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3 Steps to Start Your Sacred Haven Living Journey

3 Steps to Start Your Sacred Haven Living Journey by Carolyn McGee | #AspireMag

I was ten years old, playing with my cousins in the river behind my grandparents’ home when I got swept away and almost drowned.  

Do you remember a moment where your connection to your inner guidance was lost? Or you stopped feeling safe? 

An uncle pulled me from the freezing water after about 30 minutes. During that long 30 minutes, I started to doubt myself. My fear took over. I did not remember I was divinely protected. I lost myself.  

Everyone has experienced some level of trauma or drama. We need to have a place that is safe, comfortable, and nurturing to do our sacred healing work.  

Sacred Haven is where imagination and reality come together to create healing portals to raise our vibration and release the drama and trauma in our energetic selves. We all arrive in Sacred Haven with divine timing. Each step and journey are guided for our highest good. 

My journey started during a meditation when I remembered that Archangel Ariel was with me in that river many years ago. She shielded me with her wings from the freezing water and enveloped me with love and protection. I felt peace and safety at a level I had never experienced. I realized I was being called to share the love and connection of Angels with others and although I felt alone at times, I truly never was. The healing portal of Angelic Support was created. 

My childhood had its issues but there is divine balance in everything. My mom had 3 sisters and they all went home to mom with their kids every summer. I said yes mam to all “the aunts.”  As kids we explored, played, dreamed, and worked together. The “aunts” paired off with 2 on and 2 off watching the kids and relaxing. Grandma took us exploring. Grandpa taught us about living with the earth. Conscious Community portal was born. 

Another portal manifested when I lost my corporate job. Without completely understanding why, I felt a need to create a pet care company. Animals have always been an essential part of my being and my dog Buddy reminded me that I could communicate with him. Providing peace of mind to pet owners when they were away from home and communicating with thousands of animal clients solidified that animals and humans are here to support each other in a balanced manner. The Animal Heart Connect portal became real. 

Then the Amazing Plant Lady portal revealed herself to me. Both my grandmothers and my mother were avid gardeners. I have plants that are offshoots from both grandmothers’ and my mom’s gardens. Knowing that these plants were rooted in maternal and grounded love provided a deep level of security and connection. Healing while weeding, nurturing, and just enjoying the beauty of these plants enriched my soul. Each time I have moved whether it is across town or country, I dig up these flowers to bring them with me to root in ancestral love in my new home. 

Living in balance between my heart and my head had been a challenge for me. The Healing Through the Heart portal showed herself to me when I fully stepped into my intuitive gifts and owned my spiritual business. I can talk a good talk – but didn’t always walk that talk…  Allowing the energy to flow through the ground/my feet to my heart felt dangerous. I loved being in my head! Logic =Safe! Spiritual Connection=Safe! Feeling and acting=not so safe. Clearing energy to be safe in my body and take action on the guidance was the gift of this portal. 

Growing up I was encouraged and acknowledged as the logical one. Writing and creativity was not rewarded. I spent many years in corporate doing engineering management work and using the logical part of my brain. I excelled at it, and it was easy – but it didn’t fulfill me. The Writing To Be Me portal opened when I wrote a chapter in my first anthology book. It was the craziest, deepest healing experience of my life. I spoke my truth. I acknowledged me. I was my authentic self. I created an ongoing love affair with writing and journaling for growth and healing. 

There have been many other healing portals along the way and one of the biggest is “I AM” More Important than my Fear. This beauty invites us to be us, no matter what our ego tells us might happen if we show up as authentic.  

So how do we acknowledge the steps to utilize this Sacred Haven energy? How do we review our lives and see the many times that Sacred Haven healing and living has been present? 

The answer is to be present and aware of all that has happened and look for the gift in all your experiences. Here are the steps to help us be present and centered and start the journey to happiness. Awareness is key in recognizing the healing portals that we have and have created, 


1. Pillar of White Light.  Imagine a pillar of white light, like a flashlight beam, that shines from your heart to a star 36 inches above your head. Imagine this light connecting into the divine masculine energy and inspiration.  

Then allow the light to shine from your heart to the center of the earth. 

Connecting into the pulsing radiance of mother earth, the divine feminine and connection energy. 

With each breath remember you are valued and have value. 


 2. Ground yourself in the Seven Directions. To truly feel divine alignment and healing we must center ourselves in the 7 directions. This allows us to see the healing we have completed and the healing still to come. 

a) Take 3 deep breathes in through nose and exhale through mouth. 

b) Lean to the right so your left side feels a stretch then shift back to the pillar of light (center). 

c) Lean to the left so your right side feels a stretch then shift back to center. 

d) Allow your body to lean forward and then snap back to center. 

e) Lean back and then connect to center 

f) Raise shoulders and body up as if putting shoulder into ears. 

g) Drop body and energy with a woooo and then relax  

 h) Put hands over heart. 


3. Ask Your Guides for support. 

We are not alone. I once thought that was true but now, I understand that our guides are always standing by to support us. We can ignore or pretend we are “doing it alone” but the truth is there are loving energies always by our side to assist us. It is our choice to accept the help. 


Remember your divine connection. It is the first step towards creating your own Sacred Haven. 

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About the author 

Carolyn McGee

Creatrix and Intuitive Carolyn McGee is the creator of the Sacred Haven Community & Offerings which includes North Carolina retreats, virtual gatherings, empowering workshops and soul-nurturing VIP weekends for women ready to connect with their inner wisdom, discover the power of nature's cycles, and create a life that lights them up.

As a Master Intuitive Healer, Teacher & Coach Carolyn is the creator of the Soul Clarity System, specializing in amplifying YOUR Intuitive Superpower and has co-authored numerous bestselling books. She is a popular TV co-host and sought-after speaker and blogger.

Unleash your intuitive superpowers and download the Soul Clarity Support Bundle today and visit for inspiring content.

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