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3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Manifesting Skills

Have you tried every positive affirmation you can think of, and you still can’t manifest what you think you want?  I, too, have been there. I thought I was doing everything right to call in the exact life I wanted. Remember when your grandmother told you to be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it – she was exactly right! So my lovelies, you must understand that manifesting is always a work in process, but it is something you can get really comfortable with and extremely good at!

Step One. It’s time to get really clear on exactly what you want and fill in all the details. It is not necessary to craft the exact plan and pathway to your goal, it often doesn’t work like that. But you do need to know exactly what your goal looks like. If your goal is to have an abundant life – um… ok, what exactly is that?

I will share with you my goal when I first started transitioning away from my law practice…. “I am creating a life with balance between work and home, where I am completely fulfilled by work and I receive sufficient money to meet all my needs and my desires, allowing me to travel and share amazing experiences with my children.” If I had just proclaimed that I wanted an abundant life, I may have been presented with a life abundant in love, but no money; or lots of money and no time to enjoy life and my family.

My friend is another prime example. When she was in high school, she maintained that she wanted to get married and have kids – now she has those, but has always struggled with money. Her kids will remind her that she has exactly what she said she wanted… and doesn’t have what she omitted. So craft your goal with precision and vision of exactly where you want to end up. The great thing is that you can always modify your goal as you move closer and closer toward it.

Step Two. Ask yourself if you are acting in alignment with your soul’s divine vibration? I know this sounds a little woo woo, but it’s easy to determine if you are acting inconsistently with who you are at a soul level.  Does it feel right or is it like wading through waist deep mud? If it doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t in alignment with your divine vibration.

Every one of our souls was created with a certain blueprint. That blueprint outlines our efficiencies and our strengths, and therefore tells us the best way to manifest. Here is an example of one of my blueprint markers that plays a huge role in manifesting for me. The marker is internal vs. external, so it means do you thrive on introspection and alone time or do you thrive on interaction with others. I am very external, therefore I MUST have interaction with others and integrate in person events and meetings into my business, in order to be most successful. If I was internal, I would be far more successful to be an on-line blogger and never have face-to-face interactions with my tribe.

The most important thing to consider when determining if you are in alignment with your soul’s divine vibration is what feels right. It is absolutely imperative that you listen to your heart for this answer. It is not what your spouse or your mother thinks is right…. It is what feels right to you.

Step Three. The most important step to improving your manifesting is learning to recognize the vibrational ripple of your choices and make choices that move toward your goals – instead of the old direction that has not gotten you where you want to go. If your goal is to improve your health, then you should take a step back from your current place and try to take inventory of your entire situation… look at all the things that are impacting your health and choose one. Make changes in that one area you have identified.

Let’s use boundaries as an example (sensitive women are notorious for having compromised boundaries – this was a huge struggle for me). Imagine that you are planning a quiet, restorative bath for yourself and your friend calls and wants to chat about her drama.  Do you say ok and spend your self-care time on the phone with her? Or do you honor yourself and let her know that you love her and want to help her anyway you can, but you will have to call her back tomorrow and then go take your bath?

If you have always made the choice to put everyone else in front of yourself now is the time to start making the choices that propel you toward your goals and not the same old choices that have not produced your desired results.

It is your divine right to create and have the life you desire… so let’s identify it and manifest it… start NOW!

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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