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3 Powerful Strategies to Navigate Life Transitions with Grace

3 Powerful Strategies to Navigate Life Transitions with Grace by Kelly Mishell | #AspireMag

Sometimes the Universe calls us into big life transitions.  It could be a job or career change, moving to a new place, grown children leaving home, divorce, or just following your inner voice toward something different than what you’ve been doing for years. This internal nudge means it’s time to expandGrowth and expansion are what we humans are here to do throughout our lives. That is the essence of our being.  

Change can produce feelings of excitement and anticipation of what adventures lie ahead. However, if doubt, fear, and resistance also show up, the result will be chaotic, or conflicted energy which is going to block your ability to create what you want.  

Being in full alignment with your desires is vital to creating them.  

Alignment requires confidence and trust that everything is happening for your highest good. 

But if you’re experiencing chaotic energy, you will most certainly end up frustrated and stuck.   

Here are three powerful ways to help you navigate life transitions with confidence, ease and grace.  

1.Get Clear About What You Want NOW 

With anything you are looking toward creating, clarity is KING. It’s like the old saying, “You can’t hit a target you can’t see.”  This is true even when the change feels like it’s being thrust upon you, such as with a divorce or an empty nest 

You might be thinking, “I was very clear about my situation in the past, but this is a whole new situation. I’m not sure now.  

That’s alright. Be gentle with yourself. Some transitions may feel abrupt and uncomfortable at first but there is always a gift that will come from them.  

In our benevolent Universe nothing happens TO you. Everything happens FOR you.  

To help gain clarity, take some time to journal, vision board, or meditate about what feels good and true for you nowSimply play with possibilities and allow yourself to dream about the future. Just this act of fun, child-like play will open you up to new ideas. 

Once you have a clear vision of your future that feels good to you, the Universe will know how to step in to help make your dream reality.   

2.Apply Universal Laws  

Universal Laws are constantly working around us even though we aren’t consciously aware of them. Bringing your conscious awareness of these laws into daily practice can be a total game changer for your life 

As I mentioned earlier, offering a vibration thats a match to what you want to create is vitally important. This is the essence of the Law of Attraction. Your emotional vibration acts like a boomerang and manifests everything you are experiencingthe wanted and the unwantedWhen your thoughts and feelings are of a high vibration that aligns with your desire (think joy and gratitude), you can receive it easily.  

Becoming clear about what you want is connecting to the Law of Deliberate Creation. Once you have your deliberate creation in mind, you are no longer creating by default.  

Now employ the Law of Detachment and the Law of Allowing. In other words, once you’ve asked for what you desire, stay detached from the outcome of how your desire comes to you and allow the Universe to bring it in whatever way is for your highest good.  

Years ago, was in a challenging transition time when we moved to Northern California for my husband’s job. We had a new baby and had to leave my support network of family and friendsI felt a strong need for roots and deeply wanted to manifest a beautiful home for our family in our new cityDue to a depressed economy, we had trouble selling our home in Los Angeles. So, while we waited that out, I made a list of all the things I wanted in my dream home. There were 10 important things on my list. I’d look at it each week and visualize how my home would look and feel.  

Back then, patience was not my strong suit. But I waited and trusted that when the time was right, we would be led 

Finally, we were able to sell our L.A. house and start another homebuying process. Our very first day of looking we drove to an open house that I had seen online. When we arrived, to our surprise, the house was locked up tight. I looked around and noticed a sign on the corner pointing to an open house one block away. I had not seen that home in my online search, but since we were there already, we decided to take a look. 

The house was absolutely beautiful and had 8 of the 10 things on my list!  

We moved in 2 months later.  

Trust that Universe may have to move some things around so that your desire can appear when the time is right.  

3.Let Your Divine Self Do the Driving 

Awhile back I was gifted with the notion that we do not have to muscle every outcome in our lives. The idea of control is of the ego mind and not from the deeper part of ourselves. Your Divine Self is there to guide you in every single step, from the small daily decisions to the large, more life-altering ones.  

Connect to your Divine Self by putting your attention on your heart area and feeling into your body. Next, tap into the feeling and high vibration of Positive Expectation by 

asking yourself positive “What if?” questions. 

 “What if this change is truly for my highest good?  

“What if this transition turns out to be easier than I thought?” 

“What if the outcome opens me up to everything I want for my life?” 

Trust that this time in your life is happening to propel you into the next phase of who you are truly meant to be. Find the good in it and enjoy the ride.  

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About the author 

Kelly Mishell

Law of Attraction Life Coach, inspirational speaker and author, Kelly Mishell, empowers women in their 40s and 50s to reimagine their next phase of life in alignment with who they are now. Kelly guides women toward their inner truth to discover new opportunities during this profound, powerful time of life. Download your free eguide, 5 Signs You May Be Experiencing A Midlife Awakening, at

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