It was 2016 that in a dark night of the soul, I felt like a part of me was crumbling away. Broken open, with a rawness and vulnerability that left me metaphorically standing at a fork in the path ahead. I had two options. I could stay on a path of feeling defeated, or I could spiritually surrender and call in miracles.
I choose the latter.
Here’s what I’ve learned through my exploration and experiences of miracles — both big life-altering ones as well as small daily ones.
Miracles can come out of moments of darkness and challenge, and they can come out of lightness, intentionality, and trust. Both are equally magical.
The only difference is your experience along the path to the miracles that you desire to call into your life.
Have you ever come to a point where you say, “I need a miracle.”
Perhaps you desire a shift, change, or improvement within yourself – to feel better, more joyful, content, or optimistic.
Or maybe you desire a change in your outer circumstances – an area of your life that you might be feeling stuck, uncertain, doubtful, or defeated.
Or perhaps you feel like you’ve tried everything that you can think of, or you’ve tried everything that you’ve been told works, but you’re still awaiting that desired outcome. And what you want most is to feel that sense of magic and relief that comes with miracles.
I know. I’ve been there.
So, if this sounds familiar, here’s what I want you to know:
There are miracles all around you. And they are ready to unfold for you.
The word “miracle” is derived from the word “mirari”, meaning “to wonder”. And to “wonder” is to delight in the surprise of something beautiful and unexpected.
A miracle happens when your physical reality meets up with divine intervention and synchronicity.
An event that can’t quite be explained any other way.
There is a sense of magic to life when you see, feel, and experience through your senses and emotions miracles playing out. If you are to look at your life from an empowered lifeview™ — a higher spiritual vantage point – you would see that life is made up of divine synchronistic moments — what I call spirit-led destination points.
And each one of these is a miracle.
You can even say that this moment, and in fact, every moment is a miracle in the making. That despite the challenges you may be experiencing – despite feeling stuck, frustrated, or worried at times – miracles are interweaved throughout it all.
Some magically manifest by a Higher Presence working in your life without much conscious effort on your part. And many happen as you consciously work toward what you wish you call in, in a co-creative effort – through intentional action, positive thoughts, elevating your energy, staying open, and connecting to the true joyful nature of who you are.
This is, in fact, what you did when you were young.
Do you remember loving fairy tales, imaginative stories, and the fascination of mythical characters and creatures like unicorns, dragons, mermaids, fairies, and all things that seemed magical?
With this wonder and delight, through your young eyes, you believed in the possibility of experiencing magic in your life too. To experience the delight of being seen, loved, and cared for by another, or to go on an epic adventure in a world of vibrant color.
One of the greatest gifts in my life is being able to re-explore these magical moments with my young kids.
To re-experience the joy, excitement, sparkle, wonderment, and fascination of the miracle it is to live within a limitless imagination and to EXPERIENCE your own power to create miracles and magic from an unseen (but very real) dimension, simply by believing in and creating the vision for yourself.
The process that I will share is nothing new to your wise soul. These are timeless teachings. But today, you might hear them differently. They might be presented in a way that you haven’t heard before. They might touch a truth in your heart in ways that you have not felt. Or today may be just the right time for you to experience the magic of feeling miracles manifest for you.
While you can mentally grasp these universal truths and timeless teachings, you must go beyond mental understanding if you want to experience something better.
Since you’re here reading this, beautiful soul, I know you and I can both agree on the following truths that:
- there is an infinite presence of love.
- miracles can happen.
- your thoughts and beliefs have an important role in creating your reality.
- choice and action are powerful steps in making things happen in your outer reality.
- to call in miracles you must align your energy, thoughts, visions, and intentions with what you desire to manifest and experience in your life.
Let’s go beyond that and experience them at work.
“Experience” is the keyword here. Experience the feeling of joy, gratitude, and expansion fully in your heart for the miracle it is to have all that you do in this moment — something as simple as your sight or the chair on which you sit.
Ask yourself, “What feels good to me in this moment?” “What can I see, whether in my outer circumstances or within me, that makes me feel good, grateful, joyful, or relaxed?”
The intention is to experience the same emotions as you would when your miracle has fully manifested and materialized.
So, if you’re feeling like you need a miracle right now, what you’ll find in this article is my process and a short mantra from my experience, that will guide you to absolutely align yourself to receive a miracle.
Before you explore the process, here is a powerful place to begin.
Recall that joy, excitement, sparkle, wonder, and fascination you had when you were young.
And know that it is still there.
Recall your power to imagine and create.
Recall the capacity you had as a child, and still have, to EXPERIENCE connecting with the magic and miracle of YOU, simply through what you can imagine for yourself.
Next, come to a space of openness and calm. Clear your inner slate. Lift the limitations within your mind — those that play on repeat, keeping you feeling stuck and separate from the miracle that you want to experience.
You can do this through intentional breathing and consciously and directly stating within yourself affirmative words.
Here’s an example: “I release any and all limitations and allow miracles to manifest for me through the light of love, and of the highest presence, with ease, grace, and flow.”
In this open and clear, calm inner space, miracles begin working their magic more quickly.
And now, I invite you to explore the following 3 Soul-Aligned Steps to Call in Miracles for a Magical Year.
This process is inspired by the 3 supreme gifts of LOVE, THOUGHT, and FREE WILL. These three supreme gifts are divine empowerments that your soul comes into this human experience with, to guide you in creating a life of your choosing — a life of miracles begets miracles.
3 Soul-Aligned Steps to Call in Miracles for a Magical Year
1. Tap into that loving-energy innately in you. This is your unique expression of human be-ing-ness of God/Source/Divinity/the Universe — the be-ing-ness of greater consciousness and wisdom within and around you.
This is simply just about reconnecting within yourself, like you might do in meditation or when you’re exploring and appreciating nature.
It’s about forming that aligned connection with a higher frequency where miracles already exist. The miracles are already there as potentials; by going within, you align with the next closest matching miracles for you.
Miracles don’t manifest from something outside of you; they manifest from within — in connection, collaboration, and co-creation with the Higher Presence of creation.
2. Watch your words. Be aware of your ability and power to choose your thoughts, words, and beliefs, so that they empower and inspire you to continually call in the miracles already available and ready for you.
3. Intentionally align your vision with your free will. Take powerful and intentional action to envision and begin living toward the miracle you desire to align with and start to get into practice of seeing the things around you, and this moment, as miracles.
Here’s a beautiful mantra that you can use today, that came through for me as I was receiving this sacred message of miracles for you.
“I am divinely loved and supported.
I am receiving miracles as we speak.
And I see them manifesting all around me.”
Through tapping into your innate loving-energy, watching your words, and intentionally aligning your vision with your free will, you experience what I call a “divine reset™” through which you can call in and experience miracles.
You experience a re-calibration of your life, a re-birth of hope, a re-connection of your soul-self, a re-visioning of your life, a re-balance of your body, mind, and spirit, and a divine re-set™ that starts from the shift that you create within you.
It’s my intention, beautiful soul, that today you believe in your power to call in miracles and experience the magic of them unfolding in your life.