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3 Steps to Starting a Tarot Meditation Practice

I don’t know about you but the moment anyone mentions meditation I freak! I’m a quick thinking and fastmoving woman with a Gemini stellium. Meditation has never been easy for me. My goal is to help make it easier for you.  

Meditating with The Tarot is a great way to open your subconscious and increase your natural intuition. Through guided meditation with tarot cards I have learned to activate my observation skills more clearly in social situations and developed the ability to call on my “clair”, meaning psychic, senses at will.  

I have three simple steps for you to follow that can be done in a matter of minutes and still pay big rewards. Not only will you gain greater self-awareness, you will also become a better card reader.  

You’ll need a quiet comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted, your favorite tarot deck, a journal or notebook and something to write to get started 

3 Step Tarot Meditation Process: 

  1. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and focus your intention to be open to whatever guidance appears even if you don’t understand it, then open your eyes, shuffle your deck and pull your card. 
  2. Study your card visually for a few moments. Allow your eyes to relax into soft focus and scan the scene presented in the card. Does anything speak to you? It could be an item, a person, an animal, a color, a shape, an action…. What is it that speaks to you? Even if it makes no logical sense, this aspect of the card has a message for you. 
  3. Close your eyes again and imagine the scene of the card in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourself stepping into the scene. Take time to notice how you feel and make a mental note about any emotions that come up. Move through your senses one by one.  
  • What do you see?  
  • What do you touch?  
  • What do you taste?  
  • What do you hear?  
  • What do you smell?  

Make mental notes on of all these things. Do any of the characters or items talk to you? Search for your special item. What wisdom does it have for you?  Whenever you are ready, you can return to the present and write down your observations.  

Keep your mind open regarding events that happen after your tarot scene meditation. Remember, the cards are a tool to help you expand your innate intuitive powers. These cardinspired messages hold great magic and insight into how you are traveling through your life right now and what may be coming in the future. 

I encourage you to give it a try and let me know how it works out! 

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About the author 

Kathleen Gubitosi

Kathleen Gubitosi is an award-winning businesswoman, performing artist, metaphysical practitioner, and Creatrix of The Magic of Voice Alchemy™, an holistic approach to voice health and personal/professional image enhancement. She guides emerging heart-centered feminine leaders to set their sacred message free and deeply connect with their ideal audience at home, at work, and on stage, by channeling the most powerful gift on Earth, their voice. She explores topics including personal and professional image, feminine leadership, health and wellness, spirituality and empowerment.

Visit her blog at today for empowering content and download your free “Learn to do 3-Card Goddess Wisdom Readings Video Course.”

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