Are you experiencing midlife doing the same routine day after day, rarely remembering what you did the day before, and feeling as though you have nothing to look forward to? Have you arrived in your midlife years only to wonder if there is more? Perhaps you’re living your life, but never enjoying it or anything in it. If this sounds familiar, you are probably living your life, and the relationships in it, on autopilot.
The devastating part about living life this way, especially when it comes to your relationships, is that you often don’t even realize you’re doing it. You’re just floating through life, wishing for more, but you may not be sure how to make a change, how to get what you want, or how to feel better and more joyful on a regular basis.
While many people sadly live out their entire lives on autopilot, the way to create a truly rewarding and abundant life is to become totally aware, open, and adaptable. It’s CHOOSING to live life from this day forth consciously and focusing on what it is your heart wants for you with excitement, gratitude, and joy.
Here are three ways to stop living on autopilot and begin consciously creating the life you love:
1.Stop and smell the roses. Go for a walk. Hug a tree. Heck, climb a tree. Notice the birds singing and critters scurrying around you. Go outside and look up at the stars with wonder. Take time to notice all the joyful abundance around you that you used to enjoy when you were 6 years old even though you didn’t know what abundance was. It’s smiling, giggling, tickling, and deep belly laughs…even for no apparent reason.
2.Make a list of all of your desires. Have you thought about what you want to be, do, and have in your life lately? Well, it’s time to do that now. Include all areas of your life including your health and wellness, your work, your play, vacations you wish to take, places you wish to live or visit, your spiritual life and connections, your relationships with self, with Source, and with others.
Tell that little inner critic that resides in your logical brain to stop bothering you with the whisperings of why you can’t achieve your desires. Thank her for the awareness and let the disempowering thoughts go. Listen to your heart instead as it understands best your deepest desires.
Then take one little action toward just one of your desires today! Perhaps you wish to move to a little bungalow on the beach. Draw out your dream house on paper or in your mind. Envision it in great detail from the color of the front door to the flow of the floorplan to the wonderful feeling it gives you each time you step across the threshold. Tiny baby steps each day increase your vibrational frequency and bring forth forward momentum to creating this desire into reality.
3.Recreate and Reconnect Your Relationships. Are you in a relationship with another? When was the last time you did something new with your partner? When was the last time you even wanted to? Start thinking about your relationship and stop just “being in it”. Try something new! Remember what it was that attracted you two together. I invite you to plan a date night.
Or perhaps you wish to remind yourself of how important, worthy, and enough you are. Think about the last time you did something happy just for you…and do it. Perhaps you could buy yourself flowers or give yourself permission to go to a coffee shop and enjoy a good book. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to paint. Sign up for a class today. You’ll be glad you did, and you may just meet some other interesting people along the way.
Maybe you wish to strengthen your relationship with your Source, whether that be the Universe, God/Goddess, Buddha, Spirit, Angels, Guides, etc. Open your heart to focus on that connection. Perhaps write a letter of gratitude to Source. Consider opening a dialogue each morning when you wake up and each night before bed. Take a few moments to talk to Source and be thankful and grateful for what you have in your life and let it be known you are open to receive even more.
Finally, if you find that you’re on autopilot or feeling little joy, don’t despair any longer. Your life is simply out of balance and this can be fixed.
Perhaps life is feeling too stressful, too complicated, too boring, or you have surrendered your life to the “routine”, the “not enough-ness”. Plan to take one day this week and really think about your life and what you really want. Get a journal and write down everything you are feeling…the good, the bad, the ugly. Then write down what you want to be, do, and have and most importantly how you want to feel and show up going forward. Then choose to do it each day!
How can you shake things up? Make them interesting? How can you get back into balance and in love with your life again? Can you see yourself dancing around your room and giggling like the little six-year-old inside of you? Does just thinking about this bring a smile to your face? (I hope so.)
Always remember, you can simply choose to rebalance your life and make your world brighter.
You are always supported. You are infinitely loved. Let the whispers of your heart lead your way.