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3 Strategies to Strengthen Your Self-Worth (& 6 Benefits of Why You Want To)

3 Strategies to Strengthen Your Self-Worth (& 6 Benefits of Why You Want To) by Karen Shier | #AspireMag

Your self-worth is an inner knowing and deep belief that you are enough just as you are.  It represents the wholeness of who you are inside.  

PLEASE HEAR THIS. You are worthy simply because you were born, and you exist within our abundant Universe AND you are fully deserving of love, belonging, warmth, joy, and comfort.   

You are deserving of your own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.  You are deserving of respect and attention.  

Worthiness is your birthright!   

Say out loud and with feeling: I AM WORTHY! 

It’s an innate part of you and not something you have to earn or prove to another at any time during your life journey. 

Remember this.  You are worthy just because you are! 

As a baby we simply know this is true.  We are immersed inside our own feelings and thoughts and needs.  We don’t worry about feeling validated by someone or something outside of ourselves.  We know we are enough, worthy, and whole just as we are. 

Somewhere along the way, as we grow and immerse ourselves in the environment and people around us, we lose touch with this innate sense of enough-ness and wholeness inside.  It’s not our fault.  We begin to learn unfortunately that we “should” be looking for validation and approval outside of ourselves.   

We begin to doubt or forget our worthiness. We seek our worthiness and happiness from external things and achievements and lose our strong connection to the innate knowing of our worthiness as a Divine human being. 

We begin focusing on our self-confidence instead of our self-worth.  Building our self-confidence, although a good thing to do, does nothing for rebuilding our self-worth.  These are separate things. 

Self-confidence is also an innate trait; however, it’s usually linked to how we compare our skills, traits, and qualities to others, people, and achievements, outside of ourselves. And because self-confidence is linked to external things, it can fluctuate up or down along with that external thing.  Self-confidence is not a constant.   

Self-worth, on the other hand, is a constant that is unique to each of us.  We are worthy just because we are! 

According to Author Jamie Kern Lima, “Your self-worth is the foundation of your fulfillment.  And without it, you’ll never feel truly fulfilled”.  [Lightbulb moment!] 

I spent my life studying self-development, building my self-confidence, ticking things off my list, achieving one thing after another, working more and harder, achieving the degrees and certifications, accepting promotions in all of my jobs, always working toward validation, acceptance, and happiness.   

Those were all good things in my life journey, which I don’t regret doing, and these activities did increase my knowledge, skills, abilities, and self-confidence.  But I was wrong in my expectation of how I’d feel once having achieved them.  I was wrong in thinking these things would also strengthen my sense of wholeness and self-worth. 

With each achievement, when I allowed myself to celebrate it, I’d feel good about it for a very short time, but the joyful feeling was short-lived.  I’d still feel unfulfilled after the good feelings fizzled away from my awareness.   

Then it hit me!  I was looking for validation and acceptance outside of myself instead of inside. 

I did all the things, but still had this feeling of not-enough-ness and unworthiness deep down inside. 

I still heard my inner critic voice inside whispering “I’m not enough” and “I’m not worthy” even in spite of all my accomplishments. 

My low self-worth made me feel undeserving of my accomplishments.  It kept me from celebrating the moments.  It kept me in the lack-full feelings of being unlovable and unworthy to receive all that I had co-created when I was working on my self-confidence.  I looked successful on paper but felt like a failure inside. 

Has this ever happened to you?  Are you ready to believe in your worthiness again? 

Here are six benefits of taking action to improve your sense of self-worth. 

  1. You reconnect and believe deeply in your own value as a person. 
  2. You will always show up with authenticity as your true self. 
  3. You become resilient and unstoppable on your life’s journey. 
  4. You are no longer affected by the reasons you used to feel stuck. 
  5. You will no longer sabotage or underplay your achievements. 
  6. You’ll be able to celebrate your wins because you’ll feel fulfilled by them! 

The moment you learn to trust yourself and reconnect with your worthiness, your entire world will change for the better.  Here are 3 strategies to help you strengthen your self-worth.   

  1. Start with daily affirmations like “I AM worthy” and “I AM enough” and “I AM Uniquely me and there is NOBODY else like me on this Earth” or any similar phrases that resonate with you.  Say them out loud daily with feeling and conviction.  Pretty soon this will become a resurrected belief for you. 
  2. When the little inner critic starts her rant and whispers, “you’re not worthy or not enough”, stop her in her tracks.  Let that negative thought go, process the energy, and replace it with the truth of who you are.  You are worthy! 
  3. Listen to your inner wisdom and honor your thoughts and feelings.  Honor your personal boundaries.  Remember that people pleasing is not living authentically and therefore not strengthening your self-worth.  Stand in the beautiful truth of who you are. 

You are worthy just because you are! 

3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (So You Can Hear Your Inner Wisdom) eGuide

Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default. Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.

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About the author 

Karen Shier

Karen Shier is a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Bestselling Author.

She supports midlife women to release what no longer lights them up so that they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their life. Karen guides clients with intuitive coaching, transformational strategies and proven processes and guides them from feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy to feeling free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life.

Through her Joyful Jumpstart coaching program, Inner Critic online course, and speaking, Karen supports midlife women to soothe their inner critic and enhance their intuition so they cocreate the aligned life they desire.

She is a powerful speaker and empowering media guest. She has appeared on numerous podcasts and summits, and been invited to share her wisdom in private communities. You’ll find empowering strategies on topics such as Energy Mastery, Inner Wisdom vs. Inner Critic, Law of Attraction and more on her YouTube channel.

If you’re ready to soothe your inner critic, download your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic today.

Learn more at

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