benefit and theirs. 

See above, where I mention how my son is a boundary pusher… yep, that’s me. My preference is when “authority” attempts to convince me of beliefs, stories, edicts – just because they said so. So naturally when my son began questioning my rules, he deemed arbitrary, I got pissed. It took me a nice heart-to-heart with my Record Keepers to realize that I was working through my own healing with my beliefs around authority and control and he was mirroring that for me. Turns out I didn’t want to look at that part of myself, but these kids have a tremendous ability to force us to look, right in the eye, of who we truly are.  

I credit the transformation my parenting has undergone to my relationship with the Record Keepers. I intentionally pause and ask if for guidance and truth when I am bumping up against a challenge. The Records are accessible and ready to support all of us as we continue to evolve as parents and students.  

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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